Why is Kim Jong-un in the new Spider-Man movie?

Why is Kim Jong-un in the new Spider-Man movie?

Kekd outloud, thanks OP

He's cracking down on Peter's sarcasm.

I sincerely hope the rumors about JJJ being played by Tyne Daly or Donald Glover are false. I mean, it's already bad. But that would be all new levels of stupid PC nonsense.

Points for relevance.

It would at least make more sense than raceswapping the iconic redhead love interest.

This is going to be terrible isn't it?

Why is Ganke hanging around Pete?

I hope so. If they make a Spiderman movie that flops harder than Fant4stic it will be the funniest thing imaginable.

I saw a drawin earlier today of Superman killing himself titled "DC hears Spider-Man coming to Marvel." I assume it was made when it was announced.

This is was funny to me, considering everything we've seen about the movie since.

>Everyone bitched and moaned for Marvel to get the rights back for Spider-Man
>We get this

I hope you guys are happy

It'll never happen.

Because they're finally going to introduce Miles to the movie audience.

Expect Peter to die in the next Avangers movie.

Marvel has a good formula down and they're good at advertising and building hype.

Even if the movie is shit it still won't flop since audiences still will go see it. That's not a good thing for anyone, but it's what will happen anyway.

I'm pissed, I saw "FLASH" in season 3 of "SHAMELESS" in like the 3rd or 4th episode, he basically runs from a bully.. how is that guy supposed to bully anyone?

He's not. Kim would be too busy running his country. And even if he wanted to, that would involve so much diplomatic red tape and security measures actual filming would be hindered

That's not even how he dresses or styles his hair. And the facial resemblance really isnt there at all.

A little forethought and common sense should answer your question before you have to ask it. Think before you post, next time.

Spider-Ham crossover.

Perry White is Black.

>Amy Pascall is still a lead producer and Sony have final say on everything
Spider-Man never really went back to Marvel

>hating on ganke


It's not even Ganke, it's Ned Leeds.

They clearly merged the two characters together. He'll be Ned in name only. Visually and personality-wise, its almost guaranteed to be Genke.

They should rename him Ned Lee as in Spectacular.

Perry White is as side as a side character can get though. He's still somewhat relevabt to Clark as a character. JJ is a huge draw to Spider-Man as a whole, I think. He's to Spidey what Jimmy Olsen is to Supes.

Only Terry Crews can be black Jonah

shut up, Kim Jong Un

>refused adding $400 to a gift card because $200 is the limit

Is that Ganke? ffs Bendis.

Neither JJJ nor Jimmy Olsen are big draws to the movie iterations of those characters.
Fuck, they just killed Jimmy in a walk-on appearance as CIA.

Smells like an opportunity to make headlines.

>they just killed Jimmy
They never outright stated he was Jimmy in the theatrical release. Didnt they also change Jenny Olsen in MoS from fan backlash

Yeah. I think so.

So he stops causing earthquakes with his nuclear tests.

At least that Ned wasn't a morbidly obese high-schooler.

>Jenny Olsen in MoS
Holy shit! I thought I had imagined all that, the girl from the DPlanet that was trapped in the rubble at the end right?
Who actually gave a fuck she was supposed to be Jimmy? And how did what they did with him in BvS seem better in comparison?
Fuck Snyder and DC everything they do is just headscratchingly dumb.

>implying you ever gave a fuck abut Jimmy
Casual pls

It was part of Sony's deal with the North Korean government to get them to stay out of their servers. It was the one part of their deal with marvel they couldn't budge on.

Hush now little faggot. Never said I gave a fuck about Jimmy. But the backtracking was stupid if that was what they decided to do with the character.
It's being annoyed at constant stupid decision making, not giving a fuck about Jimmy.


no white people allowed in this movie. Otherwise BLM will rage. Peter is Transblack.