When the dumb roastie slut says she didn't like pickle rick

>when the dumb roastie slut says she didn't like pickle rick

>monkey apes beating each other
always funny


She will be fine

this was from a youtube video where they were testing to see if the phone screen would break or not

eh. people get "sad" about this but what's the big deal. we're all going to die anyway

will she ever recover?

no empathy l o l

Stick with Reddit and Memey




same threads everyday

>that dread she's overcome with knowing what's coming

t o a s t y

Wasnt this girl helping child trafficking?


Good, kill the cunt. Kill her. Fucking third world spic shit.

I heard she stole or was cheating and this is her punishment

why they kill her?

Love how the JIDF always make up shit to justify this behavior. Gas yourself

Whats the background on this


does anyone have that webm where in a chink got flattened by a fork lift

based third worlders

Why didn't they rape her ? Seems the logical thing to do

the scummish men look white

Some huehue gave the rundown once
>she got into some shit with some local crime shit(drugs or human trafficking)
>the village found out and decided to punish her
>so they put her phone, which she used to communicate with said gang on her head and though it was a smart idea to crush it with a log
>that was supposed to teach her
>oh shock they surprisingly cracked her skull and drove her spine into her ass
>they all panic when shes spazzing out from the brain damage
>the end

the past tense of slay is slew, and the past perfect is slain
slayed isnt a word

>DC fan finds out his girlfriend likes Marvel

But did they rape her ? Seems like a waste not to

BUURP shit on the floor morty

theyre some kind fo latin american mongrel

Yeah rip

>no it's the woman who's evil! The guys are the greatest. Fucking super heroes I tell ya, just a little bonkers hah
There's seriously not a single way any person alive wouldn't understand that hitting someone in the head with such force would potentially be lethal

>dude women can never be wrong dindu nuffin and don't poop

you can agree with joos on this one

*breaths in*

thirld worlders arent smart

You give third worlders too much credit.

You have to ask yourself 'would a 6 year old understand the consequences of this action?' and if the answer is 'no' then neither will these 'people'.