What the fuck am I watching

What the fuck am I watching

A zombie bromance genre movie?

If you're posting during it your already fucked up, need to let it envelop you
Best way to see it is blind, only knowing that half of sundance walked out, other half gave standing ovation.

You're watching yourself and everyone you know wither away in the wind. We're all going to die and life has no meaning.

swiss army man?

A really bad reddit movie, turned off after 15min

The first 15 minutes is even that jarring
Its a guy stranded on an island seemingly going insane.
I don't think you watched any of it, pretty sure he doesn't even get off the island till the 20 minute mark.

Starts off weird until you realize the main character is dealing with his mental issues through a surrogate.
Once it clicked I enjoyed it more.

is it gay kino?

>ADD autistic sperg can't view and analyze a movie for more than fifteen (15) minutes
How to spot a redditor 101

too much BRAAAAAAP in it for me, it made me feel ill.

He literally only does that in the beginning and the very end.
You know, like full circle kinda tropes.

i know a little bit more than that, but i'll watch it with this in mind and without watching a trailer.

the rest is just as bad
literally film school student tier b-movie.

It's actually a really smart, deep movie if you give it the benefit of doubt and stick around for the conclusion. It's essentially a largely absurd and somewhat perverse deconstruction of what constitutes the identity of a person. I'm not entirely sure if all the pieces and allegories fit together by the end and I certainly wouldn't hold it against anyone if they claimed that the narrative doesn't work as a film, but it was probably the most profound film of the recent years. I find the fact that so many people (often the same people who would pat themselves on the back for sitting through a Beckett play, lol) think it's some tasteless garbage when it's actually high-brow as fuck, artistically and intellectually speaking, extremely amusing.

You can call me a pretentious retard all you want, I'm being 100% unironic right now.

>ywn live with your bro on a deserted island and fantasize about being MEW's bf

i was going to watch it off of the user's recommendation to watch it with knowing only that half of sundance walked out, half gave a standing ovation. but i think you've changed my mind. i will not watch it.

Who doesn't fantasize about being MEW's bf?


Why is Sup Forums having the taste of a dumb high schooler?

> think it's some tasteless garbage when it's actually high-brow as fuck, artistically and intellectually speaking, extremely amusing.
>You can call me a pretentious retard all you want, I'm being 100% unironic right now.

I'm going to call you a sheltered pleb. The films attempt at profundity is meaningless proverbs, and its attempt at sincerity is "ironic" self flagellation. "Oh poor me, I'm shy and find it difficult to properly express myself and live my life to an imagined fullest, I don't have any grasp on philosophy and high art other than the meaningless meandering of a middlingly intelligent middle class young man, and thus I ironically can't even commit to the sincere idea itself and has to hide it behind ultimately meaningless comedy".

I recognize it because it's exactly like a movie I made...

>a depressed faggot lives on an island with the assistance of a farting corpse, as well as an arsenal of MEW creepshots on his phone
Literally /ourguy/

You're watching one of the best films of the 2010s.

How rich of you to be calling me "middlingly intelligent" when you didn't even get the fucking point of the gross puking, boner etc. scenes. Their purpose was not to "hide behind meaningless comedy" but to symbolically illustrate that bodily functions constitute the basis of a person's identity and that the protagonist nourishes his own personhood by reconstructing it in the vessel that is the dead guy and making those scenes humorous was the only way to do it without making them unwatchably pretentious. It was basically the idea of "learn something by pretending to explain it to someone" translated into the problem of a man discovering his identity right down to its most basic aspects. I'm not saying this is some next level shit as compared to what can be found in high art and philosophy, but as far as movies starring Hollywood actors go, it's damn near avant garde.

Pretentious shit.