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best chart edition

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>your sister looks like this
Do you tap that, y/n?


>the virgin army

Dany dies early in season 8.

Shit chart dude


Dany is /ourgirl/!



dubs confirmed it


Azor Jaime.


>Reminder that all women are like this

You put Meera in ugly and evil. Go back to tumblr

>No one should be forced to live the horrors she had

Dany has it way better than the average person in the World of Ice and Fire. This is the same as the people who cry about how terrible Jon's childhood was.

damn this chart is great!

She's just acting on camera, autist

kys OP

>your people can't fight
Picture a dragon fighting the Dothrakis. Funny, isn't it.

What kind of faggy question is that, at least four babies.

>her goal is that nobody should have to live the horrors she faced
>brings an army of Dothraki to Westeros to introduce the continent to the exact horrors that she faced

Lads why is it common that EVERY single woman who watches this show calls the dragons 'babies' and coddle them like they are children?

They are the highest form of chaos and destruction, yet today women love them and the shitskin horde.

So have there been any leaks regarding S8?

jesus fucking christ

Yes, yeah, yep.

First for get fucked bookfags

Why is Dany an old woman in this picture?

And Myrcella.


The best way to unite Westeros after the War is to marry Jaime and Sansa
>implying that Jon, Cersei, and Dany will live


wut? Dude just wants a castle and to be left alone, he hasn't done a single malicious act in the entire series.

paintings add 60 years to your figure

How about you get off the fucking computer go outside meet a women and ask you pathetic poltard homosexual.

Except the Dothraki are there to rape and pillage, and they revered her (almost) the entire fucking time. Spoiled childhood + spoiled adolescence = entitled cunt adult with fans that remind me of why memeing Trump into office was so fun in the first place


Only correct ranking

Lannisters and Jamie will never win because that would go against popular demand. Just imagine butthurt these "reaction" people would get if Snow or Daenerys gets chopped compared to celebrations and national holidays when Cercei dies

Jaime won't live either.

>t. stacey

>Except the Dothraki are there to rape and pillage

How did she hold onto that dragon when it was in a spin dropping towards the ground? She must have been pulling 5 g's. How did she hold onto those spines?

Dragons are based.

>All hail the royal CUNT

Plot armor

Absolutely crushing it on the daily baby pls

Jaime will confirm. Once he joins her, /got/ can no longer deny it.

you're a fucking reactionary retard. GRRM gave D&D the ending and GRRM is a huge feminist it has nothing to do with "popular demand" you should educate yourself on the material before you develop a paranoia of things you don't even understand fucking embarrassing


Nope Roose is a good guy

did you do this or am i seeing things

Where does the prettiest girl to ever appear on the show fit on that chart?

No I said you need to GO meet someone. I would never talk to you so get fucked. Yawn.


It's genuinely weird watching this show. It seems to be trying to be morally grey again by making "good" characters seem evil, Dany burning the soldiers after the scene where Arya makes us empathise with them, and "baddies" acting noble, Jaime

But yet, the audience apparently doesn't see this and everyone outside of /got/ was suppsoedly rooting for Dany in that battle. Christ

>rooting for fictional characters

Tyrion wins simple.

>cgi creatures whose sole duty is destruction
i don't think that word means what you think it means


I don't know. Where is my sword?

*slightly* below Meera and Melly


I really hope you're all enjoying this experience of watching GoT together.

I was there for the Lost threads and when the show ended there was an emptiness on Sup Forums and not a good one. Savor these threads while you still can, guys.

>>rooting for fictional characters
>on Sup Forums

Dobby dies

If Jaime actually killed Dany, this show would immediately turn from a 6/10 to an 11/10.


>"Your people can't fight", Tyrion heard the words but barely registered them. Instead his eyes were locked on the battle, on Dothraki cutting down burning helpless men, men on fire clawing at their faces through the flames being hacked down from behind and ridden over. Just then another blast of flame from above struck the wagons and the entire battle was lit up again. He saw wagon drivers and porters again engulfed in flames again screaming and Dothraki hacking them down as they stumbled about blindly. "The people working the wagons are civilians" Tyrion realized with horror "probably mostly conscripts from the towns around Highgarden" but she didn't know and didn't care. Another blast from the clouds and he heard the two Dothraki behind him to the left burst into laughter. "It's just too bad there are no women here" he heard one of them say, most of them didn't know he had long since mastered their brutish language "Well, there will be many at their cities" the man continued "But the Khaleesi has forbidden-" his companion said, the other cut him off "What the Khaleesi doesn't see..." he said and then they both burst into laughter. "I've betrayed the white race" Tyrion realized and felt the horror of it run through him like a shock. "I've brought hundreds of thousands of these savages into the heart of our country, they know nothing more than cruelty, brutality and rape" still the battle below him was continuing he watched one Lannister soldier, a boy who couldn't have been more than 16 trying to crawl away from the battle his arms burnt black from the flames. Three Dothraki stood over him laughing and as Tyrion watched one drove his khopesh into his spine. The shock of the blow drove the lads head up and he locked eyes with Tyrion as he died. "I've betrayed the white race" Tyrion thought again. "And Seven help me this is only the beginning".

>“Why don the white cloak if you meant to betray all it stood for?“ Why? What could he say that she might possibly understand? ”I was a boy. Fifteen. It was a great honor for one so young.” “That is no answer,” she said scornfully. You would not like the truth. He had joined the Kingsguard for love, of course.

Have you guys heard the new theory that Harrenhal might not have been on the table at ALL!? this completely changes a clash of kings


How would you feel if Jamie had died?


Post the NCW quote, faglords.

>Ghost of Stannis: Without their master's command, the restless white walkers will become an even greater threat to this world. Control must be maintained... There must always be... a Night King
>Jon: "The weight of such a burden... it must be mine. For there is no other to—"
>Bran: "Wait!"
>Jon: "Bran!"
>Bran: "You hold a grim destiny in your hands, brother... but it is not your own."
>Bran: "The dragons' flame... sealed my fate. The world of the living can no longer comfort me. Place the crown upon my head, Jon. Forevermore - I will be the jailer of the damned.
>Jon: "No brother, I cannot!"
>Bran: "Do it Jon! You and Dany have your own destiny to fulfill. This last act of service... is mine.
>Jon: "You will not be forgotten... brother."
>Bran: "I MUST be forgotten, Jon! If the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear – they must never know what was done here today."
>Bran: "Tell them only that the Night King is dead.. and that Brandon Stark died with him..."


Shit tier taste friend

Aw that's nice. Thanks user.

Destruction is based.

you have it, it just looks like shit

>script is still in progress
>nothing to do with popular demand
>most popular show in tv

Nuuuh, nowittenz


I might honestly cry

Will we see Rhaegar this season /got/?



you don't know what based means then

thanks fat man

No plz explain

Dany and Jon win. They live together happily ever after


>chaosh ish a ladda

Dany dies next season, but bronn should have killed drogon

>Danny knelt over, furrowing her eyebrows as a big solid wet mass of fecis slipped out of her behind
>*Braaaaaaaaap* *Pllllllllrrrrrrrrr*
>The Dany fag eagerly opened their mouth, awaiting their glorious Queen's gift
>*Schluuuuuuuurch* *Much* *Grunch*
>Danyfag couldn't help but cream themselves as the wonderful and odious excrement landed on their maw, and began to munch and groan with excitement.
>"Oh, wew, that burnt a little coming out~" giggled Dany, her stumbled grumbling as more was being pushed out
>Like the sound of a roaring Dragon a slurry of green and slurry like shit squirted out of her asshole and splattered the Dany fag, who squealed with delight. Truly, they were in heaven as the got the first hints of corn in thier Khallisi's last meal
Jesus christ. I'd hate to be a diarrhea fag

who would be more dangerous lich king with scourge or night king with white walkers

Is Twenty Good Men the best GoT meme?

Your thoughts on asian twink Bran?

>People freaking out over Drogon getting shot in the wing

When Visyeron gets iced by the Night's King, will anyone care?

Getting crushed by based Bobby "Bane of Niggeryeans" B hopefully.

You are very mistaken if you don't think that d&d won't go with the broad stroke ending that GRRM gave them. Which includes Dany being a protagonist. I'll concede that "weak men will never rule dorne" and "your people can't fight" is DnD's own shoehorned feminist crap but Dany being a protagonist is GRRMs own idea