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It's shit

what the fuck is even that gun


>That gun

Is that a scoped vector with a thompson stock grenade launcher barrett nozzle and something between the main barrel and the launcher, also chambered in 9mm?
This looks like it was made in those /k/ troll threads


those little manlet legs lololol

It's an ThompsonKrissBarret M1A1VectorM82M320 submachineantimaterialrifle, obviously

What's the little pouch thing on the Thompson stock ?

40mm grenades for the underbarrel launcher?
it's giving me a headache everytime I look at it

That is one autistic vector build

>A Vector
>With a high powered optic
>With a Thompson stock
>With an oversized railed handguard
>With what appears to be a second railed handguard mounted on the first railed handguard
>With a grenade launcher mounted on the handguard that is mounted to the handguard
>And just to top it off, a .50BMG muzzle brake

Every day we stray further from God.

I looks like a machine just ate a slew of gun parts and vomited with that result

I could get over it if it weren't for that stupidly glued together abomination of a submachine gun. Whoever greenlit this design should be shot with it.

>no tears only dreams now.webm


This is Cable's whole shtick. This is correct.

ridiculous gun, weird proportions, pouches & buckles. seems faithful.

>they don't have a frankengun that just fires whatever shit you throw in it
smdh, get on my level

Aren't they cylindrical and a bit bigger ? Those look like bags filled with cocaine.

>All those faggots bitching about the gun

just fuck off retards...its lyal to the source materal.
Just look to any Liefield drawning with Cable in it


>All these faggots that don't know retarded, over the top guns are Cables thing


fuck off kiddo

Lol, that's Cable?

who ever designed that gun should be fired

>even the guns and knives have muscles
is this guy a gay homosexual

>Being faithful to the material is bad

Now that's kind of interesting. I wonder if it was a firing prop or not.


Even comics aren't as outrageous as that thing.


there should be no impediment for the shotgun to be usable
the enfield seems legit too, but I'm not sure about the unsustained barrel being safe to hip fire willy nilly

>stands next to a sign
>"it's a sign"

Look out, Jayden Smith


Jesus I lost it at that gun and I don't even go on /k/

>the source material is a justification for the props to look like shit
cable guns are over the top, but they seem futuristic and usable, that's just an abortion wich makes no sense

he just doesn't look like cable, he looks like homeless bum cable. Costume design sucks for non deadpool characters. See Ajax.

Where's that from? Was there Lisa: The Painful RPG adaptation?

that gun looks stupid and unpractical. You don't even need a muzzle device that huge for something that small.

>He thinks that is over the top

Nice try kiddo, but move over for the real gun kino.

Young Ones by Gwyneth Paltrow brother

Ah, so it was the real one in file name. Thanks!


The gun doesn't look stupid and impractical enough


an extended barrel and some fancy shit? the real life gold plated guns are more over the top than that.

Not getting Stephen Lang for the part was a huge mistake.

Notice how he has around 8 guns on him, including a pistol a rocket launcher. Not all of them in one weapon.

If anyone is in the know would building something like this be illegal?

You are like little baby. Watch this.

This is what the casting shoulda been:

It would be illegal in the US. That shotgun is too short.


Hello 2006.

The fire hydrant is almost bigger than him. Is this guy the buffest midget ever?


Oh good one, considering this is OC, faggot. Where's yours?

imdb page says it's Josh Brolin.

can we stop talking about how domino is some SJW white genocide nightmare plot now that it's clear that all the character design is fucking trash

This would look semi acceptable if it wasn't painted gold


The plotline includes a shrink ray


Thats a big gun

It's a liefeld gun, of course it looks fucked up. You can't have a normal-looking one.

Why do gun based superheroes never use A E S T H E T I C guns?

that looks like absolute trash tho



Yeah bro, wood is absolute trash! Fuck wood and fuck white people!

is it just me or that gun is bending in the middle?

Your opinion is trash


>"too old" fags BTFO

What, are you angry that Brolin has more of a chance of fucking the girls in your homeroom class than you do?

Fuck you guys, wood looks great on guns.

Just google rob liefeld

I'm sorry you fucked your build by having shit taste, user, you don't need to start sperging out memes about it

in guns supposed to have wood in them? yes
in fudd experiments because you're a fucking fudd? nope

>the quick pan to make it seem like the camera ma is "surprised"

I think Liefeld has this thing where he draws the people first and then he draws a gun into their hands. There's just too many times where the guns have to bend or look like an MC Escher creation because the hands are in the wrong position to make the right angle. There's also too many times when people are making fists instead of actually gripping the gun.

Guns with wooden stocks looks good, THAT gun looks like hipster shit.

Not my build or my meme, I'm just a guy mocking your pathetic need for attention, sweetie

here, have one on the house you fucking sperg

Stop making these Reddit threads. I'm going to even say please


I thought this was that Richard Spencer guy as a destiny character...

I like that actor and hope for the best. He has been some dope as roles.


He looks nothing like Cable. Why does he have a hipster haircut and black hair?

>KRISS Vector
AAAAAAND into the trash it goes.

you think that's bizarre? check out Domino's weapon in the movie...

First of all, that shotgun barrel is stock 16 inches, which is perfectly legal, even if it was too short, you can just register it as an SBR. Secondly there is no law against attaching one gun to another, assuming you live in a free state.


>I've never heard of 10mm

I guess we will have to wait for the movie to know the answers



>they're more faithful to props than they are to Domino

that foregrip is FUCKING stupid

>9mm w/that muzzlebrake
Retarded, sure, but
>over the top
? Nah.

Umm, sweetie, comic books are drawn. Like your animoo girls

a lot of depictions of cable have his hair cut like that, and brolin is getting kind of old so maybe he doesn't want to have the white hair since it would make him look ancient

Can you not see the white streaks? Or are you meming?