Sorry if this sounds too meta, but, is this the appropriate board to talk about YouTube channels/people?

Sorry if this sounds too meta, but, is this the appropriate board to talk about YouTube channels/people?

Other urls found in this thread:

no. We only talk about game of cucks and capeshit


this is a nice thread

nice hiss.


cool & nice


>Oh wow I didn't even take the tea bag out of the glass, I'm such a savage.

No hiss

No, but we enjoy the quality ASMR that comes from Steve.

>Oh man that smells foul
>Lemme take a bite

Steve's videos have really encouraged me to try more new types of food and be less of a picky eater.


>2 year old MRE
>"Wow this is so fresh."



Is Steve a veteran tho?

You mean
>51 year old MRE from Vietnam
>"Mhm! Nice!"

Seriously, has he ever gotten food poisoning from doing this?


Don't think so. He is /Floridaman/ though.

Nah, child of a soldier though.

He had some close calls I think, but he stays away from the meat/dairy/fruits.
Has no issues about coffee and cigarettes, though.

I would really like to smoke one of those 30+ year old cigarettes. Must be... nice.

Peanut butter is also eternal.

>you can really taste the metallic undertones in this 50 year old peanut butter

>it's an every thing is perfectly preserved episode
>it's a cigarette episode

very nice thread OP

Steve bangs a milf

>A little past the expiration date, but don't let that fool you, these babies are made to last
>Let's take that bra off... Oh yeah, nice hiss
>Let's get this on a couch, I bet that'd look pretty-
>Oh yeah, that's good to go
>If it tastes this good now, I can only imagine how it tasted back when it was issued
>Now let's get on to the main course
>Nice texture
>You know, *grunt*, I think this has aged pretty *grunt* well
>Ohhhhhh yeah

>Well, we'll definitely have to save these panties for the display
>This is definitely the best I've had in years
>This is Steve1989 off MREInfo, hope you liked the video!
>And I'll be coming back at you with something new!
>Or old!
>Alright, cool... See ya.


Apparently they feel like air to him.
Probably tasty as fuck.

>Last time I did was in 2015 - admitted to ER October 2nd, 2015. Ukrainian Ration. ($15,531 medical bill - still no health insurance my rates are a tad too high to justify)

You forgot the
>musical edits while playing with the woman's combat rations

Classic example of why charisma and attractiveness are important, you can do the most mundane shit in the world and if you're hot people will give you attention.

Let's get these (you)s out onto a tray..

I didn't even see him at least until after I was hooked.
It was his voice.

>google based steve to get some reaction images
>see a hot blonde
>huh let's check it, she looks nice
>2 photos on picsart
>profile name is steve1989
>must be someone using his name
>check the date
Is she the southern beauty based Steve used to bang?



>removes panties
>"wow that's a foul smell"

*hand vibrates from lack of nicotine*

ooh thats a real juicer

>that video where he sent his friend the liquor from an Italian ration, which were rare to find still in the ration, because he'd already had one and his friend hadn't


idk user, jamie fucks his own sister in GoT. That's some pretty high-level cuck-blocking if you ask me.

Note that I said charisma


So what's the crossboard dynamic here? How many folks browse /k/ also browse Sup Forums, and who started where? I started on /k/ years ago and migrated to the other boards, but I'm wondering how many people on Sup Forums browse other boards, and I want to know if this is why /k/ is being infected with the progressives. Not saying anything positive about Sup Forums, by the way. Fuck that place. They are the first cancer to infect this place. But the progressive liberals are becoming just as bad. I guess Sup Forums is okay when I really think about it... but still... is this where all the noguns come from?



If the mods don't delete this advertising then that means we're allowed Lauren Southern and Gavin threads here too.

Conservative THOT and buttplug fag man are awful trash and Steve is 100% N I C E, they are not comparable at all.

>ywn ranger pudding

that shit looked so fucking good

>tastes them anyway


Either all of its allowed or none you liberal crossposting cancer


these threads are spammed by authentic furfags redditors

>defending Southern

I browse Sup Forums, /ck/, Sup Forums and occasionally pop onto other random boards like /k/ and Sup Forums when I'm bored

Praise gun Jesus.

> /k/ is being infected with the progressives

I don't follow?
I thought progressives weren't exactly pro-gun.

They're the John Brown faggots most of the time

Now this thread has a bit of a funny smell to it, but I gotta say. It's just got a nice wholesome granular flavor. I can't wait to put that apple jelly on it.

I am loving the Steve support here, but I still don't know where do I go to post about him
It is audio visual content
He releases episodes
He has highlights
It is like a tv documentary but on YouTube
Can we call Sup Forums tv, movies and tube?


>The smell is a bit unusual but trust me when I say it tastes much better than it smells.

Both /ck/ and /k/ will have threads about his videos when he uploads new stuff most of the time. Sup Forums is a bit too rancid most of the time for a good Steve thread.

Why are you babysitting this off topic thread? Is this guy paying like Harmon was for pickles?

Nice to know
Thank you, my lad

>its this is the best X I've ever had and its Y years old
>where Y is older than you are
>and x is something you love
>this is the best cigarette I've ever had and its 57 years old
>this is the greatest chocolate I've ever tasted and its 32 years old
>what a delicious fruit snack. I'm not kidding when I say it might be the best I've ever had and its from 1942
>that feel when
what's the verdict is he exaggerating or is he really experiencing pleasures we will never understand?

I started on Sup Forums in 07 or so, moved to /k/, then eventually Sup Forums. Did a lot of Sup Forums shitposting in my heyday.
That's what makes it unusual and deserving of a second thought. I remember finally believing in shills, though I don't think they were called that yet, during the original sandy hook incident. Threads on /k/ had a suspicious amount of people being called schizophrenic and there were a couple other phrases I saw in one too many threads.
Not saying that's what this is, just saying it makes one think. Or maybe it's just cross thread stuff from Sup Forums and Sup Forums

>is he really experiencing pleasures we will never understand?


>implying frugality isn't a desirable and intellectual virtue
>implying mre guy does manual labor because he lifts weights like a meatheaded normalfag
this meme sucks balls

I always end up hungry as fuck after watching his videos
Also, now i eat crackers, fruit jam, and fruit punches on the reg, thanks to based steve


>Not saying that's what this is

But what if it is. What then?

he's a literal manlet. i'd knock him senseless with one fucking punch

I have something better

Go to Sup Forums or /r9k/

Go to 8ch, it's more free and intellectual


Being paid to shitpost is still just shitposting. Pissing into the ocean of piss

Yes but Sup Forums will kick and scream because they know e-celeb threads are the only quality threads they have on their board and don't want them taken away.

nothing frugal about reviewbrah. He eats shit and craves shit - driven by overpriced decorated sugar.

irl y/tube streamers power rankings

russian dating agency>ice poseidon>baked alaska>burger planet>asian andy

thoughts on Matthias?

I think he's pretty chill

Steve would make a great Naked Snake.

Why does everything taste worse now? Genetic engineering?

don't forget rëddit and morty


Wallace from Wallace and Grommit

>found one of those Russian mountain rations for sale online
>almost bought it
>then I came to my fucking senses
That was a close one.

Those Russian rations look really tasty.


>3 hours
Oh boy we're gonna have some real problems for you soon swaggy

I browse 80% of the time Sup Forums and eventually Sup Forums, /wsg/ and Sup Forums.

Anyone like the daily woo (adam the woo)?

It's a daily vlog and he visits unique places and some movie related stuff

"This is the best ______ I've ever had"

Soeaking of crossboard posting, whatever happened to /mlp/? I just looked and it's still there. What happens there these days? Is it like a post apocalyptic wasteland? A circle of hell? The house from Malcolm in the Middle?