Post your waifu/husbando chart and r8 others

Post your waifu/husbando chart and r8 others

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Why would you pick Coraline's mother over Other Mother?

Because she's not a killer.

nice waifu chart

I hope I'll be able to add a few more squares come november

Maybe he doesn't want to be trapped in other mother's magical world forever.

That or neckplay

>When your taste is so Patrician no one has anything to say

You just took all the good ones. That's a Mary Sue of a husbando chart if I ever saw one.

Well I'm not gay so there's that too but yeah they are all awesome guys


I want to enter a new age of waifus.

Waifus that exist in all space...

Bro, she's literally 4.

Kind of, but even though Violets my waifu I don't want to and haven't fapped to her

She's just too pure

Only at the start, she's 10-12 by the end of the comic.

>she's 10-12 by the end of the comic.
That isn't that much better.


They're pretty much on their period by that point, so I'd say it's better


All right. let's give this a try. Bessie, Elena and otehrs are daughteru though.

Rate my perfectly predictable taste, fags.


>doesn't love their waifus and husbandos enough to properly crop their images

I woyld if I knew half of those user.

More than one waifu will ruin ruin your laifu

>She's just too pure
You're a good person, user.I also understand that feeling.


I like the look of messy cropped waifu charts.

Also my waifu charts change constantly.

Has anyone ever made a Past Waifus chart?

At least come when you have a finished one.

Is anyone rating or guessing age/gender? fine.
not really a chart but ok
generic capeshit protags/10
refer to 4/10


Apply yourself, user.

That's what she said

It's alright, but you really just took the most popular husbandos and slapped them on a list.

Can't really get a good feel for your personal taste here. 6/10, come back when you can fight.

Every time i post my chart everyone says "its shit and you have shit taste"

So no, not again

Seeing these made me curious. Do you actually enjoy all the cartoons, comic, etc your waifus come from or do you just like the girls?

Are you fat husbando user?

I mean, as long as it's not pedo shit it can't be that bad?

more like I have a fetish...

>not a single chart with 50% or more acceptable waifus
>even then, animoo everywhere

Confirmed for grill and not a faggot.

Your taste is all over the place; shy cute and nice boys, cool badboys who are assholes, distant and enigmatic boys.

The conclusion is that you're young and horny without a crystallized preference.

This is actually something I thought about when I was creating my chart . My very first version included characters that I wanted to fuck, but I didn't really care about them personality wise. When I realized that, I redid my chart and only included husbandos that I would totally marry IRL and even have a platonic relationship with.

>Confirmed for grill and not a faggot.


gallery of retired waifus

I don't think I could waifu someone from something I hate. I acknowledge that Zoophobia and Gym Partner aren't good shows or comics, but they are good enough that I can find their waifus

I have never once seen Conan, Thor, Tarzan, or Nightcrawler on someone else's Husbando chart. or Invincible, ow that I consider it. or Samurai Jack.


I'm actually really honored you took the time to make this. This is the most thought someone has ever put into something I made and it made me laugh. Thank you user.

>side bang

It's a good fetish.

Who is that between 18 and Bow?

>likes Bakugou

>likes both Bakugou and Mihashi
Just how much of a switch are you?


>Just how much of a switch are you?
Are you saying Kacchan's a top? Because most r34 of him has him as a bottom. It's kind of adorable, actually -- rude jerk that likes to take it. Unless you mean Mihashi is a top since he canonically has a large dick.

wow, you seem like a COMPLETELY sexually dominant male



i cant find the big one but this was the fist one i posted here

>it can't be that bad
it is, everyone says it is but i dont give a fuck anymore
is ok for me, Sup Forums is just a bunch of fucking hipsters

what is wrong about Raven?

>mlp as your main waifu

Peach is immediate good taste user.

Might as well post an updated micro-harem. Just made it in the last 15 minutes.

>Luan instead of Leni
>a Kanker sister
So close, and yet so far.

And the Mega version.

There is only one waifu, all others are merely expressions of my personal taste and preferences.

I am as a fallen tree that yearns for the fire and finds peace in his own ashes.

>made it in the last 15 minutes.
>yet somehow has better cropping and sized images than 75% of the charts in this thread
you dedicated

Jesus fucking Christ user.

So it's that time again?

I guess i could put Tara in the middle because her voices are hot but I can't say no to a smart girl with a horse pussy

It's not hard to make, I only use MSPaint and the transparent selection tool, a copy/paste of the template squares and Windows Photo Viewer for quick size changing of images without too much image distortion.

>Everybody has an Undertale waifu now

Care to explain? i like the game and some of those girls are pretty fucktable but I just cant see them as waifu material

Are these just girls you want to fuck?


>"There is only one waifu, all others are merely expressions of my personal taste and preferences."

Of course, part of the reason I picked them is because I thought they were the most fun, interesting or well-written characters in their shows and games,

Here, complete with shit taste and very much Sup Forums related

Gotta get dat caviar.

10/10 your chart is my favorite