I'm assuming you've all seen Jennifer Lawrence's leaked nude pictures?

I'm assuming you've all seen Jennifer Lawrence's leaked nude pictures?

Well if you have, you pretty much raped her, you sick fuck.

>Jennifer told Vogue: "I think people saw [the hacking] for what it was, which was a sex crime, but that feeling, I haven't been able to get rid of it.


Hard Truth I would feel the same way if I was in her place.

If you ever get nude in your life, and I mean ever, you deserve it

sorry that not everyone in the world is a sexless prude who is ashamed to take pride in their bodies. not everyone can be like you.

Everybody gets nude user. It's how you shower. Also kinda missing the point there. You wouldn't want to world to see your nude.

this hit a little close to home, user.

Her body is disgusting like her face. Yanomami uneven pancake tits and no ass.

>which was a sex crime
This was the point when I really started to hate her.

I hate Jennifer Whoreance, her tits are subpar

>Everybody gets nude user. It's how you shower.

not me I wear mormon underwear

Don't want to be exposed as a whore? Don't expose yourself using technology that can be exploited. Whore.

>I'm assuming you've all seen Jennifer Lawrence's leaked nude pictures?
No I haven't, what are you talking about.

This isn't /r9k/ you leave.

Nah brah, it's whoever saw my pics who'd feel like the victim.


If she didn't suck studio dick she would never be casted

>he doesn't wear shower shorts


Is it 2015 already

Muh lady. *Tips hat*

Where tf do you think you are, redditard?

She's not wrong. It was a crime of a sexual nature.

Where do you think you are cuck?

Actually don't think I've seen 'em still. I don't get the obsession with celebrity nudes at all. There are plenty of nude pictures of willing women out there that I can look at without feeling like a creepy stalker.


They aren't sexy so there is no point. You think celebs who have to sell sex for a living would take amazing nudes.


harder truth: i'd feel 10 times more embarrassed for falling for a shitty phishing scheme than by being caught nekkid. especially if i had that body.

Who here has seen her colonoscopy photos?

>redditard calling anyone else a cuck

Oh that's rich, fuck off back to redd!t or your Reddit and Cuckold containment thread you shit eating cunt

>Don't want to be exposed as a whore? Don't expose yourself using technology that can be exploited. Whore.
Though I don't have much sympathy for celebrities of any sort (imo giving up privacy is part of the deal with devil they make while chasing celebrity), that's a completely disingenuous response. We all take very minor risks like that everyday. Driving a car, doing online transactions, saying things that would get us fired on here (based on the assumption of anonymity), etc. If something bad was to happen while doing these things I would still have sympathy for the person.

Can confirm, her anal tract is squeaky clean

>sex crime
It's a crime against privacy, nothing more nothing less.


The irony coming from a robot. I've been here longer than you kiddo.

Sup Forums - redditors, retards & cucks

>on my board

smdh no wonder it's so insipid lately. are you the one doing all the pickle rick shit? Only women would bump those shit threads.

Driving a car or doing an online transactions are a necessary part of daily life in the western world. Taking nudes isn't.

Can't you into american logic? Nudity = EXTREME PORNOGRAPHY.

>anything I don't like is a hate crime
>kill all my enemies
Women were a mistake.

That's a stupid analogy. She literally takes pics of herself naked, flaunting her extremely mediocre (I might say) body and then acts all shocked when they get released into the public. I workout, I have a good body and even though I like to admire myself in the mirror regularly, I've never ever taken photos of myself naked, That's a sign of an extremely sluttish behavior.

wow does that much that i'm not virgin anymore?

>I workout, I have a good body

Prove it, stud ;)

Well done on ignoring the third example but even with those two we all take more minor risks than absolutely necessary.

She's not flaunting anything. Those were private pictures between her and her bf. Do you have to be a little narcissistic to take nudes of yourself? Yes. Is the decimation of your privacy an appropriate punishment for that narcissism? I don't think so.

Bitches will play armchair psychoanalyst all day. They're happy to tell you that when you make a stupid move and someone else exploits you, your behavior was "really just a cry for help" or "passive aggressive acting out".

But when it happens to them it's a crime against humanity.

>Taking nudes isn't.
You know, some of us like to get laid every once in a while. Nudes expedite that in some instances.

>extremely mediocre
opinion discarded

oh well. lets FAP
gonna cum to those pix to rustle her

>beautiful actresses need to save nudes in the cloud or they'll just never get laid

They do it because they're narcissistic, genius. If you think these bitches aren't secretly thrilled the public is hungry for their homemade porn you're kidding yourself. The more they talk about it to the press, the more attention they're trying to draw to it.

Didn't feel bad when it happened, don't feel bad now.

Hard truths cut both ways Sir Davos

Hey, I did too. I don't have any sympathy for her because she's a millionaire celeb. But I would have sympathy for something like that happening to anyone I know.

I disagree with your premise but JLaw still talking about this 2+ years later does strike me as weird. If I was in that situation I'd be avoiding mentioning the incident publicly as much as possible, even if I was still angry about it.

That's ridiculous. Being narcissistic has fuck all to do with wanting everybody to see you naked in the photos you send to your bf or bff. Maybe if you're a desperate attention whore with no other claim to fame like Hilton but Lawrence didn't need this shit, unless you want to continue to comically underrate her to the point it looks like you have some sort of personal vendetta.

please please whatever you do don't talk about how attractive actresses are in the nude. and for the love of god don't think of them as sex symbols. there's nothing they want less.

>Jennifer told Vogue: "I think people saw [the hacking] for what it was, which was a sex crime, but that feeling, I haven't been able to get rid of it.

She totally handled it the wrong way and ended up alienated a lot of her male (and a percentage of female) fans.

She should have gone with a combination of laughing it off and using it as an opportunity to do a “public service message”, pointing out to girls that once nudie pics are on the Internet, they never go away.

Instead, she came across as a stupid cunt, blaming others for her own stupidity.

It most feel bad,. not about being exposed, but about privacy,

That's the big deal, this idiots try to transform i9t into a feminist issue (and /r9k/ virgins about whores) when it's all about PRIVICY.

We are being manipulated by the media into turning this into a battle of (you)s, flamewars and giving clicks to the jews. Tumblr defends her, betas attacking her and everyone forgets that the NSA was doing the SAME shit to everyone here.

It's great to have the edgy feeling of being a rapist without having hurt anyone or done anything wrong in any shape or form, I guess. Also, she leaked them herself to build/prove she had a male audience.

huh, that is why I can't get a girlfriend or a wife. Not the matter of fact I don't leave the house.

I wear my shower robe in the shower.

You're doing your point a disservice. Try and write like a normal human being. And a real hero.

>the photos you send to your bf or bff. Maybe if you're a desperate attention whore with no other claim to fame like Hilton but Lawrence didn't need this shit

Then she shouldn't have taken nudie pics of herself.

There is NOBODY on the planet who isn't aware of the scores of incidents of "leaked" celeb pics and vids that has been going on since the Internet was invented.

It's the equivalent of playing in traffic; you are guaranteed to get hit.

It's so hard to feel sympathy for her when at this point it should be common sense to not store your nudes in the fucking cloud. She was irresponsible.

>shower shorts
for the man who has nothing to hide, but still wants to

>Instead, she came across as a stupid cunt, blaming others for her own stupidity.
Welcome to women, user.

You should have dug a moat around your house if you didn't want it robbed!

Nope, missed the pictures, cant find them anywhere either

You mean these ones?

Nope, I haven't seen them. Nor do I have a JLaw fap folder.

You will be banned, but you will resurrect in three days as our savior here.

Banned? Kek. Dynamic IP bro. I can't get banned. Just switch IP's and clear cookies if I do.

Why does she have tits on her back

More like you shouldn't leave your front door wide open. Yeah, it's still illegal to come inside and steal your shit, but you're still fucking retarded

> “But officer, I was just storing my bags of money on the front lawn, how could I have possibly been robbed?!”

The "cloud" is just someone else's computer.

lol @ any neckbeard that claims she's anything less than superb

Weren't there pics of cum on her face?

What, never seen backtits? Yeah man they're totally in now.

>encrypted, password protected material in your private accounts is the same as leaving your door open and unprotected

Broken brains.

>She was irresponsible.
Eh, irresponsible my ass. She just doesn't care to know how the tech works, like 98% of people who use phones or computers. It's like that one idiot who gave her cat a bath and then tried to dry it in the microwave oven.
Regardless, yeah, zero sympathy. Not to say "don't act like a human being and take nudes of yourself" but at least know where you put them.

>no butthole pics
>no facial

>lol @ any neckbeard that claims she's anything less than superb

Oh, she's hot all right but she's no longer attractive because now whenever I see her, I can only see her being a cunt over her own stupidity.


different chick

So you admit they were robbed.


Agreed, you're all literally rapists.

You're violating these women by viewing and sharing their private photos without their consent. A big part of what defines the act of rape is the lack of consent and there is clearly a lack of consent here. The images are even more appealing to you because there is an aspect of "forbidden fruit" due to the nature of the nude photographs being stole and originating from celebrities, which basically means that you're being aroused because their non-consent turns you on. This is a form of sexual assault. You don't see it as such because you have been blinded by rape culture.

If I were to punch you in the face, you'd be in pain. If I were to shoot you in the torso, you'd be in more pain. Both actions cause you pain, but one more than the other; the lesser act of assault is not negated simply because you could be a victim of a greater act of assault. Likewise, the act of sharing and viewing these nude photographs is still a violation of these victims/women regardless of whether greater forms of sexual assault exist. If you sick individuals have a conscience, you will cease viewing and sharing these stolen photos because you are currently no different than a common rapist.

Source: Ph.D in clinical psychology.

Furthermore, I am aware of the fact that legislation is now being pursued to make the act of stealing and sharing nude photographs without the consent of the other party a punishable sexual assault crime that can either be a felony or misdemeanor depending on the severity of the crime. I'd be careful if I were you, future law breakers.


You're right user, A-list celebs should store their nudie pics on the cloud.

What could go wrong?....


stale pasta. try harder

>So you admit they were robbed.

Sure, but she's still to blame and I have no sympathy for her.

>A-list celebs should store their nudie pics on the cloud.
Nobody says they shouldn't other than you. Otherwise how would we ever see them? Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

But that's all I been saying. And it's nobody's business what she takes pictures of or where she puts them.

>Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed her nudie as much as everyone else but that doesn't make me a "rapist" nor does that absolve her of her own stupidity.

>bf asks you for nudes

>leaking hulk hogan sex tape
>leaking JLaw pics

>And it's nobody's business what she takes pictures of

You're absolutely right.

>or where she puts them.

Until they get splashed all over the Internet....

I live in kentucky and everyone whose family has lived here for a while has the same mushed up fucking incest face

I fucking hate it and I literally can't help but feel like these stupid hicks are part of what is destroying the west

and hasn't hogan rekt gawker now with a nice little payout?

just makes me that much harder tbqh

Honestly for her case I kinda do feel a little bad.

However for anybody else after that who were stupid enough to continue using cloud storage straight up deserve to be hacked.

I very much doubt anyone thinks looking at things makes you A or B or C, really. That's just them riding the sjw dick for attention.

They're mostly Trump supporters outside of Louisville so you aren't wrong

>Until they get splashed all over the Internet....
Don't go back to ignoring -how- they got there, now.
On the other hand, fucksaske how stupid can you be that you just give your passwords to someone that asks?

>I very much doubt anyone thinks looking at things makes you A or B or C, really.