ITT: scenes that hit too close to home for Sup Forums

ITT: scenes that hit too close to home for Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

>goes to a wicked smaht university
>has more money than anyone on Sup Forums will have in 100 lifetimes
>somehow got a very qt girlfriend

yeah haha, way too close to home

I don't think anyone here considers himself a nerd.

>girls dont fantasize about being raped, beaten and dominated while making excuses irl for assholes, women beaters, niggers and muslims

sorry faggot

>implying she wouldn't let chad do whatever she wanted

Bullshit statement from her desu

Girls wouldn't like him because he's an ugly non-chad.

If I was killing it at Harvard I wouldn't be here. I dropped out of fucking UCR.

ITT: actual newfags who weren't here back in 2010 when this movie came out and there were dozens of threads about this scene

>rembering threads made 7 years ago

Found the reason no one likes you

oh rats, I didn't pick up on an old meme!!
I hate this place!!!!

why even make up that character when he always dated the gook?

also how much of a fag you have to be to grant women some special approval stamp on others. "she slept with you, that means you're good!"

>my life wasn't in the crapper in 2010 yet
thank god, it was a nice year

I forget, what did he say that triggered her?

It's actually stupid. Girls are usually more attracted to the "asshole-type of guy", the one that ignores them. The one that's giving them attention and is nice to them usually gets friendzoned. The only place where that isn't true is Hollywood movies where somehow the best girl falls for the biggest nerd.

Must be written by a woman. Assholes get plenty of women unless they're ugly/poor or both

how goes being thought of a creepy loser by literally every woman you meet (and most men)?

hows being a faggy dicklet working out for you? Girls enjoy the wormy sucking up

Pretty much every scene in American Beauty.

written by aaron sorkin, lefty male ally fagboi

And every scene with Don in Mad Men.


oh how cute, the Sup Forumstard still thinks he can judge character

cry harder, pathetic creepy loser



"i hope the nice ladies never think im a creep" - literal wormy "Nice Guy" fag women view as creepy





keep on pushing down what you know to be true

its not you, its them, the dumb slut bitches

its not you

youre not creepy

youre not the reason no woman wants to be with you

you couldnt possibly be

its them

its not you

both of you neck yourself lmao


i literally only got the 5 women ive been with by being careless towards them

who is the person you imagine you're talking to

now we're getting somewhere


oh well if you only got with the women youve been with by being a creep then, obviously, that is the only thing that all women want

because these women are indicative off all woman, you see (literally the way a total dipshit thinks)

its certainly not that some woman, like some men, enjoy this sort of thing, and they latched onto that because you had nothing of actual substance to give

no sir, your professional tests have convinced me, you clever, clever man

seriously though, i have a rib injury and laughing at you is making it hurt, so please stop digging

This was a shit movie. The cunt is happy with his mediocre azn waifu so who gives a smeg?

>Girls don't like Chads that are assholes.
This is what numale feminists actually believe.

Truth is all that matters is your level of attractiveness, a good job or being Rich. Nothing else means shit.

ok ur a woman nevermind

nice blog bitch (im sure you laughing very much, now go fap to rape)



well i must be a woman

i mean the alternative is that you are a creepy, idiotic laughing stock

and that cant be true

you are great

you arent a creepy loser

its them, its not you

its the chads, christ why is this beta who is probably a woman giving me shit, got gamn sjw feminazis

its them, its all them

its not you

you can change btw, you dont have to stay a creepy loser, if you only admit to yourself some culpability. the question is whether or not you are capable of that, whether or not your ego can handle that sort of assault. true introspection is difficult for the weak and insecure, after all, but it is possible

his gf isn't very qt.

she's average at best.

Who would honestly be offended if someone called them an asshole?
I don't have a gf because i'm too afraid to talk to girls senpai.

>professional tests
>Not personal Experience.

Come on now you are just projecting because that guy call you fucking fat.
Not everyone here is a virgin like you tumblerinas think.

you better be a bitch, cause that blog post was too gay

But women loved foreign invaders. Hell, they love that Daenerys brought over a roaming pack of rapists and murderers to westoros in GoT :^)

you realize Sup Forums is literally just made up of "Sup Forumstards" from r/thedonald now right? probably 5% of the people that were here in 2010 haven't left already since this became a reddit colony

She is ok.
At least she doesn't look like a fucking Gold digger model that will dump him the first chance she gets.

She is the best he is gonna get without getting fuck over.

What's wrong with bulking? It just means you're aspiring to get stronger.

fuck off back to redit or facebook, holy shit you're wormy

I saved this pic specially for you.

>Girls are usually more attracted to the "asshole-type of guy", the one that ignores them.
B-but that's the opposite of how human interaction works. People are attracted to confidence. No one likes an asshole. Maybe Chad isn't a dickhead but instead you're just bitter.

excellent points, very well thought out

you guys have given me a lot to think on, dominating me as you have

just remember: its them

they are the reason why everybody you know thinks you are a creep

its not you

the reason you and yours are laughing stocks is not because of you, its them, the chads, the sluts and the betas

anyone who speaks against you is obviously a woman, or fat, or some sort of sjw jew feminazi nwo faggot

seriously though, its been fun owning you with minimum effort, have a good life :3

Wew, someone is really fucking mad XD

There are some things that I've kept inside me my whole life, and never told anybody. Stuff that can become sources of great sadness.

So, this scene resonated a lot with me. This will stay with the guy for years to come. It creates a massive sense of isolation within you.

People don't think I'm a creep though. I actually have a very nice circle of friends and workers I feel comfortable around. Then again, I don't call people virgins or creeps just because I don't like them, so maybe I'm just better at the social game than you :)

Yea i remember those threads and they went down exactly the same way that it did here.

Nothing has changed.
The scene remains specially bullshit because Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most powerful men in the world, happily married and this bitch didn't even exist irl.

I haven't made a post here yet, so I'm an independent judge of post quality, and I also have a gf who is hotter than you. Verdict: you're an insufferable dumb angry cunt. kill yourself.

why are you projecting your own obsequious fears of being seen as a "creep" by women on people here?

I'm literally a good looking dude who women like when I'm callous and that turned me off which makes them like me more

Literally no to even miss me


imagine being so insecure that one picture on the internet sends you into a complete meltdown

>with minimum effort

pic of you breezily trolling and definitely not expending tons of effort and getting trolled

shockingly accurate

>Anyone who speaks against you must be a virgin creep white supremacist.

did u know most women cum during rape while you're still trying whatever it is your doing lol

I can't even tell the difference between ironic "uhhm sweetie" shitposters and genuine Sup Forumsmblr retards anymore

But I'm not smart or driven or any of that and I also am painfully aware of how unlikeable I am as a person?!


Fuck, this is totally me

To be fair Tony's anger is understandable.
AJ was a complete faggot.


What's the correct response to this?


the amount of replies denying this means it's really hurt them. good job

Girls don't like me because they only like the top 10% of guys. I'm not necessarily complaining--I can't blame nature. But I'm not going to pretend anyone can get a girl.

>and you are a shallow bitch but it doesnt matter cuz the slit between your legs is a entry ticket for everything


This hits pretty close to home. I don't even know what's wrong with me. I'm not that smart so it's not like I am to intelligent too be normal. I don't think I have autism either.


Really this is one of the most dead on existential bulls-eyes I've seen in media. Amazing it came from some relatively obscure anime.

Over here on some serious HBO drama we get such hard hitting truth as: relationships are hard.

Ive only watched the movie on a couple of occasions.
But ive replayed this scene dozens of times for the feels.

The roast with the most post!


Fuck off R*ddit


Then you haven't watched any of the GOAT shows. Of course they don't spoon feed it to you, so it might be a little hard for you.



Most modern media is very derivative of itself. 90% of writers are repeating the same "moral lessons" they and we heard when we were growing up just in slightly different ways. And usually they're not even truly insightful or realistic, we're just used to pretending they are. See: any movie about drug kingpins and pride coming before the fall.


who benefits?

So where did all the posters who weren't reddit go? Did they just vanish or something?

now tell me about how much you hated joffrey. don't let there be a hint of irony

I actually like this. I prefer solitude.

>le i am leftypol and le i dont like your language of ideas but mine is so much better!!! creeepy!!!

not even women use "creepy" that much so i imagine it's a dude very afraid of being seen as that

Embarrassing cringe level material.