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Quaithe Edition

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typical day on /got/:
>azor hot pie
>anyone have any hd screencaps of season 1 bran?
>tywin warged into tyrion
>letting brown people into westeros
>DEX over STR build

typical day on r/gameofthrones:
>Cersei's lump sum payment to the Iron Bank is a mistake because they will have no vested interest in her winning this war. They'll turn on her as soon as they have the money and they'll fund Dany instead
>Check out this art I made of last night's episode
>Here are several graphs showing screentime for each specific character, sorted in several different ways
>Let's talk about some of the practical effects from the last episode, I can't believe they burned 20 men in a single take

1st for sex with your aunt

Jaime is /ourguy/


Is there a character who mattered more in the books and mattered less in the show than Quaithe? Serious question

Team Dany reporting in!

What does "warg" mean?

new and improved jaimefag edition

>Team cuckhold reporting in

music shouldve been lacrimosa



>Danny knelt over, furrowing her eyebrows as a big solid wet mass of fecis slipped out of her behind
>*Braaaaaaaaap* *Pllllllllrrrrrrrrr*
>The Dany fag eagerly opened their mouth, awaiting their glorious Queen's gift
>*Schluuuuuuuurch* *Much* *Grunch*
>Danyfag couldn't help but cream themselves as the wonderful and odious excrement landed on their maw, and began to munch and groan with excitement.
>"Oh, wew, that burnt a little coming out~" giggled Dany, her stomache grumbling as more was being pushed out
>Like the sound of a roaring Dragon a slurry of green and slurry like shit squirted out of her asshole and splattered the Dany fag, who squealed with delight. Truly, they were in heaven as the got the first hints of corn in thier Khallisi's last meal

That does it, im outta here for r/gameofthrones

>typical day on r/gameofthrones:
>>Cersei's lump sum payment to the Iron Bank is a mistake because they will have no vested interest in her winning this war. They'll turn on her as soon as they have the money and they'll fund Dany instead
>>Check out this art I made of last night's episode
>>Here are several graphs showing screentime for each specific character, sorted in several different ways
>>Let's talk about some of the practical effects from the last episode, I can't believe they burned 20 men in a single take
Then why don't you go back, you SJW piece of shit?

hah, what a bunch of neckbeards

heh... Drakaris losers

stupid white men can't fight

How would Karl Franz and the entire Empire army fare in current show westeros as of episode 4 season 7?


They'd be OP, search your heart OP you know it'd be a joke for them.

Quaithe? Rickon Stark? Storm's End? what are thoooooooose xD

I don't watch the show. Does Dany actually shit and piss herself constantly? Because that's gross.


dude, diana rigg was super hot when she was young, just saying.

mfw meera returns with her father, howland reed, in s8 e1

Yes, and her fans eat the shit up

Well he does have guns. Karl Franz wins.
The Seven Kingdoms will protect that smile.

thank god they dropped her ugly ass

>The incest, Jaime.
>It was beautiful. You two were beautiful.
>The incest.
>The incest, Jaime. In the tower. So beautiful.

Late to the party

Anyone else really bugged when tyrion was saying 'no that's to dumb' when jaime was charging daeneris?

I think there was a decent chance he could have gotten her.

Westero's savior :^)

You kidding? All the armies of The Empire? They're like 300 years ahead of westeros in technology and doctrine. They're also numerically superior.


She's like a white girl "adventuring" around Indian / The Middle east. She eats spicy food and shits water the entire time; she also gets raped and later justifies it to love her rapist.

>*Arya teleports behind night king*
>heh i am no man
holy shit the leaks sound so good

The white walkers are basically the warriors of Chaos, right

>I don't watch the show.
>on it's general
mega cuck

Here are some leak art concept.

>when she was young
not anymore buddy

Tell me about her. Why does she wear the mask?

... Tumblr proves itself as cancer yet again


I'm vomiting.

And then Drogon would have killed him. Tyrion just wanted Jorah to live.

Is he going to survive?

Every episode is like 50 minutes long, jeez! That's like a tiny movie!

>unironiclly watching game of cucks

Any chance Littefinger comes out of this the winner? Honestly decided to watch game of thrones because I saw CIA was in it and played a pretty big role. Not too many spoilers I am only on s2e9

I'm about to start season 2 ep 10 and I really hope he wins cause he is the guy from dark

Better question is, how hard would Deathclaw buttrape Drogon?

what the fuck was my fucking problem?

>manlet is the small spoon

of course he is

>implying you wouldn't still throw her a bone

*Jaime, whoops

>pathetic kingslayer thinks he can ever redeem himself
he'll always be a traitorous faggot, ned knew that

Jonerysfags are retarded.

>Catelyn more attractive than Ygritte
Idk man you tell me

I hope not. I bet Sir Brown of the Blackwater will kill Grey Worm. It will be a poetry of color.

We watched the dragon go down as we were fighting
I'd spent the rest of my life watching it falling
You would charge at the "queen", as I just smile
Hoping that you'll kill the bitch, and madness would fade
And it'll be us, just for a while
Do we even exist?
That's when I make the move, to push you off the hoss
Is it supposed to be the end of our love?
I never would've believed you if three years ago you told me
I'd be here fighting this horde

But here I am, next to you
The sky's more blue in Massey's Hook
Next to you in Massey's Hook
Next to you


boobs feel nice against your back sometimes famalam

only because i'm a virgin

What happened to the Khaloreesi after season 1?


Pretty much, Gurm ripped the "evil from the north" off from Warhammer FB



she has many secrets to hide...

>You kidding? All the armies of The Empire? They're like 300 years ahead of westeros in technology and doctrine. They're also numerically superior.

>implying the empire still exists

umm, sit down user, I have something to tell you

>WAAAHH everyone i don't like is le sjw boogeyman


I miss that guy. I would like to have seen him in modern Game of Thrones.

>Petyr literally off the table

I see that Kit hasn't moved but at least Nikalaj has. Good work.

kys weeb

Saved 500.000 people, arguably the greatest Hero in Westeros. It's why he doesn't care about your shitty opinion of him.

Mage Colleges from the time Magnus plus warpriests of Sigmar and Ulrich would pretty much make each battle go pretty hard for one side (plus those Runefangs)


feels nice even when you arent

serious question, what do we know about Carcosa?

/r/ Jaime and Bronn yaoi

I've been building empire armies for 20 years. I have 700 painted empire miniatures. The Empire will live on forever.

ok but that doesn't make her attractive desu

this is an anime website and anime belongs to ALL boards
non-weebs need to go back

How is it actors like Alfie Allen never get nominated for awards but Emilia Clarke gets nominations thrown her way for just screaming "dragons"?

Why do I love Darkstar so much? It's pretty simple when I think about it. Darkstar isn't just the best character in the series, he might just be the greatest character of all time. Just imaging him riding through the sands of Dorne, the wind in his hair, his mighty steed below him. As he rides through the red mountains, the ladies swoon at his very scent. They know how he smells, the essence of his smell is sold in Planky Town under the the name of "Greenblood Orgasm." The very nature of Darkstar is mystery. could he be playing a deeper game than even his creator realizes? The answer is yes, he has transcended such boundaries as the written world, and has free will to do whatever he sees fit. However, Darkstar is filled with such guile, such arcane craft that he does not even use these powers. Why, you might ask? You will never know, for the mind of the Darkstar is not one that is easily penetrated. Darkstar is such a force of nature in his realm that nothing can truly touch him, the only thing keeping him bound to the page at all is his will to exist within the preordained boundaries of his world. Darkstar is not only beyond the comprehension of us, he exists within a plane of true focus and beauty. Observe his playful smile, his gorgeous and rippling biceps, his gallant nose, and most importantly, his eyes. His eyes, like pools of saffron, provide the only glimpse into the true machinations of Darkstar. Do not stare into them. Many good men have gone mad in the attempt. Darkstar is not just a character, a formless collection of words and images, he is himself is the binding that holds the saga together. Without Darkstar, the entire series, the entire world of Westeros as we know it crumbles. The Trident would stop flowing without Darkstar, the Reach would become a desolate crater, and the Wall would melt without his frosty gaze. These are just of a few of the reasons why I like Darkstar so much.

>Gendry that low on the beautiful scale
Wasn't he rather attractive though?

reminder that everything is bran's dream after getting pushed off the tower

they already filmed the finale when bran was young

>"Of couse it bothers me..."
why don't you bother watching the show instead of a single youtube video

disgusting nose ring
missandei confirmed degenerate trash whore


I think the showrunners decide whose reels to submit for award consideration, right? David and Dan don't care about Alfie

Bronn was five star MVP of the episode;

>Heard the horses first and alerted everyone
>Killed a Dothraki captain
>Shot down a fucking dragon
>Saved his friend Jaime from certain death by dragonfire

And in reward next episode Dany executes him for shooting Drogon

Why does Grey Worm walk like a beta?

that's why /got/ is always more comfy
you literal nigger

reporting in

who will be the night king's queen

Victarion Greyjoy
Aegon Targaryen

VERY fast sellsword moving at incredibly hihg speed

you don't know that. it was only at the last moment she noticed him coming.

its full of jonerysfags here