Reddit 1

Reddit 1
Sup Forums 0

Well user maybe some people have lower IQ and enjoy retarded shit writing more then NORMAL intelligence people

cannot refute this

the amount of butthurt that went into making this image is hilarious.

>Much like the denizens of r/atheism


Not an argument

lol pickel

I really did enjoy the first season and the second season was also pretty good but the fanbase is really ruining this show for me. Now I know how normal AT fans feels like about the diehards.

just imagine the person who took the effort to write this out instead of making more cinema falcon copypasta. Sup Forums is full of normies now

If you hate this show then why can't you stop talking about it?

>anime girl
Off to Sup Forums you guy.


we don't hate rick and morty, we've actually loved it since S1.

we're mad at reddit for taking something we like and turning it into a huge meme.

Don't forget "progressive politics".

Fuck off back to Sup Forums

All this applies to Batman vs. Superman

who gives a fuck? reddit has been more relevant than Sup Forums for years now, whining about who exploited its meme potential more does nothing


Can it get anymore autistic than this?

>nu-Sup Forums will try to refute this

>reddit has been more relevant than Sup Forums for years now
one of the main reasons I have never posted there and never will

if you like reddit so much maybe you should stay there



can i get a quick rundown on this?

This image is great, all I've seen are passive aggressive responses to it.

whats wrong reddit? Mad you cant downvote wrong opinions?

That's because it requires unnecesary nitpicking and that should only be used to say that something it's bad.