Ladies and gentlemen

Ladies and gentlemen...

Where were you when Disney destroyed Disney?

The Lion King was never good.

The only white actors are playing the idiotic characters.

>we picked mostly black people simply because it takes place in Africa teehee!

>john oliver
i dont even hate him like you faggots do but thats a fucking terrible cast

I don't like black people, there i said it

2 0 1 6

they already did it with the musical decades ago

As far as I'm aware, Jeremy Irons and Rowan Atkinson are still alive.

Honestly, most of these are fine. Donald Glover is objectively shit though.

Why are all the lions niggers?

I hate blackwashing but I have no issue with this.

>African people playing African characters in a movie set in Africa
OMG i better run to pol and cry!!!!

Really hakuna'ed my matata.

this... goddamnit. the lion king was (and, i guess, is) my favorite film as a kid

and i fucking hate john oliver so much, i cant watch this remake. hes such a monstrous scumbag


Didn't Jeremy Irons wreck his voice doing Be Prepared in the original? I doubt he's up for it 20+ years later.

Literally why is this a problem? It's animated you absolute Fucking waste of life. So the skin color, the core of all these arguments, is a non factor. This board is such shit.

god fucking damnit i hate john oliver so much

Now that you put it that way, I guess it's a good idea.

I want you to lose 50 pounds and get a gf and a job before you start posting here again.

ain't they jewish?


Notice their deliberate, exagerated non-threatening expressions.

because i hate john oliver...?

>White people playing the smart characters

What's not to love?

Who's voicing the hyenas?

probably some fucking white males

>making an animated remake of a 20 year old animated movie

I guess I shouldn't be surprised but this seems like the most pointless one yet. In what way could you possibly redo it that wouldn't make it worse and would still be a Disney movie? At least with something like the Jungle Book the original was far enough back that you could argue filmmaking has evolved and/or the audience has changed enough that there's something to be gained remaking it. It doesn't seem like they're giving it a new twist like Maleficent, it's all the same characters, Timone and Pumba are still silly idiots, Mufasa has the SAME FUCKING VOICE ACTOR. Fuck this movie.

Is that beyonce? As if can you feel the love tonight wasnt gay enough that remix gon drop now son

Whatever your issue is, it isn't really john oliver or diversity in movies. Fix your life

racist board as usual

well naturally

>people bitching about le 2015 man
>not stoner pumbaa

im sure john oliver & black people appreciate you standing up for them

although john oliver already hates you for being on Sup Forums in the first place, so youre probably wasting your time

>Seth Rogen

I will not watch it on my basic rule of not watching anything that has Seth Rogen.

And that the remake is fucking stupid.

I''m not a racist and honestly it's a bit insulting that all and only the silly characters are voiced by white people. Were Key and Peele not available or something?

>Seth Rogan

How does he keep getting work?

I just googled the Lion King and holy shit the old cartoon movie is playing at like 10 places near me

Eh, who even cares at this point what Disney does?
/r/BlackTwitter is going to have a field day with it and treat it like some sort of "woke" movie n shiet
And millions of little kids will go watch it for the animation and music and end up getting a nice gentle brainwashing by Disney
They'll also have to hear John Olivers voice in their nightmares

This. Seth Rogen has me more mad than John Oliver. I can hear his stupid fuckin laugh now.


literally LITERALLY go back to youtube

>bad news: the cast

Do these bigots not realize that there are Chinese people in Africa?

Fuck you, Can you feel the love tonight is GOAT

What the actual fuck? Casting black people to voice characters in an animated movie happening in Africa?
The absolute madmen.

I don't get it OP, are you saying John Oliver & Seth Rogan are the problem? They are but the original had plenty of black voice actors, so I have no qualms with the remake's choices

While we're on the subject:

>Bambi (1942)
Doesn't contain a grand plotline. The story and content of the film is centered around the life and undertakings of a deer reaching adulthood. This is simple, but also effective, as real life is interesting and mature enough by itself. We experience regular and relatable moments, and the audience feels natural emotions and understandings on what life must be like for these characters.

>Lion King (1994)
Overly bombastic tale about a lion growing up to get revenge on the bad guy who took all the power because it's his destiny or something.

Which film does Sup Forums like more?

We like Lion King more.

>Scar the main villain not white

>Scar not being a cracker ploting to kill all the black kangs

Come on Disney, it's 2017.

Shit's all African anyways. Ejiofor is based casting for Scar.

Disney stopped being kino since the 50's

How could he wreck his voice doing that? He's barely singing

>relatable and natural emotions
>a deer reaching adulthood
>real life is somehow 'interesting and mature' in and of itself
why are film enthusiasts spergs

like I thought video game enthusiasts were bad, but you fuckers somehow take it to the next level

Soooooo, you're trying to compare two fundamentally different movies to each

>live action lion king movie
Hasn't that been basically done a ton of times though?

he already smoked his own farts

dumb neetposter. he is differencing the original from the remake how is he in the wrong?

>when u don't get any representation
tiresome desu

Can Donald even sing?

>People of African descent voicing African animals in a movie set in and about Africa is bad
Really gets my neurons firing

Not even a pity role for JTT.


>African people cast in a movie that takes place in Africa

Oh look its fucking nothing.

Then why did they make the decision to make the majority of the cast black of skin color doesn't matter

>bringing back JEJ

He sounded old as fuck in Rogue One. Recast him.

Fuck off plebe

Other than the "to be" speech with the mirror this wasn't that good

its kinda racist that the bad guy is played by a black. wtf hollywood you scumbags

If stephen colbert wasn't in it it would be great same with beyonce both are A shit

>cast black actors to play Africans
Uh... your problem?

This though. If they're recasting everybody why not recast him too?

I still think you can't go lower than remaking Beauty and the Beast. The Jungle Book was some half-assed crap from the Xerox era when Disney had no budget. BatB was the one movie that came within spitting distance of winning a real Best Picture award and it will never happen again.

You don't try to remake THAT. You remake stuff that was mediocre and do it better.

Fucking hell.
It's not even the all black cast, but John Oliver and Seth Rogen. Fucking hell Oliver is the dirt worst.

he was smoking a lot during production and he wonked his voiced at the YOU WON'T GET A SNIFF WITHOUT ME bit, so they got Jim Cummings to cum over and replace him on the last part of the song

I can't relate to this movie, where are the people that look like me?

he's a rapper or something

>Where were you when Jews destroyed Disney?

also, indifferently shitposting

>people of africa voicing africans
trumptards are such idiots lol we should kill them all and cut off their internet services

Kid Simba had a separate (black) actor for the one song in the original.

Seth Rogen and Billy Eichner are annoying individually, them together sounds really terrible.
John Oliver seems really good for the role. He's good at being smarmy and self-righteous so that seems like a good call.
Casting Beyonce is clearly just for the publicity and stuff

The cartoon sucks dick so i dont really care about any of this, fucking Lion King 3 is better than the the original, but whatever if it sells i guess


Lion King is what Africa would look like if white people minded their own damn business BAKA

Isn't this live action?

It's essentially a fully CG movie. Maybe some of the backdrops will be real but no reason not to CG them too. Unlike The Jungle Book this film has no human characters.

The United States of Drumpfmerica should ban this BBC PROPAGANDA BRAINWASHING P.O.S.


How come there wasn't a primarily Indian cast for Jungle Book? Explain this. That's it, I'm officially boycotting the Oscars now, because there isn't enough diversity.

Bambi is better. Dramatic instead of melodramatic, and the deer behave like deer instead of Hamlet characters.

>Unlike The Jungle Book this film has no human characters
they can always add a white colonialist jumanji type hunter or something

Bill Murray is Indian

>Crying about black people voicing CGI animals
This board is such a fucking joke

>Beyonce as Nala

Ugh this is going to be ridiculous and guarantee you they're going to throw in tons of Nala parts that were just added becauseBeyonce.

Fuck Disney after they basterdized Beauty/Beast

>and the deer behave like deer instead of Hamlet characters
Scar (voice + animation) is one of the greatest performances in kino

omg yaaas the QUEEN is in this movie she will SLAAAAYYY

*sips tea*

I know right. how can we get rid of the "based kekistani" menace that is ruining our Sup Forums experience?

I wanna see the remake of The Boondocks with an all white cast and Bill Hader as the lead.

literally Libtard Twitter: The Movie

The original disney Lion King is shit anyway so this doesn't bother me

i dont like him... on the fact that hes black

Donald Glover is such a faggot.

Only re-castings I take issue with are Timon and Pumba. What, is Jonathan Taylor Thomas going to reprise his role as young Simba or something? Who gives a shit?

I'm not saying its the end of the world. But its a hilariously early remake of a 20 year old movie and the race issue is laughably forced

you can laugh at something awkward without freaking out about it, and this is awkward and dumb as fuck

>Literally why is this a problem?

In the original the lions didn't speak ebonics and they never rap. Guaranteed there's a rap song in this shit.