/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General

Friendly Reminder Edition

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper)
Listen youtu.be/pXth84G7dkM



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Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper get his mind back in part 15. (Pic is Cooper returning to twin peaks)

Listen youtube.com/watch?v=AYOXAhd-HQQ

need the conga line ost pls

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder
Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder

Yeah I think those people at the end of episode 12 might tie into more of the plot then we think.

I kind of thought that was just a little joke character and nothing more desu.
I'm sure were all going to get lynched in the finale though.

You forgot her unibrow that she legitimately has, but shaves.

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Cyndi Lauper recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Annie is fine.




Oye user culiao, ¿en qué carrera estai?

Seeing Audrey without her innocence and youth nearly made me cry just now. I'm the original series I felt like she was so bubbly and cute and innocent, now she's regretful, bitter, and all around cunt. Lynched

chip poster coming through. it's mine. mine and chips

kek I totally thought that guy was going to be a major role. his phone conversation seemed important to me. got fucking lynched desu

knowing how this season has moved, I wouldnt be surprised if he, or chip, re-appears later this season

I zoomed in on Big Ed's reflection in this pic. What is the meaning of this? Any ideas?

This. His phone call left on a cliffhanger

that's a good point.

>episode 18
>all the random side characters appear and we get a huge meet up

That's the new Samsung Galaxy Note 8 (tm)

reddit replying to ghosts


Who was in the wrong here?

What are the odds that he'll ever be brought back? Naido is coming back so you never know who the show will still have some time for.

to be fair that shifty motherfucker was clearly hiding something

the last 5 hours are going to be crazy

imo there will be no more slower episodes from now on

leaks already confirmed nothing important happens in the next episode. More filler garbage like 99% of the episodes so far

literally wrong


Shelly, of course

says lynched normie for the 10th time since the show started

chip ain't got no phone

fuck off moirahater

She aged so fucking badly it's amazing. She's in her early 50s but easily looks well into her 60s, Peggy Lipton is fucking 70 and still looks better than her. Looked better than her in the original series when she was 43, honestly.


thats her character

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the last episode. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck isnt Coop back? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe Lynch is such a hack. I want a director to believe in. I want Coop to come back and fix this shitty show. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought this was Twin Peaks???? This is so fucked

Can't climb to heaven on the cross
One liar's promise drained the blood from my heart
Came a message in the dark
Offered the hand of a disembodied man
While I still had the chance

Now it's gone, gone
And I am who I am
Who I was I will never be again
Running out of sand

Remember when bobbly killed a guy?


What about Bob?



Pic related

>you took the time to type this out


Just you
And I
Just You
And I
Together forever
In love
Just you (just you)
And I (and I)
Just You (Just you)
And I (And I)
Together forever
In love
In love
We go strolling together
IN love
We go strolling forever
Oh oh oh
Just you (just you)
And I (and I)
Just you (just you) And I (and I)
Together forever
In Love
Just you
And I
Just you
And I


How new can you be?

like, so new

For Youuuu...
Big Guyyyy...
For Youuuu...
Big Guyyyy...

What will he do when he goes back to Twin Peaks?

Um... sorry to break the news to you

I feel you. I can't wait for Kyle to finally appear.

So how do you niggers think this is going to end? I'm thinking that Booper helps destroy the Black Lodge since clearly he would much rather not go back there.

Maybe we really get that scene with Bowie and Phillip Jefferies will pop out of the closet to take Booper back where he belongs.

I think Gordon and Albert learning about Dougie, Diane and Janey-E being revealed to be half-sisters, Andy coming into contact with the Fireman in the White Lodge, Naido being recovered and cared for by the Twin Peaks police, and Sarah Palmer being revealed as a living portal to Hell are pretty big deals. But it does seem like they're stretching the mysterious hum at the Great Northern for another full episode without any answers or clues.


Somehow I'm kind of scared we're all going to get Lynched one more time when the rest of S3 falls apart just as badly as S2 and the finale really is Eddie Vedder singing at the fucking Roadhouse.

>what about the mysterious hum
It will be revealed to be some guy doing TM™.

It's gonna turn out to be one of the hotel guests, probably male, using their vibrator nonstop.

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Julee Cruise recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks pilot. It confirms Agent Cooper falls down. (Pic is Cooper)
Listen youtube.com/watch?v=suL5sFH7PjM

>implying the ending of S2 was bad

if anywhere near that quality were gonna be lynched in a good way

And he probably has to live with that hidden guilt for the rest of his life. He dreads the day that poorly covered body will be discovered by hikers or loggers.

>implying he won't stroll into twin peaks in dougie mode

The FBI will take Dougie with them on adventures. Will be kino.

It's the skunk.

The ending of S2 was the only bit of redemption S2 had after revealing Laura's killer. Those super rad last two episodes are what got me to watch S3.

It's too bad Lynch had to throw a fit about the network forcing him to make some changes for most of S2.

>Norma's pie is confirmed to be shit by her professional food critic mother
>Norma's pie is awesome but is being ruined corporate executives

What did Lynch mean by this?

My bad, I thought you were saying the ending sucked. Agreed a lot of S2 sucked.

Tbh the Eddie Vedder song isn't bad imo. Whenever it plays though its going to ruin the scene a bit however because i'll be thinking of the fucking meme and laughing.

A-are there any hints in Falling about How's Annie?

Don't worry, it plays at the very end of episode 18 so you'll be fine. You'll see...

dubs and dougie meets cole and albert in episode 16 and we get some peak comedy

>Dougie gets brought to Twin Peaks for reasons
>Wanders into the sheriff's station
>Suddenly just stands up straight and walks with purpose
>Says "Hi Lucy" as if he was never retarded
>Dougie is never mentioned again until the end when he goes home to live with jane e

He means that mommy issues affect men more than women

dubs and dougie never meets cole and albert, the scenes from the trailer are evil coop

Dubs and Judy appears next episode

You can download episode 14 from tpb

dubs and dougie wakes up before meeting cole and albert

Dubs and Mark Frost kills Lynch with an ax, writes season 4 by himself, and replaces Gordon Cole by playing his brother, Morgan Cole.

dubs and no one is allowed to ever make a dubs post on tpg again, they're SHIT!


Aside from all the conjecture about future episodes what do we think is going on with the increasingly apparently time skipping in Twin Peaks?

I'm fairly sure this is why Booper needs to go back to the Lodge. Twin Peaks and the Black Lodge are intertwined and Booper's fuckery is making the Black Lodge slowly come apart at the seams, and Twin Peaks along with it.

It means that the pie wasn't made for the critics, the pie is just a bit of raunchy R-rated fun made for the fans.
Big disconnect w/ critics & people.

— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock)

what if cole gives dougie his own little badge to play with?

special agent dougie jones


Daily reminder that Bobby shot and killed a man during the commission of a serious crime. Should be hanged desu senpai.

I saw the workprint of episode 18.
It ends with Black and White lodges dance-off.

People were pissing all over the RR. It was litty. Also, checked.

— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock)

Ironically for Lynch that would be somewhat expected.

>the sole episode 14 torrent on TPB is tagged "Twin Peaks S03E08"
What did they mean by this?


Just like early on, the Germanfags didn't leak it because they are too scared of their police state.

Singles and Windom Earle comes back.

Which episode is this from?

Stop same fagging because no one responded to your post, buddy. Thanks.

So here we are. A bunch of plot threads not even close to being resolved, and only three and a half episodes left (if we subtract the 30 minutes love scene between Gordon and Tammy that will inevitably in one of them). Anyone want to take bets on what storylines get resolved and which ones get dropped?

I'm not samefagging, I'm just asking what episode the picture is from? If you won't tell me then fuck off.

And that man may very well have actually been undercover to bust the Twin Peaks drug ring.

That's a fake. Don't bother with it.

Nice dolphin porn.

Everything is going to be resolved.