Cast it

Cast it

Big Boss

Micheal Cera as liquid snake

Idris Elba as Big Boss


Solid Snake

more like Nig Boss

Liquid Snake

the paki versions are always based

Chris Evans
Christian Bale
Troy Baker
John Doman

It's not even a good video game how can it be a good movie lel

>"My movie will be good" Says the director

Look, I trust him that he can make a competent film but honestly Metal Gear is such a shit fest I don't think any of it will translate, same happens with the Resident Evil movies
They are both videogames with shitty and cheesy storylines, how the fuck are you gonna translate that into a movie, maybe it'll be pure schlock like Skull Island? and maybe it'll be good that way?

I've always wanted Huge Jackedman to be Solid Snake and Michael Wincott as Revolver.

Gosling as Kaz

>Chris Evans

A 36 year old snake who looks like a 29 year old. Yeah, great choice.

I would like this, but Hugh needs some cooldown time to not be a meme character for a little while

He looks the part pretty well

"Movie will be good, says man with no taste and a track record of making shit movies."

I caught Skull Island on a plane. Jesus was a piece of shit.There's a scene where they're about to take off from a ship in helicopters. You can clearly see there's room for three on the deck of a freighter.

Then when they get into the air there's a dozen helicopters. Like you're not supposed to be paying attention to the movie.

Jake g as boss

Big Boss is Viggo

>Troy Baker

that guy sucks

Ocelot is Michael Pitt bruh

I agree with this, but Michael Pitt is apparently an absolute dickwad to work with onset.

Yes, ma'am, madam president.

wait, this is really happening?


>first great video game movie

I don't think so.

Kurt Russel as old Big Boss.


>could be
Jesus this guy has a lot of confidence

Gosling as Ocelot

Michael Pitt as Raiden

Armie Hammer as Solid Snake

Jake Gyllenhaal as Otacon

Viggo Mortensen as Big Boss

Chris Hemsworth as Liquid

Louis Herthum as Solidus

Doug Jones as Psycho Mantis

Casper Van Dien as Kaz

Zero as Colin Firth

Pom Klementieff as Paramedic

Corey Hawkins as Sigint

Seino Nana as Mei Ling

some ideas

>nip trash isn't even the first good video game
>or a good game
>but somehow it will be the first good video game movie

But MGS2 already has a film adaptation

Why is MGS so quotable

Solidus could be Kurt Russell, just saying.

>top right
He could totally play Kinzo in an Umineko movie

I've been binge playing the metal gear solid hd collection and realized how there is no way to believably portray a man fighting a harrier jet or a walking bipedal tank. This movie will make vidya and film look bad

MGS is a cheesy campy series in between being really super cereal and would make a strange movie. imagine something like the Quiet spurging in the rain scene on film or any of the retarded lines in this game being said for western audience

You could do it if it was an animated movie.

Reminder that these stories really only work in the medium of video games, are really only impressive because of what they're able to accomplish in each generation, and no possible adaptation for a movie could possibly hide how ridiculous they are. Think of the climax of the movie, two super soldiers who are revealed to be twins, (or brothers), and partial clones of a renowned soldier whose dead body was the MacGuffin of the story and wasn't actually featured in the film, and this reveal comes in the middle of a fight that takes place over a walker Mobile robot, and just imagine anything so incredibly ridiculous happening in anything that isn't a shitty, B-movie.

Jack O'Connell as a young Soild Snake in an adaptation of the first two MSX Metal Gear games. I feel like starting in at the ground floor, with stories that are fairly simple and not many people have experienced, gives any potential film the space to do its own thing and not be too beholden to the games.

>Venom, Solidus
>Old, Naked

that would be great for a HBO show

>believably portray a man fighting a harrier jet

all it takes is a Stinger or an Igla. Afghani mujahideen dune coons used stingers to take out something like 450 Russian aircraft. The harrier was stationary and low flying for a lot of its time fighting snek, thats a cakewalk for MANPADs

this movie sucks lol

damn, even Guardians is more MGS ish then WS

>imagine something like the Quiet spurging in the rain scene on film or any of the retarded lines in this game being said for western audience
That didn't even work in video game work.



Metal Gear Solid Series
>Snake/Boss, you must rescue/meet up with someone
>You must stop the launch of metal gear, a nuclear equip tank that can't be stopped and will spell doom for the entire world if launched
>Somehow stop launch but really don't
>After witnessing Metal Gear killing an entire army of soldiers, helicopters, tanks, and jets told you alone must stop it with stinger missles/rocket launchers
>somehow do
>Find out Ocelot is a double/triple agent/spy

>The harrier was stationary and low flying for a lot of its time fighting snek


MGS is basically a mashup of Kojimbles favorite shitty B-movies though

Yea after getting shot with bullets and missiles? Do the mujahdeen have health restoring rations too?

>MGS is basically a mashup of Kojimbles favorite shitty B-movies though
And? I think you're understating the creativity behind them, but it wouldn't make a good proper movie.

>Yea after getting shot with bullets and missiles? Do the mujahdeen have health restoring rations too?
>being a scrub
s m h

>Cate Blanchett as The Boss

its a wrap

I'm not proud of this but I've S-ranked all the mgs on all difficulties including European Extreme

Its themes are superficial af but they definitely knew what they were doing when they had a spy action movie cold open on a tanker.

rosie o'donnell as the boss

Owen Wilson as miller

Major Zero

Luke Wilson would be better, he actually has charisma while Luck is an air head

Major Zero is a Chink tho, presumably an Hong Konger-Briton.

John Krasinski as Snake

Just put some tape from the corners of his eyes to his temples

What's he supposed to be in the 4th panel?

Naked Snake
>Huge Jankman

The Boss
>Robin Wright maybe?

>Jenna Coleman

>Dave Chappelle

Major Zero
>Colin Firth

Solid Snake

Gaspard Ulliel as Snake

This is a pretty good shout lad

He's too old.

Way too short

Old Snake

>inb4 they cast a nigger

You know to many actors

>Gosling as Ocelot

Ocelot was only nineteen or something in Snake Eater. Gosling doesn't fit any age he's been in-game.

the JOOST as Quiet

Imagine all the things you could have down with that wasted time

>David Bowie will never play zero

Yeah, like shitposting on Sup Forums.

>Snaaake? Snaaaake!
>just looks at camera

Could, but obviously won't be.


It's all wasted time, we're just killing time until we die
As long as you enjoy what you're doing with your limited time on earth, that's really all that matters at the end of the day

I want to sniff her used tampons

nah, just some

im giving ideas

>format is actor as character
>zero as colin firth
really activates your almonds


Maybe it's just, but I feel like Hugh might be a bit too old to play Solid Snake. He might be a good Big Boss though.

I don't want a MGS movie.

What I want is an unrelated movie influenced by MGS.

I want a movie that takes the same over-the-top 1980's B-movie schlock and runs with it, but with its own ideas and characters.

This guy from November Man.
Really reminded me of snake.

Well half of it was during middle school/high school so it wasn't that big of a waste

>what is Beasts of No Nation

Me as snake and Amy schumer as big tit boss. We fuck.

guys help who should be the last one?

>the JOOST as Quiet
Stupidest, most nonsensical casting yet. kys.

not really, its possible, its just that the directors are usually spergs with only a superficial understanding of the source material.

Kubrick basically only ever did adaptations from Books. His Adaptations captured the ideas of the books but were usually presented in a way that gave a vastly differant tone or told a specific messege Kubrick wanted while maintaining the general plot.

modern adaptations including marvel, anime adaptations ect don't understand this and they just try to 1-1 what they saw in their source material and film it (Ghost in the Shell being the most recent example where they quite accurately film key visual shots but the actual plot seems to be nothing special) so instead of baking a cake but putting a new twist on it, you get a bunch of cardboard then paint it to look like the cake your trying to recreate in the book

he isn't. he was as anglophile as they come, constantly going on about tea and James Bond and how the SAS are so much better than USS back in WW2

>Cast it
Just make it full CG and use the regular VA's

>ywn see Cate Blanchett in that suit facing off against snake in the field at the end of mgs3

>Kubrick basically only ever did adaptations from Books.
With better stories than Metal Gear Solid. It's apparently easier to adapt books than video games.
>its just that the directors are usually spergs with only a superficial understanding of the source material.
I can't imagine an adaption of MGS that either wasn't incredibly cliche, or incredibly silly. I would be very impressed with the creativity of the director who could make a good movie out of Kojima's output. "Understanding" doesn't change the nature of the source material.

>he isn't. he was as anglophile as they come

This was actually important to the plot too, he was basically an English supremacist and wanted the entire world to speak English so they could be influenced by English ideas and cultural memes