Your Favorite Director

Your Favorite Director
Your Darkest Secret


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Peter Weir

I have a pathetically romantic crush on my boss who's 7 years younger than I am. It's so sad that when she's in my dreams there's nothing sexual, just us hanging out.

>boss is a girl and 7 years younger
are you a total dumbass or just scandinavian?

Sure, why not?

>9th grade
>There's a sweet, pretty girl who had her lost her legs in an accident and uses a wheelchair
>Has very few friends due to her condition
>She's a fantastic artist
>My friends and I decide to prank her for shits and giggles
>I pretend I want to be her friend and she warms up to me instantly
>We start to hang out outside of school
>Sleep over at her house one night
>We play video games, playing some Twisted Metal
>Ask her if she can show me her portfolio (she was in the advanced art program in our school and needed to create fifty or so amazing art pieces to pass)
>After a game I say I need to go to the bathroom
>Pull out big-ass scissors from my pocket (big pocket I was wearing jncos) go into her room, and cut the bottom-half of all of her art pieces off and trash them
>The next day, she rolls up to me in the middle of class, on the verge of crying, and asks me what happened to her art
>I said, "I made them look like you"
>All my friends laugh heartily
>She rolls over to her table, alone, and just stares at her hands in her lap for the rest of the day

It was less than a month before that art was due, too. There's no way she made it up in time. Sometimes I look back and think, "did that make her a stronger person? Or a weaker one?" Sometimes I have a desire to find out. Maybe I'll call her some time. My favourite director? Steven Soderbergh.

Im pretty sure my long time friend is lowkey in love with me and would drop her bf on the fly if i asked her out

I still can't believe this image was a bannable offense once

are you a total dumbass or just scandinavian?

Gareth Evans
I tucked up n lost the girl if my dreams cuz I was so in my own head that when we fucked, it was just missionary. She got off a few times each night, but was boring as fuck. Especially after all the shit I talked. I Fucking goofed. Hard

John Carpenter

There are three ways to stop me from doing what I do. What? You think I'm going to tell you!

Christopher Nolan
I wear it because I'm insecure about my teeth

I can't stop dreaming about this one girl, it's like I'm cursed or something. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen - a literal 10/10 by anyone's standards. I can't even begin to describe her figure, she's the embodiment of the divine feminine. I honestly find it hard to believe that nature created something so perfect. Anyway - nothing much happens in these dreams, we're just sitting together, smiling and laughing like we used to.

We came close to something but she moved away to the city before anything happened. She was the first girl to ever really desire me, like, "I desperately want you to fuck me right now" kinda desire. Now I'm addicted to the feeling.

And now I know for a fact she's forgotten about me, and I hate her for that. How the fuck could she do this to me?

If I ever see her again I might strangle her out of lust, then cry over her corpse. She has the most adorable pout.

Favourite Director: Jodorwosky

Terrence Malick
I'm terribly in love with a virgin, incredibly beautiful young girl from a filthy rich family and every time I talk to her I want to kill myself and when I remember the time we danced I get extremely depressed and don't want to do anything for the rest of the day

Old pasta, good director though.

david cronenberg
since i was a child i have been unable to get very vivid daydreams of self mutilation out of my head and I've never been able to tell anyone about it in person. i tried to see a counselor but all i was able to talk about with her was my ever present and highly neurotic fears about ai, radical political changes,
societal control, nuclear armageddon, and the newer gene editing tools we now possess amd how moving through the world seems utterly pointless from my end, especially because those around me do not share similar fears or thoughts for all i know and i feel crazy and isolated which increases the frequency of the daydreams of hacking off my limbs

I'd have thought your favorite director would be Kurt Kren.

that was interesting but too avant garde for my taste. i need it to be grounded in some kind of reality

Denis Villenueve

I burned all bridges with my parents when I moved out when I was 18 but I forgot to dispose of a piss bottle that was hidden in a hole I made in the bedroom wall. It's been 5 years since and I have no idea if they've found it or not.

>piss bottle

Terrence Mallick

I put a homeless nobody out of his misery while vagabonding in Mexico in my late teens.

i would watch a terrence malick movie about a man haunted by the ghost of a mexican wino he killed as a youth


I have a tendency to laugh uncontrollably whenever someone is brave enough to reveal something sensitive but pathetic about themselves. Truth is it's because I'm usually just as pathetic and can relate

you have to go back

I used to worry about the same shit, now I'm just indifferent, I don't give a shit about what'll happen, truly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You can't make a post like that and not give us the greentext user.

Not sure if memeing, but that's awful.

how do i change user. i sleep about 3 hours a night and it's been this way for some 15 years. i'm in a constant state of high anxiety and the place my mind goes as a way of thinking of ending that anxiety is tearing myself to shreds. why worry about external threats when i'm busy maiming myself worse than most would? sometimes i try and read or do something to preoccupy my mind, but i end up gravitating toward material that will tell me more about the things I fear. i don't know how to break this cycle

Michel Gondry
I don't think I deserve to be happy


>in a cathartic vulnerable moment I confessed to my wife that I had been molested by as a young boy by a male friend of my moms that she always let babysit
>wife becomes ex-wife. I made it explicitly clear to her that my MOTHER must NEVER know what happened, she was an incredibly devoted mom and it would DESTROY her to find out
>Ex wife blackmails me and demands 5k or she spills the beans
>pay it

Im a sucker for the friends that fall in love trope...what are your feelings for her?


You need real medical help for this....this a severe pathological form of anxiety or some such serious mental issue? Have you at least tried doctoring and or any meds?

David Lynch

I was planning to literally start the beta uprising for a year

not getting a lot of sleep will be a big part of your problems user, I get a bit more on edge after a bad nights sleep let alone a 15 years.

Start doing some kind of intense physical activity/exercise, you'll fall asleep easier as you'll be tired. As an added bonus your obsessive thoughts will be drowned out by the pain of the exercise and you'll feel better for it.

also stop browsing Sup Forums worrying about the world in general, sometimes you have to put your own struggles first.

that figures


I get genuinely upset by the anti-black rhetoric on here and cannot stop thinking about how much I want to get my hands on the people who post it, even though I know they would be cowering in real life if they met me.

Stay mad, but the facts remain. Blacks never have and never will have an advanced society on their own.
>Reminder that the average african american IQ is 85
>Reminder that the average african IQ is literally on the level of intelligent monkeys

Christopher Nolan

I'm going to jump off a 150m high cliff in 2 weeks

I'm not anti-black by any means (not even from your shitty freedom land) but I really fucking doubt that. I don't think you would even look me in the eyes.

Then again, maybe we're part of the same exception.

Serves you right

Why couldnt it have been a Snyderfag?

kill her user

Snyderfags don't have the cognitive ability to question life or literally anything meaningful

Put your trip back on, Krager. Maybe you should leave if it upsets you so much.

Not him, but my area has a pretty big South Sudanese community. They're chill as fuck.

It's been almost a year since I played footy on the local team, but I still get the widest smiles from the older brothers and parents in the community. I've never met an African American before, so I can't speak about them, but Continental Africans are absolutely bro-tier.

I think I'm going to end up a highly educated loser

>Continental Africans are absolutely bro-tier.

I actually agree, they're gracious to be away from their un civilized black owned country, to our civilized white owned country.

Wong Kar-Wai

my old best friend thinks im still studying at the local state u, i dont have the nerve to tell him i dropped out 3 years ago when he occasionally visits. not that dark i guess but its all i got

It's a mindduck for americans to meet actual africans(imo)
Some of them at least the Ghanans I got to know LOATHE black Americans and some of their rants against them would make Sup Forums blush

i saw my school counselor regularly when i was in school last year. i never was able to mention the full extent of my mental state there, due to some of my anxieties of where i might be put/the consequences of telling them everything. i really do not want to take any pills. one of my growing worries is about the overuse of opiates and antibiotics and what that means about the species a few years down the line. especially the antibiotics

i've tried. with intense physical exercise i sleep more hours per day, but in shorter bursts. i've also tried melatonin supplements. i don't really get any rest. i am coming to realize i probably have a case of ehlers-danlos syndrome also, Sup Forums is a very very small part of my reading and worries. it definitely exacerbates them, but this is what i mean when i say i gravitate towards the material that will give me more info about that which i believe to be up against. i came to Sup Forums already learning about many things, through some of my old bosses, of which there was an ex-soviet military engineer and an ex-mujahideen. i read a lot of philosophy and history books, and try to touch on harder science texts as well. i've had a few run-ins with my school about the things i've feared, and i increasingly see my political fears coming true throughout the world. Sup Forums is a fun scroll through sometimes, but does not do much to further my knowledge of the world beyond what i already see, barring the odd deeper bit of insight into some of the worlds i worry about.

You could at least get the poor Spic's namd right. I bet you pronounce it yawdowrawskee.

wes anderson
I thought moonrise kingdom was shite

You will Hurt everyone around you user.
I wish you will change your mind and live a happy life.

Shes kinda insane plus im with someone but i know shes always a back up

I always question caving " this has be a bluff right?

But the stakes were to high, if she went through with it Im 1000% certain I would have killed her, at that point as punishment for her absolute cruelty.

You're an idiot. Grow up

Unironically sounds like a keeper

eh, if I live my family will be massively disappointed, if I die they'll be massively sad. either way its the same amount of hurt for them.

besides, jumping off a cliff will be a painless way to go, I'm looking forward to it.

Claire Denis
I had someone eat poop out of my butt.

Not the same amount of hurt, that's for sure. You've never been a parent, I'm guessing. But your child can be literally Hitler and you'd still love it to death and do anything for them.
>inb4 Hitler wasn't a failure

I like to fuck my ass regularly. I dig out the shit with my fingers and stick it into the sinkhole.
I don't have the right tools for the job yet (poorfag, idiot with crippling anxiety and shit like that) so for now I improvise.

I like sticking a screwdriver with a rubber handle up there. Fills me up nicely. Good substitute until I get a few dildos and a set of buttplugs.

I really don't care at this point, both my parents and my sister have lived really great exciting lives and I'm the one who gets all the wrong genes and lives the loser life. if they suddenly lose me they still won't be anywhere near the level of pain I'm feeling.

Wong Kar-Wai

I like to masturbate in public. I have got naked on my college campus, head to toe and just masturbate in public, I like people watching accidentally. Sometimes i like to feel the grass as i masturbate, so i get naked in green areas and lay in the grass, it makes it so much intense.

dont do it
i love you
i love your shitposting
reality will be less good without you

Chris Marker
I regularly jerk off on omegle

clint eastwood
i originally wanted to respond to the suicidefag >150m why not >300 pussy/qiutter

you just told everyone you finger your asshole and forgot to mention your favorite director

David Lynch
My dick looks like it went through Vietnam

cool you're a cliff diver? Where you divin?

Are you at least going to go through the Bane? scene on your way down?

Terrence Malick
>i was raped

Can confirm. ACTUAL africans in the US are extremely grateful to be here, usually warm and friendly people. African-Americans are fucking scum 90% of the time

The Coens

I build up relationships with girls at the point where they need me in a pathological way. Reaching that point I leave them, without giving any notice, I just desappear. I never feel anything for them, I just do it because I love to take control from people, and everyone just thinks I'm a nice guy who likes to give comfort to people.

David Lynch
I think it would be cool to be a cult leader someday and my hero is Pol Pot.

Green text pls user
Begging you


Holy shit user

Mario Bava

Beachy Head

exactly what is it you like about malick???

based bava posters kek


I have a few "dark secrets" that I never think about and don't hunt me at all but I wouldn't want anyone finding out

>did gay shit with my little brother and neighborhood kids as a child
>begged god for forgiveness while masturbating for the first few months of doing it
>got my dog to lick my cock a few times age ~14
>stole around 30 or more pairs of panties from dorm laundry my freshman year of college and sometimes wore them, not actually a fetish of mine idk why I did it
>have small dick and joke about it but friends don't know he truth
>have weird cysts on my scrotum that have been there for nearly 10 years

Can't really think of others right now but plenty of small stuff like that

that looks like a long way down, make sure you make your body as thin as possible to pierce the surface of the water, or else you'll get hurt pretty bad

Fly a hang glider into the lighthouse and die that way. It would be much cooler.

>falling into water
>getting hurt

I'm serious.


I am a true narcissist and a psychopath. I am incapable of forming attachments to people I know.


>break every bone in your body, fall into the sea and drown in agony
Does sound pretty fucking cool to be fair

>package in a big jiffy bag addressed to a girl gets delivered to my house
>fucking roasties can't even use Royal Mail properly, open that shit up
>at least 20 birthday cards all addressed to her
>opened them all, not a fucking penny
>chuck the lot in the bin

I genuinely have an interracial cuckold fetish

Joel Schumacher

You are the lowest a man can go user. even goat fuckers are more men than you.

Steven Spielberg

My biggest fetish is female aliens

Africans hate nigger americans, just as the rest of the world

Sergio Leone
I have had several dreams of future events that have actually become true

you cuck, she'll be asking for another 5k when she's done spending all that cash on shoes and dresses

Robert Zemeckis
When me and my friend were about 12 we got really drunk on peach vodka and sucked each other off. I didn't enjoy it and i couldn't get hard. I also attempted to ram his ass but I was too soft and I wouldn't let him do the same. He's asked me to do this again before.

who by? how did it happen? are you male or female?

Darren Aronofsky
[Spoiler]My sexual fantasies are about absolutely ruining women. Fattening them up to morbid obesity, degrading and making them emotionally dependent, causing severe and permanent physical or psychological harm. And just general abuse[/spoiler]

h o t

>I am a true narcissist and a psychopath.
so you're a little selfish and get a slightly angry sometimes