Crowd cheers

>crowd cheers

Other urls found in this thread:

>kicks your pusy

boooo hissssssssssss

Based Brienne showing mercy and merely knocking out the greatest man in King Stannis, eventual winner of the Game of Thrones.

Besides Shareen he dindu nothin.


I'm not sure if this is a meme but I like Brienne

She's slightly autistic which makes her /our girl/

Fuck you I'm not a sjw in the slightest and I like brienne as a character. She 's believable and interesting. I like the one-off overpowered side characters that help motivate main characters. It's also why the faceless man was GOAT.

I also like her,but i like to shitpost too.

I'm not an SJW but I tell you man. Once it's open season on bitter white dudes I am gonna have a ball.

>crowd cheers

same, she's got depth unlike neo-arya or the sandsnakes. also I liked the short lived bants with her and jaime

In the books those bants go on for an entire arc where Jaime realizes that Cersei's an awful person.


Quite funny that he was still checking to see if it's a man or a dude

>not pulling her into your guard and getting into north-south position
baka desu senpai


Her northern armor is dope.

this used to happen all the time at school but no one cared and they just laughed at me and my bruised balls

>crowd cheers

was she hot at least

based pusy poster

Can anyone explain why Dany is being portrayed clearly as the "good guy" right now?

She's currently refusing to save everyone from the literal monsters and last episode burned hundreds of men alive.

when I was 12 a girl in my class kicked me in the balls

I still get hard thinking about it

>final scene of got is these people being slaughtered by Dothraki


>She's currently refusing to save everyone from the literal monsters

If the complexities of her situation with regards to this are lost on you, then you're retarded and there's no point in explaining.

>last episode burned hundreds of men alive
hundreds of soldiers during a war, which she deliberately did in an open field to avoid civilian casualties*

Anybody know what is going on with the Game of Thrones general? Mods just keep taking them down. Even the last one which only had three posts all on topic before being taken down.

good question

threads went into such deep shit that the mods are flat out deleting them on sight

She isn't you sped.

The last sequence with Tyrion and then the next episodes prove this.

We can clearly see that Tyrion is starting to really grasp that Dany is not okay, that she let in a pack of savages to just raid and plunder the countryside, and that she's going to burn away as many people who stand up to her as she can.

>"Your people are weak, they don't know how to fight."
>Tyrion's expression
>Dany talks some crazy shit in the next episode preview
>Tyrion's expression listening to her talk

He probably going to switch sides pretty soon and turn on her. Varys will try to fuck that up though I imagine.

Because Cersei is still an evil bitch and if you believe the leaks even with Jon bring an actual zombie and demonstrating it being undead she still decides to not send in troops until Jaime says fuck off I'll do it anyway.

So in terms of writing it's hard to not come of as good by proxy.

shadowbanned, the current general is in no-man's land

we went too reddit i'm ashamed to say

>went to reddit
Sup Forums invaded and they probably got what they wanted

Lost all respect for her when she murdered an injured Stannis in cold blood, while also abndoning her real duty to save Sansa, AND proclaiming that Renly was the rightful king, which not even Renly believed

people like you are the reason why /got/ got fucking nuked. I hope you're happy.

Stop it, cancer

Reason for ban?

>inb4 "butthurt jannies"

Actual reason my man, something triggers this regardless how petty it might seem.

Off-topic I'd assume

>le Sup Forums boogeyman
Eat shit and die, nigger.

I was part of the operation to convert Sup Forums to a Sup Forums outpost for literally years (there's a huge community on Stormfront involved in this, long story), and I thought it was a lost cause until just this year. No idea why Sup Forums started changing its tune but it's exciting.

As in people wouldn't stop going off-topic?

devolved into a youtube comment section with t_d and /r/esist going at it

We had a back-and-forth going between people who were accusing each other of being Sup Forums and complaining about Sup Forums, respectively. I assume the report level on both sides got too high for the mods to ignore.

There was no sides, just a massive faggot complaining about Sup Forums every two posts and getting flamed by everyone.

It takes two sides to shitpost, user. The people repeatedly responding to him were part of the reason we got nuked.

>same video about the immigrant crisis posted again and again and has absolutely nothing to do with got
>as soon as you point out it's off-topic, you get called a kike, nigger, cuck or reddit
i wonder who it was.

anyway the crowd probably cheered because stannis literally burned his daughter the previous episode

>tfw ur general gets nuked
i only came here to shitpost jonerys :(


Hot, love femdom porno

>I assure you it makes perfect sense and you're just stupid. Also I'm incapable of articulating and explaining why it made sense.

> killed soldiers during war.
Literally ambushed and burnt men alive as they were transporting food for the peasants. Where's that in the rules of engagement and observance of chivalry. You're supposed to treat with the enemy before you murder them, like Stannis and Renly or Rob and Jof or Jon and Ramsay. You don't just burn them alive.

Stop trying to pretend you're anything but an OMGDRAGONS faggot.

So Sup Forums blames kikes and niggers for everything and you blame Sup Forums for everything.

Same mental disorder, different culprit.

Goddamn I hope something bad happens to Daenerys but her plot armor is so thick at this point that I doubt it will ever happen

I really can't fathom why people are so obsessed with Sup Forums

>Literally ambushed and burnt men alive as they were stealing food from the peasants

I wonder what it's going to be like in 30-40 years when they make it again for a future audience when standards of decency have shifted.

It would be the most unexpected twist and shock moment the show could pull. But I guess GoT stopped trying to be shocking and edgy and now just rolls with a standard high fantasy storyline of chosen heroes defeating an overarching evil.

No. It season 4/5 they are discussing if they have enough food for winter and they say they have plenty. They'll just be less peasants.
They don't need the food for themselves is for the peasants. Nice try with the hate though.

sounds like something Sup Forums would say


This. It's bizarre and totally details all discussion.
>pol is here
>fuck off reddit
>you're the reddit here
>no u
>no u
Ad nausium.

All I want is to talk shit about Dany and how she should die. Is that so much to ask?

I hate these fucking people

they literally say that they got the food from peasants that worked on Tyrell lands, they specifically mention that they even forced them to give up their grains.

I like that she's a noble soul with noble intentions but misguided actions. And she isn't a Mary Sue either. She beats Jaime because he was a starving, hand-cuffed prisoner. She beats The Hound because he had a festering wound and she punch him in the balls. Good character all around.

yeah she is actually an interesting character

cant get immersed in this, its obvious the guy is just holding back and could destroy her at any time

me on the left

If i wear magic masks then go blind for a week will i be the best sword fighter in the world?

Did you watch the episode?

If you're in a show. tbt, even if she could move like that in real life, it's fucing bullshit. She was able to deflect Brienne's attacks. Think about that. A little girl with a toothpick made of metal was able to easily take all the force of a two-handed sword from a grown person.

Arya is anime level strong at this point.

Shit, one bitch kicked me in balls when i was in school
i broke her nose and she lost 2 teeth

It's not even that funny desu.
Definitely not 12 seconds of straight laughter worth.

It's really not that complex.
Even Stannis went north, and he was full blown autistic about his duty to sit on the throne.

you must not know how to enjoy life cracka

>not *fingersnaps*fingersnaps*fingersnaps*

I find your racial slur to be offensive to me and my people.

Cat Zigano has really fallen on hard times

any suicide anons ready to step up to this challenge???

isnt GOT suppose to be somewhat realisitc?

why there is a strong woman there?

This is the lamest thing I've ever read on this site lmao

Some women are strong.
Deal with it.

Any one got good shots of the titty monster?

Agreed, she's not a 'muh stronk indepedent womyn', she's actually a strong, independent woman.

>crowd cheers

Somebody please molotov this bar before the show is done.


Woman here!

I just want to say that I absolutely love men who are annoyed by female characters in GoT. It's such a masculine trait! Keep it up boys!

This webm makes me so happy, I bet he's learned to respect female superiority. All little white cismales should be forced to respect women this way.

Lucky bastard.

darwinism at work


Agreed. I like the part where she killed those three northern men and made the last one suffer because they killed a woman. She's so strong and independent.

I hope we get a scene where somebody explains to her in detail just how badly Renly ruined everything for everyone. He was a greedy little shit who is directly responsible for years of suffering and is the main reason most of Westeros is going to starve.

she was fine until she called renly the rightful king, now I want her to die a painful death

kill yourself

She made the last one suffer because they made the innocent civilians suffer. I actually thought it seemed a bit out of character for her, I thought she was a bit less spiteful than that.


But how did they get past his privilege?


I can't wait for the collapse

Stannis was the underdog during the war and wanted the night's watch to join him.

No, you fuck off you inbred shithead.

The other guy is right, you truly are retarded. War crimes happen all the time and real world doesn't have dragons in the rules either. She is skeptical about Jon because all Jon has offered her is a bunch of fairytales, even with the cave symbols. Being a queen is still more important to her, it's really simple.

It's like going to Trump or Putin while saying that ghosts are attacking and that they need to make peace with ISIS and join forces. It's a ridiculous claim without any concrete proof.