But why?

But why?

For people who spent 20 years collecting VHS tapes.

>spend 20 years collecting tapes
>throw out your VCR


Can it copy the BD to VHS?

>use two large appliances instead of one

VCRs can break you know.

They break. You don't want to hook up two different machines. This isn't hard to understand, why do you care?

So fix it? It's usually just a belt that goes, or it needs new grease. Literally a $1 fix that takes ten minutes tops.

>not for betamax

It can't, no. But even if it could...
>no DVHS support
...what's the point?


>a VCR is a large appliance
So is your fridge a super-massive appliance? Is your kettle also a large appliance? What the Hell is a small appliance?

Your dick

Nice one tumblr!

Nice comeback, little Timmy. But please, the grown-ups are talking.


Remember how small displays have become

Ah yes, I can't wait to get an even smaller TV and monitor.

Need dat Blu-ray/Laserdisc player to maximise hipster cred

VHS > DVD > Blu ray > Streaming/Direct was a very painful process

kill yourself


call me when they make a laserdisk betamax

shouldnt it be My Dick?

when will sony release a betamax version?

I want to watch my 1988 copy of return of the jedi