Ok boys, about to subject myself pic related for the first time so that I can watch the Plinkett review afterward...

Ok boys, about to subject myself pic related for the first time so that I can watch the Plinkett review afterward. Just how bad is it?

Other urls found in this thread:


"Desperately trying to be funny" kind of bad. Just like Jack AAAAAAAIDS Moby, but even worse!

Really bad. It's nothing but a series of sketches loosely stitched together by a flimsy story. All the women act the same except the black lady is more stereotypically black. Jokes are carelessly thrown out as quick as possible just to see whatever shit sticks to the wall.

Do you remember the 1983 remake of a film, which despite being nominated for a Razzie, has become a cult classic?


>watching a bad film so that you can watch some equally shitty e-celeb's video
Good grief, I didn't realize people worshipped shitty e-celebs this much.

watch it at least 2x while shitposting and you'll probably survive

This. Have some self respect, OP.

Man, it's not like that. I just think his reviews have been good for a laugh thus far, but realize I'll probably get more out of the jokes if I watch it first.

Basically the only reason to watch GoT at this point, while we're at it. Like, the memes are just funnier because I understand the source.

I've never watched it because it looked like shit based on the trailer and everything else. I watched Plinkett's review of it yesterday now definitely not watching it.

If anything, I'll probably watch the review again. Same with Star Wars Episodes I-III, I just watch the Plinkett review, not the actual movies.

Nobody besides brainless cucks and retards watches GoT past S3, unironically or otherwise.

Well fuck. I guess I should've just done that. Honestly, I'm like 30 minutes in here, and it's just terribly boring.

>Like, the memes are just funnier because I understand the source.

You're like the purest form of reddit cancer. How old are you? 16?

That depends on how you feel about this:


>Same with Star Wars Episodes I-III, I just watch the Plinkett review, not the actual movies.
You've NEVER seen the Star Wars prequels? This really puts the shitposting into perspective. Plebs who have never actually watched them.

It's bad in a very cringy and poorly edited way, but it wouldn't have been as noticed if it was called anything but Ghostbusters. There are way worse movies, but using a popular franchise and doing what they did makes it stand out a lot.

Please be bait. You intentionally spend your precious time watching shit you know sucks to be "in on the joke"?

FYI I would never subject myself to GB16 or new GoT but I get the memes here just fine. They're not terribly complicated.


I want to destroy it.

Sai halo to malil fa!

Nothing is unfunnier than jack desu.

Every scene is twice as long as it should be because of the shitty improv. It's pretty excruciating to watch.

Seriously though why the fuck is everyone dancing in that shitty film

I will never understand Kristen Wiig's appeal. She has to be the most bland actress to ever come out of SNL with a movie career.

Stop dancing!

I've seen the prequels as a kid. Episode I came out when I was 9 and I liked it. I thought the second one was boring and by the time the third one came out I knew better. I rewatched the first one a couple of times when I was younger, the pod race was cool.

>Please be bait. You intentionally spend your precious time watching shit you know sucks to be "in on the joke"?
No, I watch it because I find it funny. I don't care about "being in on the joke" on an internet message board.

Yeah, I don't really watch remakes. What's the point if I have seen the original?