Big Hero 6 Actor Fight Video Audition For DCEU Robin


would you want this, Sup Forums?

i guess so, but i highly doubt we're getting any batfamily shit for a long while now and then he'll be too old for when they do include any of them

Looks great. But honestly Idk if they'll have enough time to introduce Tim.

he's entering tyrese territory

don't be like tyrese


So this was a stuntman audition?

Too not white looking

that was pretty cool actually

I'm fine with that, it was a mistake to have all the first 3 Robins have the exact same complexion and hair colour.

I'd be okay with this.

Cass when?

looks too much like ezra miller, the sub-80 IQ crowd(which accounts for the majority of the capeshit audience) will get confused

The problem is that they don't allow their actors to do the stunts because they don't want to risk them getting hurt. Because if they get hurt then they have to move back the filming and here's hundreds of people from the crew waiting. So this video is pointless.

Wasn't really that impressive

good enough for me, like we'll ever get it

the point of the robins is that they're all supposed to be extensions of Bruce. Being white is a large part of Bruce's identity.

Make him Karate Kid for the CW. He'd be a fun addition to Supergirl.

I wish DC stuck with Morrison brining back redhead Jason in his Batman and Robin run. Made him stand out more.

He's gonna be Tim if they let him play Robin
He's better off as someone else, Aqualad or someone

Pretty nice stuff. Hope he gets the part; if he doesn't he should be on Arrow/Daredevil or something.

i'd rather Tim Dick and Jason look different. resemble each other, not clones of one another.

Dick is the pretty boy
Jason is red-headed Dick but less pretty
Tim can be vaguely ethnically ambiguous

for now

I'd vote for him

The fight Choreography seems more suited for Hong Kong martial art doesn't seem that grounded within the vein of Affleck's Batman's fighting style.