And one more thing Sup Forums

>And one more thing Sup Forums

Dude, I just bought the entire series of Columbo on a whim and so far it's pretty good.

>tfw as a dumb kid I always missed the beginning as I never knew when it was on, so I didn't know who the killer was until Columbo "figured it out"

Not your worst decision

so it took you all of 5 minutes then because he always started pestering the killer immediately after the episode starts.

don't get me wrong columbo is a well written and well acted show but i could never really get into it because you know who the killer was 10 seconds into the episode. part of the fun of watching mystery shows is trying to figure it out yourself, not watch a guy who is literally never wrong and knows who the killer is immediately as if he had seen the beginning of the episode himself.

Why is everytime when some series try to play with a trope some faggots jumps in and want it to plays out the same like 1000 other tv crime series?

Change is terrifying, nine times out of ten people will go for the safe option, it's why GoT is so popular

But you just swap who did it with what clue ultimately gets the culprit caught

>Stop watching reality TV

So he actually planted evidence in the umbrella, right? Like he technically framed someone for murder because they would've gotten away with otherwise?

Lads, I'm having lower back pains. What do?


I just got the 80s/90s Miss Marple tv series. It aged really, really well and it's very close to the books, unlike the newer 2000s series.

I was told the Leonard Nimoy episode was excellent, so I hunted it down. It was hilarious, that Lenny played a murderous heart surgeon, but they didn't show any blood. After one surgery, he somehow manages to hide the evidence, but it, and everything he touched should have been obvious from the blood.

Bill Shatner did a couple of episodes, and Steven Spielberg directed the first episode.

I was once flipping channels, and I came across one that had a guy setting planting some evidence for several minutes. Even though I missed the title, I knew it had to be Columbo.

there are episodes where the killer isn't obvious, like the one with the car bomb who kills the wrong guy

I prefer howcatchems over whodunnits because it doesn't try to pull le epic twist through leaps of logic on you. I recently started watching Death In Paradise and almost every case is obtuse until the main character has an epiphany and explains exactly what happened. Same with pretty much any modern crime show, they stumble around gathering evidence for 80% of the show and then they pull everything together through giant leaps in logic at the end.

nice. do you also have the Poirot series? i only have vol 1, 2 & 6. Also I have the Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes set which I love, I think he's the definitive portrayal of the character.

Did he? In the pilot episode for the series he lectures some girl about the consequences of falsifying evidence.

His wife was a hotty.

go to a rub n tug

nooo.. the wife he kept referring to was Starfleet's worst Captain, Janeway?!

The Mrs. Columbo spin-off occurred after the Columbo series ended its run on NBC. It was poorly received.

In the opening, she emptied an ashtray with cigars, and the old car was shown in front of the house. At first she mentioned that her husband was a police detective. Then they tried separating the show from Columbo. first by renaming it Kate Columbo, and Kate the Detective, and then Kate Loves a Mystery. By then she was known as Kate Callahan, and her ex-husband was named Philip. Cancelled after 13 episodes.

When Columbo returned to the air in 1989 on ABC, it was further established that Lt. Columbo and his wife Mrs. Columbo were still happily married, and the existence of the series Mrs. Columbo was effectively ignored.