Who's the genius, who's the hack and who's the average writer, Sup Forums?

Who's the genius, who's the hack and who's the average writer, Sup Forums?

Who has done more for comics? Who has made it worse? Who is and always will be irrelevant if you're not a pleb?

Fuck ross
Marry moore
Kill miller

>kill miller

at this point it be a mercy

Say no more, senpai

Moore's the genius, Morrison is average, Millar has never written anything good in his life.

You know that Miller and Millar aren't the same guy, right?

Here's the problem OP, is that they're all hacks.

Miller was the best ever before he lost it
Moore writes poetry, so it seems 'elegant' and 'fancy' but it's just average poetry
Morrison is a one trick pony capeshit hack

>Moore writes poetry
But that's wrong

When the debris from the World Trade Center hit Miller in the head and turned him into comcs' Sean Hannity, it was all ogre.

look at the cadence in the monologues in Watchmen, for example, just because it doesn't rhyme doesn't mean it's not poetry

Morrison is the genius, Moore is average, Miller is a hack.

Miller's body of work is BY FAR the best.

Moore has the best prose writing skills, but it doesn't count for shit when most of his work is boring and overly formalized.

Morrison basically can't write, but is one of the best "idea guys" of his generation. His comics usually are strong enough on a conceptual level to carry the mediocre scripts. He also can't do anything other than capes. WE3 is the exception that proves the rule.

Uhhh what are you smoking? The Filth, We3, and Invisibles are all great.

To clarify, I still do enjoy a few Moore comics. I was only saying that the majority of his work is dull, not all of it.

The Filth is garbage. Invisibles is cape.

The Filth is not garbage at all. Have you ever even read it or are you just saying that off some out of context panel you saw?

Moore is the best but plebs only know him for Watchmen and fish rape and hating on their shitty capeshit which deserves it. Miller and Morrison are both above average, but personally I think Miller is the better of the two even though I've probably read more of Morrison's stuff. I should read more Miller really.

No. It fucking sucks. Writing your brain farts on a script and calling it a comic never results in anything of quality.

The only good thing Miller ever wrote was Year One and the Dark Knight Returns. Everything else is either garbage or try hard. Same goes for Moore but for From Hell, Swamp Thing and Watchmen.

No, you think it sucks or no you haven't read it? You haven't read it. Now just shut the fuck up. You are like the little kid thats never tried broccoli calling it gross.

fuckin' Muslims, man, they ruin everything, they're almost as bad as the British

Except Muslims didn't do 9/11 you dumbass.

Oh fuck, did he get punched out?

Punched out by cancer.

They're all pretty good. Miller is obviously the best and Morrison is obviously the worst.

We3 isn't even that great, bruh

>le bush le did le nine le eleben le XD le leddit le upboat

Moore is a genius who actually pushed forward the medium on his prime (and still provides the occasional good comic in the last few years). He have the least amount of shitty comics between the three.

Miller is an average writer that released a 2-3 really good comics (and cannot do anything else but ride from these). While he have the most amount of shitty comics between the three, the guy still provided enough to the industry that we can somewhat forgive him.

Morrison is an hack.

Art made up for the lacking script.

No. Just no. You have to be 18 to post here.

>lack of script
might be better suited, but nonetheless agreed

I haven't read anything by Moore so take that as you will

>The genius
I would say Moore

>The Hack
Miller for sure, edgy as hell writer and more batman wanking than Bob Kane

>The Average
Morrison, Seven Soldiers was not some complex storytelling as everyone told me it was but I still enjoyed it.

This only because Moore lost his fucking mind.

These opinions are just wrong.

>Miller and Morrison have dozens of amazing works

>Moore has very few and most are just memes for new readers

We all know who the hack here is

"dozens" is a bit strong

Okay well close to a dozen for each of them. Moore has like 4 or 5. The point is those two were consistently great writers for most of their careers and Moore wrote only a few great works in the span of his.

>haven't read Moore
>calls him a genius

Moore Master Race

>All-Star Superman; Animal Man; Arkham Asylum; Action Comics run; Batman Inc.
>rest is shit

>Frank Miller
>Daredevil run; Batman Year One; The Dark Knight Returns
>rest is shit

>Alan Moore
>Swamp Thing; 2000 AD short stories; Watchmen; V for Vendetta; From Hell
>rest is shit

I'd say Alan Moore is the genius, Grant Morrison is the average one and Frank Miller is a hack.

Doom Patrol and JLA are awesome. Action Comics was fucking garbage.

Sin City, Ronin, Hard Boiled, Big Guy & Rusty, Tales To Offend, and MAYBE Martha Washington are all worth reading, if not downright masterpieces in some cases.

Moore's ABC stuff is mostly solid, if not excellent. Supreme starts out well, but turns to shit after the Supremium Man arc.

>tfw Before Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan; Ozymandias, Moloch, Dolar Bill and Comedian were better than real Watchmen

Makes you think.

Wait... Wait... Wait...

Are you calling Miracleman, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Top Ten, actually fuck it, most of his America's Best Comics work shit?

Miracleman was only good when written by Neil Gaiman, League and the rest is shit.

... I have no words for the amount of shit taste you have just put into one sentence.

>Marry moore

top husbando material there, not even memeing.

no other option there. no one would understand wtf is morrison saying anyway and you would be more of a live in nurse with miller.

If I have to choose...
Hack: Moore. He had a few good, but samey books and then went to shit. Also kind of an asshole.
Average: Miller. He's better than most writers and IMO he's never written anything bad, but other than TDKR and Robocop vs Terminator he doesn't have any real heights. Seems like a good guy if you're not Tumblr.
Genius: Morrison. Consistently writes absolute gold. Has never written anything below "above average". His only real flaw is treading the metafiction territory too often. Also seems like a sweet guy.

Moore is the genius, Morrison the average writer and Miller is undeniably a fucking hack.

Anyone else marvel at the fact that Miller looks and acts like a character designed by himself now?

Why is the The Dark Knight Returns 2' art so bad? Jesus Christ, I don't even feel like starting it because of the art.

>From Hell
Getting real sick of this meme. It's just a mediocre Jack the Ripper conspiracy fanfiction.

Dave Sim is a genius, all these three faggots are hacks.
>m-m-muh wimminz
No one cares, fuck off.

All great.

Moore wrote Swamp Thing. I'd like to shake his hand for that.

Switch Miller and Moore and this is the correct opinion

Cerebus is a meme comic. Not bad, but not some genius work.

I mean they're all equally amazing? I feel like Grant's Superhero stuff and other influences haven't really hit yet? like it's to soon to tell how he's effecting comics.

Turn off your computer and go read Swamp Thing

Why do you think that?

>MAYBE Martha Washington
Martha Washington is good as hell. Miller working with produced Gibbons fantastic art and it disproves the :"Miller writes all women as whores" meme.

>All this Miller shitting implying his Batman is the pinnacle of his career
One Mention of Daredevil

MWF, Born Again, Elektra Assassin and the run itself are all classics

Poetry isn't the only form of literature that cares about cadence y'know.

Moore is the best writer, Miller is the best storyteller and Morrison is arguably the niftiest idea man of the bunch.

Sup Forumsmblr man. Why can't you people just talk like fucking normal people with your "no. Just no" as if that makes you funny. You're worse than all those liberal hacks who end all statements they disagree with with "really?!?!" as if it's fucking comedy gold

>Al Qaeda
>not Muslim


>Morrison is a one trick pony capeshit hack

I's rather deal with Morrison's "Everything is meta" than Moore's "Everything is rape"

It's not amazing, but it's much better than anything those mediocrities made. Moore is just a more intelligent Neil Gaiman anyway, not that being more intelligent than Gaiman is an achievement.
>meme comic
It's funny you would use this term defending people who made nothing but meme comics.

Daredevil is Sup Forums.

>Sin City
Sin City is a teenager's idea of what noir is. It's embarrasingly bad.

You know I am genuinely surprised that Moore hasn't done a Judge Dredd book yet.

Why? 2000AD fists creators in the ass harder than DC or Marvel ever did.

Did DC or Marvel ever use original artwork to clean up spills and fill cracks in walls?

So how will people remember Frank Miller when he goes? Will people focus more on his good work or his crap?

I'd be dreading it.
He'd probably criticize fascism, but do it extremely unsubtly and not in a semi-funny way satirists make fun of such concepts. I mean, there is a chance he might produce another America but it's 50/50.

>Alan Moore is an anarcho socialist who worships a roman snake god and practices magic
>Miller is a quasi fascist with an alcohol problem and untreated PTSD stemming from 9/11
>Morrison has a near autistic level of obsession with continuity.
What is it about comics that attracts weirdos.

I disagree on MWF, but only because of how derivative it is to the rest of his Daredevil works.

A fantastic screenplay for a movie adaptation though.

Miller's Daredevil work>His Batman work.

Moore objectively propelled the medium the furthest but how much of this is because of being in the right place at the right time is debatable.

In terms of the pure art of writing:


Moore can actually write some really fucking good shit and Miller has his moments. Grant Morrison is really good with ideas and themes but his actual writing in and of itself isn't incredible, merely above average.

None of the three are hacks.

Miller has no "moments".
He's simply bad. Born Again is some of the worst, most tryhard shit I've ever read and that's his "good" stuff.

And opinion disregarded.

Moore = Morrison > >>>>> Miller

Miller is the weakest link and almost totally undeserving of all the cred he gets. His only talent is drawing and he is completely incompetent at writing. Any "critical thought" or "political analysis" which people find in his writing is completely superficial. He has never had a grip on characterisation or narrative momentum.

As an artist he introduced aspects of manga and cinematic technique into superhero comics to vivid effect. His art remains very compelling and worth a close look, IMO. Although he met with a lot of slack for 'Holy Terror' it actually was, narrative and writing wise, no worse than any of the Sin City garbage he spent the last decade spewing out. But the art was just fantastic, really imaginative weirdo visuals.

TDKR is thought of as "serious literature" purely as an accidental byproduct of how well composed the panels and illustrations are. The writing itself is very, VERY on the nose and the dialogue is plain ridiculous. It was always the art that was the good part.

The Filth isn't bad at all user, it just went over your head, user

>Millers Daredevil run was good

When will this meme end

Frank: I really like his art, his writings not so much. he writes noir for edgy teens
DD is best work

Grant: his hitler stuff is his best work.
has a lot of good quality work for dc.
I haven't read his x-men so I can't speak for that & sometimes his work is 2meta4u. Just kidding his best work is flex & we3

Alan: did some cool work for dc & lots of trash
Swampthing is his master piece

When you will stop being a contrarian.

It really did age like milk.

kill yourself

read some non-DC Moore's work before acting like you know shit
From Hell is his masterpiece, soon to be replaced by Jerusalem

But his best work was Top Ten

how is possible to live with such shit taste?

That snake god was created by a satirist, Moore obviously doesn't worship him.

Miller has consistently done stuff that ranges from good to great.
Moore has done stuff from great to meh.
Morrison's done stuff ranging from great to awful.

>V for Vendetta
His prose and the art are the only good things about it.

>That snake god was created by a satirist, Moore obviously doesn't worship him.

No, he does worship Glycon, specifically because it was a hoax. You're just too pleb to understand because you unthinkingly put the trait of being fictional into a mental box labeled "bad."

You're pretty retarded if you think he would worship some entity he knows is fictional.
If anything it's a joke targeted at all other relligions.

Fuck off, pleb.

>A god is the idea of a god. The idea of a god is a god. The idea of Glycon is Glycon, if I can enhance that idea with an anaconda and a speaking tube, fair enough. I am unlikely to start believing that this glove puppet created the universe. It’s a fiction, all gods are fiction. It’s just that I happen to think that fiction’s real. Or that it has its own reality, that is just as valid as ours. I happen to believe that most of the important things in the material world start out as fiction. That everything around us was once fiction – before there was the table there was the idea of a table, and the idea of a table before tables was fiction. This is the most important world, the world of fictional things. That’s the world where all this starts.

It goes back to this whole idea that words are magic. He doesn't worship the snake, he just pictured his ideas this way.