I don't like him cause he's black

I don't like him cause he's black

Other urls found in this thread:


You're a minority yourself!

>gives reason based on his experience with dealing with them
I can't believe you would say that! I mean I'm black didn't you notice on are bus ride here.

He's not wrong.

The balls on that guy. Respect.

What the fuck was this guys deal

Our guy

Fucking Polys...


On the fact that he's black.

looked like a just edit from the catalog

it's "on the fact that he's black"

the phrasing really makes it

>having /guys/

>be shitskin
>demean niggers to appease the white man
Sup Forums in a nutshell.

are badasses


That's definitely what's happening.

>That time DX was scared during the WCW invasion segment because Meng could've attacked them.

The face of Sup Forums

>y-you're just being mean to us to suck up to whitey, it's not like every other group of people that has come into contact with us have found us repulsive independently of eachother

Why are Polynesians so racist?

100% BASED Sup Forums bro

Most people don't like African Americans, even other blacks.

Samoans are just island niggers. I hope he realizes this.

>Be white
>Demean your race ro appease to jews and feminists.

/reddit/ in a nutshell.


someone faceapp him to bring out his inner whiteness.

did i trigger u bro?

> someone faceapp him to bring out his inner whiteness.
I got some bad news for you bro...

is he a poo, latino or just an american?

>mfw black people call him racist but only white people can be racist


shut up!

This. We all know non-whites can't think for themselves.

Is that miley cyrus?


Why are people so confused when someone who isn't "white" hates another race? The concept of white is very new, not long ago slavs and the Irish were considered subhuman. Orientals still hate other orientals.

Are you like 60 years old or just stupid

Oriental detected

>oriental: of, relating to, or from Asia and especially eastern Asia

Are you illiterate?

>tfw not white
>pretend to be a white supremacist Pol fag to trigger the redditors

underage newfag kill yourself

Why are people so confused when someone who isn't "white" hates another race?
Mostly because it makes you look dumb as fuck. Yeah, that half a tone of darker melanin makes them so much worse than you.


and everyone hates niggers, non-whites even moreso.

White master race reporting in

>skin tone is the only physical difference between races

Did trumblr tell you that?

It's not the skin tone it's the malformed skull and lack of 20 iq points

Yes, "triggered", now fuck off back to where you came from you retarded nigger.


>thinks he is redpilled
>doesn't wear a moon man t-shirt to the furry convention
Get on my level

Post a picture. Surely you're a prime specimen of your superior race.

this actually makes more sense than this . like the guy in the video, i genuinely hate black people used to dealing with them. theyre embarassing themselves more in the media so hopefully people will start opening their eyes. Strangely my irl friends have randomly started hating black people for no reason and even though it surprised me i guess its a sign that black ppl embarassing themselves online is actually working against them and i love it

EVERYONE hates black people. Having to deal with blacks is like a baptism by fire for immigrants coming to America.

Gentlesirs like myself know that whites are the superior race, even if women are too scared of our intellect to date us.

>Post a picture. Surely you're a prime specimen of your superior race.

nice reddit comment

>triggers your impotent autistic rage

>You're so misinformed.

This. I wouldn't let those whores touch me anyway, I want to remain pure for my future wife after the race war.

that girl is not white so theres nothing wrong with that picture

Yeah we can do way better than her. She probably doesn't even praise KEK.

>mexican larper too afraid of being ridiculed by his polbuddies

how assblasted do you have to be to edit that into the photo? whats wrong with you?

Wait I'm confused. Are fedoras/reddit pro-white MRAs etc or anti-white cucks? Can you all just fucking make up your minds?

ohh.. sweetie...

the sad part is you just know its a white guy who edited that photo

All these uneducated blacks are causing so many problems. We have to take are country back anons.

That dragon on his pecs and shoulder looks really call but what is up with that faggy tramp stamp right above his dick

>skin tone is the only difference between us

But a white man hasnt qualified for the olympic sprint finals for 30 years. Blacks dominate many sports. Are you saying that we're equals except black people are better at sports? So we're all inferior to black people?

Can you at least try to be funny instead of desperately spamming threads? Give it a rest, try something new instead of doing this all day.

>what is irony

How am I supposed to compete with that?


Did this nigga drop out of middle school? I can't understand what he wrote

>kelly brook continues to get thiccer
good, good

>tfw I remember when this comic started

No, there are other reasons for racial prejudice than wypipo

Not white? Wew you lads really reach. Funny when an attractive black girl is posted then suddenly she's obviously not truly black. Where do you trashy filth people live?

>asshurt libtard spergs out and posts the same 10 pictures again

Oh yep, I guess I'm Sup Forums now even though I think the board is full of retards. I'm just saying it can't be fun to post aimless bait all day

South American countries.

These liberals really make me mad too, but this baby helps me keep calm. Who else here #spin4trump?

>he's been doing it several times a day since 2015
Whoa, the power of autism

damn this thread triggered somebody real good

that's ok. nobody likes niggers



autism rage initiated, commence protocol 'dump folder' for trillionth time

He's just jealous of us user, he doesn't praise kek like we do.

its one guy hes been at it all day

What a jerk
I'm glad no based alt-righters like us would ever spam this board, we're way above him for sure.


why is leftypol so stupid and pathetic?

didn't like niggers

don't blame him desu

You're really desperate huh? That's adorable!
Don't worry, even though you're wrong and look stupid, no one really cares what you think so there's no need to be embarrassed about it.

every single race on Earth hates black people vehemently though

Not a single one but whitey tolerates their existence.

Spoken like a true shill

>>be shitskin
>>demean niggers to appease the white man
>Sup Forums in a nutshell.

Unironically this

i may be a shitskin but my people have culture. fucking niggers are nothing but trouble. blacks are scum

Everything I said was 100% correct.


This. We need to stick together and MAGA brothers!

how does it feel not only being a failure in life, but believing in a COMPLETE failure of an ideology like communism that will NEVER EVER work or even take hold?