Our Friend, Martin

Was anyone else forced to watch this in elementary school?


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yes but i barely remember it

live action movie i watched in middle school followed the same plot sept he was sent back to slavery times and they laughed at him for having babby soft hands when he should be a literal cotton-picker

Was anyone forced to watch that sex ed movie about where the zookeeper talks about animal penises?

that's fucking crazy

fucking quads of WUT, no? sauce?
i was forced to watch a biology movie that showed a ton of naked people of all ages/races/colors at the end for some sort of 2deep4me effect. lost us on the 'boobs past knees' grannies

I always find stuff like this fascinating that Americans pretend that MLK was this friendly reasonable black dude when he scared the shit out of white people.

but he WAS a friendly reasonable dude who happened to be black

you're thinking of malcom i think, it was like "we can negotiate with this martin fellow, or we can wait for this X guy to finish charging his shitstorm up" deal

I don't think I've ever seen this before in my life.

And? The NAACP weren't burning white homes or committing terrorism like whites who burned black buses, churches, homes and even fucking assassinated MLK.

Fuck whites and their paranoia over racism they fucking started.


Yes, didn't the alternate future where MLK runs away into the future have the designated girl in the group become a abused house maid for being Mexican?

Really puts up a Great Man theory view of MLK as if the NAACP wouldn't have worked without him.

Found it.


Holy crap this was old, why did we see this?

That was because whit people were stupid, not because of him.

I recall the FBI would obsessively spy on MLK. They have a massive dossier on him with thousands of his conversations recorded.

I wonder if they have any of him talking with his mistress.

>ed asner
>angel basset
>levar burton
>danny glover
>whoopi goldberg
>samuel l jackson
>james earl jones
>john travolta
>jaleel white
>oprah winfrey
>frank welker


>"Great Moments in Sex" book

I was just thinking about this dumb shit for the past few days!

I think it was actually a fellow student who brought it in to watch during Martin Luther King Jr./Black History celebrations. Must've been in first, second, or third grade 'cause we didn't have any black kids in our school when we watched it.

I remember when they went to an alternate timeline where the civil rights movement didn't happen. Even as a kid, I really thought that part was interesting.

Pic related

He had Malcolm X to make him look more moderate in any event.

I forget, who actually did kill MLK? I know it's basically official that James Earl Ray didn't do it (King's family maintained this from the start).

Better get a source to prove MLKs marches were violent.

Because every video that shows violence it's the white cops hitting protesters with fire hoses, clubs and attack dogs.

no, I thank God I grew up in the South before it got cucked by litards

Celebrities feel better about themselves by being in children's educational films about promoting their agenda.

Since we're talking about Elementary School videos, can anybody help me find the one I watched back in 4th grade? It's called Boy to Man, and I remember there was a girl version, too, Girl to Woman. I've been trying to find it for a while, but it's practically gone now.

That's because they were a bunch of paranoid fucks.

Now THAT sounds more interesting.

"Hey, do you want to be in a movie about Martin Luther King, Jr.?"
"Ehh, I'm a bit busy..."
"Okay, RACIST."
"Fine, fine, I'll do it."

The only problem with the time travel is that nowadays we've all been presented with how nobody can get a standard on how time travel works, so there are multiple interpretations.

So there's the idea that if they had brought MLK into the future, nothing would have changed because they were going to bring him back. The world wouldn't have fallen to shit.

And they still are. Ever see the documentary "(T)error"?

I'm not saying that his marches were violent, I was just posting a political cartoon from the time to demonstrate that people thought MLK's marches were violent and destructive. More a commentary on people's views than a statement on how destructive they actually were.

>I thank God I grew up in the South

You were alive before the civil war?

Sure, you could argue that the timeline would have been unchanged because he would have gone back. I just thought it was an effective way to demonstrate what effect MLK had on race relations and society.

Oh yeah. I was the only white kid in every school I went to from Kindergarden right up to my Senior year of High School. And every year they'd pop this fucker in and force us to watch.

Everytime the movie ended the teacher would give an introspective to the class about "muh black lives". And most would always go on a rant about how the white man was evil until they saw me in a corner of the room and said "oh, except for you user."

And during the Treyvon Martin incident? Nobody would give me the time of day, because everyone was against blacks and out to lynch them all.

Worst years of my life.

I went to school in bumfuck Wisconsin where at least 80% of the students came from a farming family.
We didn't watch any black propaganda, but we did learn a lot about injuns.
They were pretty cool.

Hindsight helps a lot in that regard

>Fuck whites and their paranoia over racism they fucking started.

But they didn't start racism.

This, Hoover was fucking crazy. Their current stance on COINTELPRO is "to be fair, we went after some white supremacists too."

Oh, I agree, it's an effective way of showing the effect.
I'm just saying that growing up ruined it for me.

It's unfortunate that many (White) Americans aren't actually into reading what the man was actually about or what he thought. A Letter From Birmingham Jail has like half a page dedicated to chastising "moderate whites".

Like many negroes from that time, he would be just as reviled today as he was in the 60s. America just has selective memory.

Go back to /pol

History reinterprets "Great Men" as the ideal role that they filled rather than the man himself, it's the same reason textbooks don't talk about Gandhi's enema fetish and lying next to girls naked.

I read an article the other day I think about how the FBI spends a significant portion of their employee training on the discriminatory past of the organization. I think the top leadership is really trying to get away from that.

If not for the fact that they're doing the same thing to prominent BLM activists

or the fact that he was pretty bigoted and prejudiced against africans. I didn't learn about that until a few years ago and I had to like triple check the research because it's so far off from what they teach about him in high school

Unpleasant or extremist views tend to get white-washed when a historical figure gets put on a pedestal in mainstream culture. MLK had plenty of negative things to say about the police, but a lot of white commentators don't mention either out of ignorance or because it doesn't align with their views.


That propaganda never works man
School is so filled with bullshit it overflows yet kids are smart enough to see through it
The only way they ever manage to force their beloved on people is with fear.
Sure nobody believes your bullshit but they still belive you will punish them for not repeating it

They did start racial issues in the USA by keeping blacks as uneducated sub citizens until the 60s.

>basically official that James Earl Ray didn't do it
According to who?

Hey, I actually like the movie, if only for the nostalgia it makes me feel

>Fuck whites and their paranoia about racism
The lack of self awareness

Crashing civil rights, with no survivors!

>Wake up sheeple!

I want to see that.

We had to watch this yearly in a small PE room with an uncomfortable concrete floor.

Actually they started racism by genociding entire tribes killing everyone and burning everything to the ground
Not that you give a semblance of a fuck about what white people do to others or even what white people still do to this day to blacks in Africa
You just want free shit and validation you are pathetic

>140 years of legally enforced racism
>expecting respect

>until the 60s

More like 80s/90s but arguably still present today. Did you know the Little Rock Central HS (the first school to be desegregated) was monitored federally until 2007 to make sure that they integrated and stayed that way?

Housing segregation and even school segregation took literal decades post 1964 to fully integrate. The legislation was federal, but housing law is typically handed at a state/local level. And just like the south post civil war, if you weren't being pressed by the federal govt. to get your shit together, you dragged your heels. Which is why you see the charter school boom in the last 20 years. It's an excuse for middle class white people to have exclusive schools save for model minorities and shit.

Who? MLK or Ghandi? It would be ironic for MLK, but Ghandi has me interested.

I went out of my way once to find and buy that movie. I need to watch it again

A restaurant owner Loyd Jowers was found legally liable for a conspiracy to assassinate King, and he himself reported that Ray was a scapegoat.

Obviously we're getting into sketchy conspiracy territory, but there seems to be a pretty common agreement that Ray was innocent.

Sorry I didn't live 140 years, please tell me how your life was back then
Better yet tell me how your life was over thousands kf years of slavery back when ylu served your black African lords

In that posters defense, you rarely see a thread on Sup Forums anymore that doesn't have a least a few people complaining about SJW agendas

>implying there were no other significant racial equality leaders

Gandhi, he wasn't the biggest fan of blacks. Neither was Che, while we're at it, though whatever hero status the latter had was limited and is old shirt now.


How awful must have been for you to wake up at night and see a rival tribe destroy everything, rape your women and sell you to work for other Africans, why do we never hear about it? It's still happening today

Gandhi. Early in his career as an activist, Gandhi fought for the rights of Indians in South Africa. One of the arguments Gandhi used was that the British were treating Indians like black people, when it was clear that Indians were superior to Africans.

the ironic part is thats the same kind of rhetoric they used against MLK and co.

I'm not here to debate with you about BLM being a hate group, but merely to encourage you to consider the irony

Because they are at peak power and about to take over government? Because they take the streets and burn shit to the ground?
If one side gets too powerful it brings the other side to the mainstream too, sjw created pol and trump

Looking at the Jowers case, it seems like the compensation was so little that they found him guilty so they wouldn't bother any more. Wasn't Jowers asked to pay somewhere around $100 dollars? He got a whole medial circus and plenty of attention for it in return.

Africa's a pretty fucked-up continent. Schools don't really bother with teaching students about African countries because of how volatile they are.

>Schools don't really bother with teaching students about African countries because of how volatile they are.

I would say it's more like Americans don't encourage any sort of education about any country other than our own.

Nobody can debate blm and acknowledge blm at the same time
They just ye do you think black lives don't matter?
They can't defend a single thing the movement has done
Go ahead try to defend a single thing, a single protest, a single riot, a single murderer you chllse

But were there any groups back in the 60s that were focusing on the rights of all races? And don't say hippies when they could barely organize a concert.

Not just Sup Forums, something genuinely changed this past decade. White nationalists were nigh-universally considered to be crazies confined to some weird corner of the internet (and the occasional one-off in a Youtube comments section), now they're much more common. How they expanded is probably an interesting subject, but one I don't think any board can really discuss.

>Oh yeah. I was the only white kid in every school I went to from Kindergarden right up to my Senior year of High School.
You too huh?
Did your schools cafeterias have any of the weird as fuck trailer trash tier food mine did? like hot dogs wrapped in american cheese with tuna and hot sauce poured on top.
Of course it was balanced out by the fact that the local culinary school would show up once a month and make amazing food for us as part of some kind of outreach program.
>And during the Treyvon Martin incident?
How old are you?