Threequel when?

threequel when?

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never, thankfully.
or do you want an SJW reboot called Jill and Lashonda's Excellent Adventures where some badass bitches go back in time to put primitive men in their place

Keanu was still talking like it's going to happen just a few months ago, but they've been saying that for like ten years.

Sup, royal ugly dudes

the end of Bill and Ted 2 brought me to tears when I watched it. I don't even like kiss but that song made me feel the force of my youth and long forgotten happiness and the beauty still in the world and in music that i was ignoring

"spiritual successors" and reboots aren't sequels, user. there ain't no "ghostbusters III", is there?

i'd like to see keanu do something silly and fun again so this could be the best option. the movie would need to show more of the future stuff, though

cinematic universe when?

I played around with what they could do

I was thinking that a bill and Ted 3 could play around with the idea of a multiverse, like bill and Ted have to traval between dimensions to stop a villain who wants to prevent them all from collapsing. They could meet alternate versions of themselves

"Thanks for helping us find Luke Skywalker, Mrs. Station!"

What's this movie.

They had a comic book and this was very similar to one of the stories in it.

Please be bait

the franchise has a lot of freedom to do whatever they want.
I'd love to see them go to an alien planet

I was thinking that some time ago, I mean it's the only way they could go without seeming smaller.

it would also feel similar to the first two while doing something new. The villaisn could also be evil versions of B&T.

I heard biodome was going to be a B&T sequel and thankfully it wasn't. Would have been such a let down.

>Jill and Lashonda's Excellent Adventures
I have no sides

Keanu said Cowboy Bebop and Matrix sequels we're going to happen.

supposedly, the working plot of bill and ted 3 revolves around how the future isnt the utopia it was supposed to be despite their music.

They stole the idea of a time traveling phone booth/box from doctor who ...

and did it better. bongs btfo

Let's settle this once and for all, which is the better Bill & Ted song, "In Time" or "God Gave Rock & Roll To You"?

Were they /our guys/?

first post Sup Forums post

The new comic kinda sucks.

The last time Keanu mentioned it, the plot was that B&T are in their late 40's, and playing in small town bards and airport lounges, having not made it like they were supposed to.

part two already has evil versions of them so it would be redundant they would have to go another way.


Best post of the day.