Saturday Night Live is planning on doing a hit piece on press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders this Saturday...

>Saturday Night Live is planning on doing a hit piece on press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders this Saturday, Fox News has learned.

>The plan is to attack her looks, weight, accent, and her amblyopia (lazy eye).

>When asked about the backlash the piece might receive, Lorne Michaels responded "everyone associated with Donald Trump can go fuck themselves. How many PoC have committed suicide due to his racist, sexist views?"

>How many PoC have committed suicide due to his racist, sexist views?"
Not enough

>alt right crying intensifies
Do you have hankies monogrammed with a T for Trump?

This is priceless though, it represents traditional media dying, why aren't we celebrating?

>How many PoC have committed suicide due to his racist, sexist views?"
Well zero, which is not enough.


lol alt-right snowflakes triggered *punches a nazi*

The absolute state of the left

>google the first line in OP
>0 results

>How many PoC have committed suicide due to his racist, sexist views?"

probably 0?

why is there an assumption that anyones killed themselves because of Trumps views?

>How many PoC have committed suicide due to his racist, sexist views?
Probably none.

>"everyone associated with Donald Trump can go fuck themselves. How many PoC have committed suicide due to his racist, sexist views?"

Everyone too dumb to google weather a quote is real or not should be banned from the internet due to lack of critical thinking skills.

>The plan is to attack her looks, weight
Wow. I hate Trump just as much as the next (intelligent) person, but no. No. That is just wrong. I will NOT stand by while they make fun of this woman's appearance. Fatphobia is really the number one worst problem in America today. This is fucking bullshit man, what kind of world are we living in?

how the FUCK does she have 3 kids and a husband?

Are you implying that only really attractive people get laid? That would be the most underage thing I've read all week.

This is because it is fake.

>make up whatever story you want
>greentext it
>at least half the thread will believe it without even checking
Yeah, I can see why the average retard hates """fake""" news.

Leave Sarah alone!

op here

fap bop

34 years young

muh shook


>implying people still watch Saturday Night Propaganda

>attack her [...] lazy eye
those ableist pieces of shits

Are you Louis CK?

Louis CK: All white people look the same! Kill them all!


It comes from sources familiar with Lorne Michael's thinking

>getting offended by a sketch show
>not just not watching it and getting on with your life
I swear both you guys are just as bad as each other.

i agree with lorne for once. I have 0 sympathy for trump or anyone associated with that administration

>Sup Forums accuses Jews of spreading propaganda
>no evidence
>Sup Forums proceeds to spread blatant propaganda to other boards

Fuck Sup Forums.

You'd be shitting on CNN for even mentioning the word "sources".


cry moar faggot

> (You)


your dogwhistle is sure loud

Fuck you Sup Forums, just fucking fuck you
