What was the purpose of this character?

What was the purpose of this character?

upside down is spooked scary

Giving me a boner

to make mrs bones seem more attractive

They needed someone to look a little more 80's-y

attract T H I C C audience

I know it's way to huge and a meme and all that to actually talk about the media itself, seperate from the fanbase BUT, it was a clever, funny sort of homage to the ugly friend no one gives a shit about even when she's murdered trope from 80s horror media.

make my peepee tingle

nostalgia boners for genX dads

/genX neet

To get killed

Monster fodder
Do people just like this show because of 80s nostalgia? It was fine but I don't get the praise

Its not clever or funny if its just another linear element of the entire starting premise

a dramatic portion of the first few episodes is used to set up typical 80s film tropes that they'll break later in the series

barb never coming back or not being saved was a modern tv move for an 80's tv plot line

This. It didn't work

Eye candy, she was the best looking one in the show. funny how everyone doesn't realise that and think the skelly with a big head is supposed to be.

Bitch got nominated for an Emmy. lol wtf for the industry is a fucking joke.

To get nominated for an emmy for literally no reason whatsoever

To sit on my face


and pale
and redhead
what a goddess

When I saw her character I just thought "oh great, here we go with the pandering to THICC girls", pretty surprised when they killed her off in a violent way and nobody gave a shit

>tfw my favorite thicc pale redhead pornstar got into a car accident and retired
RIP Felicia Clover

I kind of wanted to fuck her, then I realized she was tumblr incarnate

I will never understand the THICC meme

it made sense at first, but it's gone too far

It's an American thing. Fat is a negative word and since the majority of Americans are as a matter of fact fat, they do need something to tell them that being obese is attractive.

It is of course misused a lot when as a description of certain physiques that would be better classified as stout or curvy.

This is literally it

Someone said "hey get a molly ringwald cuz u know 80s!"

reddit pandering

Giving me a stranger thing in my pants.

I thought she retired because she got sick of only getting BBW scenes.

Barb honestly is a horrible character. I can't believe Tumblr made her nominated for an Emmy.

wtf she looks even worse in real life
at least she looked thin in that

To pamper to its intended Leddit audience of course

The lasso the feelings of all the other fatsos watching.

to give the tumblr audience an entry point to self insert to as the not-as-hot friend
as if jonathan wasn't enough for them to schlick off to

The reason is that emmies are produced by SJW


Her purpose was to die, fodder for the shows monster.

People latched on to her because so many empathize with the loser who can't hold a conversation.

I liked her because she was actually a good friend who tried helping her friend even though her friend was an easy dumb dumb.

So is that cute redhead in Season 2 going to be the new Barbara? Another victim that nobody gives a shit about?

for betamax to get pictures of so nancy would notice him

Was the purpose of the Chimp Out Kid to get the viewer irritated every time he is on screen? Becuase it worked.

I wonder if black viewers were seething at the fact that he kept wanting to go to the police for help.

Hey Lucas was a mission driven loyal friend who wasn't getting distracted by a girl's cooties

You mean illogical mean spirited hot headed little shit with a one track mind

All the child actors are terrible. This is why they have 20 year olds playing teens. Children shouldn't act.

He wanted the D and 11 was getting in the way