ITT we post animated comedies that are actually good

I'm tired of XRA and Rick & Morty fags. Post good shows.

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imagine being the kind of person who finds mr. pickles funny

all those are shit

King of the Hill and Archer or gtfo

fucking christ three of my coworkers just discovered mr pickles and won't shut up about it. shock value: the show is their new favorite thing. it's got a few moments but how can you be so entertained by a dog doing gross shit?

superjail is the only good 1 on that list

they're all shit but so is archer

>fucking christ three of my coworkers just discovered mr pickles
Summer job with literal teenagers?

Only Drawn Together is actually funny. Super Jail just has good animation and Mr. Pickles is an abortion

Space Ghost Coast to Coast.

Superjail is good but not because its funny.

The other two you listed? Fuck off they're trash you contrarian faggot.
archer had a great first season but was already going downhill by s2. By s4 it was still slightly above average but then it came crashing down
I'm more inclined to watch Frisky Dingo

Venture brothers had a phenomenal first season and a few great follow up seasons. The show still has a lot of love and care put into it but it isn't half the masterpiece it once was. Venture seasons 1 might be one of the best seasons of cartoons ever, I wish they still went on adventures

Space Ghost

Are the only ones worth watching

I didn't even know mr pickles was an actual show
Saw an episode on Facebook with a friend and didn't laugh throughout the entire thing
Amazing what kind of horse shit they let on the air

how the hell is pickles better than rick and morty?
i don't mind either, but that just doesn't make any sense
ur dildos op and so is your list

king of the hill is probably one of the most boring cartoons to ever be on tv

Mr Pickles is fucking trash.
Are you like 12?

The only good animated sitcom

Drawn Together is amusing but got old after two seasons.
Superjail is good.
Mr. Pickles is absolute dogshit.

The Venture Brothers is the greatest western animated show of all time.

Sup Forums has been a whirlwind this past week, like a shitty cartoon arms race

The Pinnacle of cartoon comedy has arrived

>unironically liking The Reddit Brothers
Kill yourself.

How much money did you get in Google Adsense?

buenos dias mandy

R&M is better than Mr. Pickles and this is coming from someone who shitposts incessantly about 'reddit & memey'

>Kill Yourself

Just watched an ep of Mr. Pickles, and it was unironically the most fresh piece of comedy I've seen in a while.

And I remember watching a bit of Superjail a while ago and thinking about how innovative it was.

shut the fuck up you fat niggaboo

Superjail is one the only shows I've ever tried to watch and just couldn't finish. It was unbearably bad.
>its so absurd it's funny!!
no, It was just terrible.

Also China, Il is one of the greatest shows ever.

Drawn together was a good show, super jail is pretty good but mr pickles is fucking awful.

still holds up

that video isn't monetized

Mr. Pickles sucks

I saw the pilot for hellbenders and was instantly more angry

Nice buzzwords idiot.
Superjail being "innovative" lmao. You could find a dozen antecedents to Superjail on Newgrounds. It's a flash cartoon made into a full series to predictably uninspired results. Only a teenage boy could think that gratuitous violence and toilet humor was 'fresh'.

Do yourself a favour if you haven't already watched this, only 18 episodes of comedy that was years ahead of it's time.

ugly americans was fuckin awful
