What did honor gain him in the end?

What did honor gain him in the end?

Nothing to lose your head over.

Shave and a haircut

fish pusy

>being honorable
*tips head*

>Eddard Stark: You think my life is some precious thing to me? That I would trade my honor for a few more years... of what? You grew up with actors. You learned their craft and you learnt it well. But I grew up with soldiers. I learned to die a long time ago.

A legacy and a reputation and good faith for his kin. Far more than what you will have when you die for nothing.

Two bits

he didn't have to live to see past the first season

a few meat pies

The salty cunt never had honour.

Jaime had more chivalry than him, saved 1.5 milion people by putting his own reputation and the rest of his life on stake.


Men fighting for him long after he and his heir is dead. A name in history for smashing the greatest dynasty

a 140lb weightloss trick that really works

He saved his niece from his best friend's assassins.

>implying Jon is anything more than a bastard


>A name in history for smashing the greatest dynasty

the snownigger stabbed an honourable knight in the back and never saw a fight since then, since his side won. the faggot didn't even do it himself, because he was shit enough to lose.

Ned Stark is the most overestimated character in whole of Westeros.

Years after his death, his land and his people are still fighting in his name. His children are celebrated heroes. Even after all they've suffered the people of the North refuse to surrender.

Notice how nobody, not even his own children, give much of a fuck about Tywin after he dies? Notice how Cersei and Jamie don't even bring up the idea that the people of the Westerlands (the Lannister's home region) will rise up and resist the invaders on their behalf?

Yeah, that's the benefit of having honor. That's what being an actual decent human being as well as a lord gets you. Ned's honor may have cost him his life but it brought him a family, a house and a people that will honor him in return forever.

>A legacy and a reputation and good faith for his kin.
History is written by the victors. Everyone things Ned Stark was a cowardly backstabber who conspired to overthrow a legitimate ruler for his own gain.

His daughter is anime while his son is professor x

A weight off his shoulders

The North will probs win and they know the truth.

>History is written by the victors

Do you live in some alternative dimension where everything isn't collapsing around Cercei and it's only a matter of time before Jon Snu and Caloreesi BTFO her?

Two sons were kings, one is a magic sorceror, one is going to ride a dragon and fuck a Queen, and only one kid actually died.

Sounds better than every other surviving house now.

In honesty the only reason the north followed the starks beyond ned dying was because Robb was a GOAT commander and most of the current support seems to come from how shitty a move the red wedding was and jon snow being the chosen one

>Years after his death, his land and his people are still fighting in his name.

Ehm... NO

the moment the cunt and his stupid son died, they betrayed him and fought against the Starks or didn't fight at all.


His family not getting their shit fucked up beyond repair.
Practically Extinct and barely holding their lands
Barely surviving

The Starks and Greyjoys are the only two large houses to have any sort of stable position

half a million not 1.5


And then it bit them in the ass when his bastard BTFO the ~2 year-long """""""""reign"""""""""" the rebel family had.

I'm not saying it's all pure rah-rah we-love-the-Starks. I know without Stannis and Littlefinger intervening for their own reasons The North would already be lost. But consider why after getting curb-stomped, beaten, and then suffering under the Boltons the North is ready to rise again.

No other Great House has that kind of tenacious loyalty from their own people.

>posting a muslim meme image

getting killed in season 1 when it was good

It hasn't happened yet. We've already seen a few depictions of the war in play form, and Ned is a conniving shit in them. Plus, we know the official story from Cersei and Joffrey would have been along those lines, too. So as far as most commoners in Westeros (except probably the North), and even in Essos are concerned, Ned Stark was a shitty person. Maybe that'll change in the future, but at present, his reputation was ruined. And so was his son's.

He's certainly a sick cunt from all the rowing, but he's also a bastard

>What did honor gain him in the end?
you must be female

>implying I understand french

Muslim isn't a language...

he was the best character in the show still to this day


>(except probably the North)
To the Starks, that's the only part that matters, user.


>Practically Extinct and barely holding their lands
what about all those cousins we never saw?


Snackbarred or on the boat with Gendry

u wot?

Honor isn't made for selfish interested goals.
That's the point of honor.

A commoner wouldn't understand.

live for nothing, or die for something.

Not a race either but doesn't stop faggots from crying racism when criticizing it.

Got him out of the show before it to turned to shit.

Lannister line is pretty much dead or they'll all be dwarves from now on

Nice argument we aren't even having. Leave your whatabouts at home.

The high ground of course.

A good death is its own reward.

Is this from the french rip? Where's his funky mustache?

How would this be quipped in season 7?


The line would be the same but it would end with Ned remarking that Varys has no cock

THis is why sansa will become the queen of the realm

Everything is saying she will come out on top after she kills danny and jon at their wedding With little finger at her side or they might kill him for fan appeasement and make sansa embody little finger Ramsay Bolton Cersei

A swift death.
And a round of rape for the rest of his house.

Lannister house isn't extinct, Tywin's line will be though.

He's kind of honorable though. He just lies to himself pretending otherwise and tries to appear selfish. Just like the Hound trying really hard to be an asshole.

Yeah he did try to spare the knight, but Lysa was a massive cunt.

>And so was his son's.

The bastard and the weirdo?

peace of mind

but eventually he did confess his "crimes" and publicly repented. On the bottom line it was just a bravado

they don't have time to write the character development into the plot and the white walkers also make all of it irrelevant.
