You know what he's not doing?

You know what he's not doing?

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hes fat

Tolkien is to creative literary genius what Martin is to hack pulp idiocy. They both so far surpass anyone else in their field that they will be remembered 1,000 years from now as a kind of yin and yang of fantasy, a Manichaen duality of speculative letters. For every sublime, luminous beauty that Tolkien has gifted the world, Martin has cursed us with a tedious, banal ugliness. It is unfair to compare the two directly on any one point, because Martin is in every way the anti-Tolkien, patently sterile, parasitical, and inferior, but so much so that he becomes a monument in his own right, and counterbalances Tolkien. Could one exist without the other? Tolkien obviously could. But it is only by the contrast that Martin offers that we can truly appreciate the full depths and heights of Tolkien. Our understanding of Tolkien would be incomplete if Martin had never set pen to page. It is through only the abject failure and futility of Martin that we can approach an apprehension of the true scope and scale of Tolkien's hitherto inconceivable greatness. Perhaps this is what Tolkien had in mind when he wrote about the Music of the Ainur. If Tolkien is a subcreator in the image of Eru, truly Martin is like unto Melkor. It is only reflected in the awfulness of the one that we can fully see the goodness of the other.

living before the release of his book

>Purple hat

What else did we expect from a numale fatty.

He's btfo'ing Sup Forumstards.

Who cares if he's not writing? The fat fuck is gonna kick the bucket before he could ever finish the last book, so it's pretty much meaningless whether he's writing or not.

Why does he love turtles so much bros?

I liken GRRM's writing to literal shit.

>he thinks he's some kind of sage because of his scraggy beard

Fat fuck will die before the last book. I hate him so much lads.

>trying out new hats...part one

I doubt he'll make it to part 8

but thats why he won, no good people win in the tits and dragon's universe

I don't understand how anyone could like Donald Trump. All of today's greatest actors, directors, writers, journalists, and most of the population hate him.

Some of the most worthwhile literature in history has been written in the span of a month or less. If he spend less time eating, and had actually developed his writing skills over the years, he could write in over the weekend to the level of quality GRRM fans expect.


The better joke here would be "Great, now where's part 6?"

>Men call me Darkstar, and I am of the night
So he's invisible?

He looks like a fat old Shrek

Fuck this fat piece of shit hack.

>All of today's greatest actors, directors, writers, journalists

basically add by iron man against trump decided my vote.

he is moron drug addict millionaire

You underestimate the power of based kekistanis

no idiot

This. drumpfanzeeneez will soon find out that they are a small minority.
>*continues suffocating in his own bubble*


>I am a creature of the night
Darkstar loves the club scene clearly

That velvet cake looks pretty tasty

The Hobbit was a boring as shit book that is a chore to get through.

I like the infographic but it doesn't need the "I AM SILLY" character

>All of today's greatest actors, directors, writers, journalists

so the jews then? ok. got it.

>tfw re-reading the trilogy every year during GoT season

>jofffrey most sadistic
>not ramsey
>not euron
fuck sake how are you supposed to take this shit seriously?

When's the last time he tweeted "writing..."?

But number 8 is fantastic.

I don't think so, it's good entry level fantasy for a kid and it established most of the tropes. It's likely dull to you because you've read/seen all of this before when he was the man that brought it to the main stream.

>it's a brainlet beer thinks Martin owes him a book episode
He's fat, gonna die, wrote himself in a corner blah blah. Get the main ones out of the way, faggot.

Same three criticisms every hour on the hour.

Why libcucks do this?


Why are you so mad, sweetie?

Hi Grom, time to get back to eating you self-loathing bastard.

*neet not beer


>one of the

>most famous lines

Go suck a nigger dick

Why are you? I don't have a folder of autistic Sup Forums drawings to show up invisible cartoon caricatures of liberals you aren't arguing with.


This tries too hard to be Quentyn

That is a pretty basic looking kitchen in the back there, I'd expect a fat fuck like him to have like a 30 burner stainless steel gas range and a uniformed kitchen staff

>somebody took the time to make that picture

The final books will be ghost-written with him supervising. The writer will be signed to an iron-clad NDA. It will come out after he dies as a big scandal.

Trump is a jew puppet too.

I will cherish this pasta.

>imaging how seething mad this fat faggot was when drawing this
>huffing air out of his nose while he laughs after the picture is finished.
>being that pathetic.

Do these people speak in trivialities because they know their audiences knowledge of politics is shallow?

Like how Rowling compared Trump to Voldemort.



I'll tell you this: Tolkien was shit at writing good dialogue between characters (with the exception of Gollum, of course); something that Martin excels at. Thankfully, the LOTR films fixed that problem by adapting it to the new age.

The problem is Martin indulges too much in throwing in new characters into the mix that you just don't fucking care about (AFFC and ADWD). That's his problem.

And not finishing his work in a timely fashion, too.

Im a veteran. I voted for Trump to fuck tis country up because I hate the US government. Trump seemed to throw a wrench in the march towards "progress".

Fuck democracy, Fuck the Constitution Fuck the republic and Fuck you.

So again, go suck a nigger dick.

>unironically believes part of Dumbeedoor's army

>he thinks the conservative audience is just as versed in politics, if not less informed.

wtf i love joffrey now

>Getting triggered by Sup Forums memes

>I voted to ruin things for other people
What a pathetic autist you must be. Kill yourself.

Wasn't Joffrey an alright king in general? Nobody liked him, but was he really a bad ruler?

>part 2 comes out early next year, promise
>takes 5 years

The problem is that he kills all characters that move the plot and story. It's why he can't finish his fucking book. The story is moving at a crawl now.

Oh, here we go.
>don't call me autistic
>that just reverses on you and makes you mad ;)
No, that's not how this works faggot.

never said that, but its seems like politics is fed through pop culture nowadays.

maybe thats why its easy to exagerate the current situation.

Literally what is wrong with "I am the storm, my lord. The first storm, and the last"?

>being this assblasted

I really should have never served. No one should. Faggot lovers like you need to be drafted at gunpoint. I don't regret being a soldier, but I regret serving Bush and nigbama

Looking forward to the Based Norks nuking you, cuck.

>Fuck democracy, Fuck the Constitution Fuck the republic and Fuck you.

>Getting this upset over a word.

Maybe reddit is more to your liking.

he didn't actually do anything, Tywin was the de facto ruler

I think you are on the wrong board my hotheaded friend.

Nice Autismophobia, neurokuffar.

If Tywin is Putin, who's the manlet that kills him?

Then why do jews hate him so much?

Note that I'm not disputing the fact that he is, just looking for an explanation for the loathing

>anyone who criticizes me is upset.

>literally not what he said.

He had some pretty good ideas. Like an army unified under the crown, not the lords and great houses. He also wanted someone to take care of Kelly C because even if the dragons were tiny, they were still dragons.

Why are Sup Forumstards so easily triggered?

Making a decent tv show. That's what he can't make.


Game of Thrones bothers me because it started out as pseudo low fantasy and then it turned into the usual dragon impending doom bullshit. I just want some good low fantasy with small stories exploring a big world where it's fate isn't at stake every ten seconds.

me in the middle

>It's not cherrypicking and here's my proof with even more cherrypicking!

Thanks. Learn to take criticism next time. Will benefit you when you are older.



He was great at writing formal dialogue imo

They are retarded hypocrites and don't realize the irony, I see many times more triggered alt-righters here than SJW's.

>I'm definitely not mad ;) trust me!

Criticism: You're a faggot.

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water. When she closed her eyes at last, Dany did not know whether she would be strong enough to open them again

Did he actually do anything else on his trip in Russia or was this it? Sounds like a waste of money

>Yes, that's why I'm jumping on our Commander-in-Chief's bed and damaging Presidential property with an increasingly red face.

Maybe because you browse Sup Forums more than reddit despite having a left leaning attitude, so from your perspective the things "right wingers" get mad about seem silly and unreasonable?

Give us some good prose from one of the books.