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The Known World Edition

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What happens here?

first for Euron for the iron throne


What the fuck is his problem?
Why his he such a shitty commander/general?


they make beads

>censoring images on Sup Forums

They never learn

Posting prime Jaime

>City of the bloodless men
>City of the winged men

Sounds spooky


Why did Rhaegar name both his sons Aegon?


I hope at the end of the series we see some minor lord who took an extended vacation to the Summer Isle the moment the war of the 5 kings broke out.

But he can pull off the accent. I know it's not gonna happen but I want it anyway

For the same reason Littlefinger is shite.

You can't foresight magic. Euron's teleports literally ruined his life.

When the fuck did he get the experience to be successful military strategist exactly? Maybe with Jorah back Dany's strategy will be less retarded

he's brilliant at defense
offense not so much

>come home from work, thread I'm in at /tg/ got like, 15 posts
>decided to see what /got/ was like
>literally missed the whole last thread because I was fucking around doing other shit expecting to just flip through the thread in a minute or so

holy SHIT I forgot what posting on real boards was like

first for Jon and Dany LOVE

What did he mean by this?


Can't hurt to have a spare.

I miss her.

Jaime is /ourguy/


Because eventually one of them would become the prince that was promised.

Are you in the virgin army or the chad stampede?

He hasn't cut off his penis yet and sworn allegiance to the female master-gender.

to save time calling them to dinner

Not bad for her age t b h

my dad works for D&D
>White Walkers will be dealt with in two episodes
>Dany personally kills Night King, Cersei and Euron
>Dany will rule Westeros
>winter has literally no effect on Dothraki and Unsullied, it's not even mentioned as a possible problem
>Golden Company is not even shown, there's only a brief mention of its off screen destruction at the hands of Daenerys
>in the final episode, every character that makes it bends the knee to Daenerys Stormborn

/tg/ is a realer board than Sup Forums will ever be, nigger.

/tg/ would be literally for patricians, if someone kicks the Sup Forumsermin out

How do I report this Sup Forums spammer?

So how incompetent will Tyrion be in the books at advising Dany?

he truly was an absolute genius

go back to your subreddit

How much for her hairy clam?

>your people cant fight XD

>Just as the Lannisters square up for an honest fight against the Dorthaki, Dany rushes in and sucker punches them with her dragon

Why wouldn't he be? If he was kicking Jaime and Euron's asses you'd bitch about muh gary sue

/got/ is literally the saving grace of this board. The rest of Sup Forums is just race baiting shit.

Dany has a nice ass

You mean r/ledonald?

I think you should go post your amv there

>all the interesting characters with depth died early
>now it's just a comic book show
I want to go back



What the hell happened to her? Are Britbong genetics that bad?

So four spin-offs they say?

One is Aegon or Targanyen historie series for sure.

Two is Blackfyre rebellion or is part of this Targanyen series.

Roberts rebellion is no go and so is Dunk and Egg.

So maybe something from Yi Ti Empire? Ashai? UIthos? Ancient Valyria?

go back to your containment board

>Mythical dragon that doesn't even exist any longer rides around fucking burning everyone to death

>lelele ur ppl can't fite ;)

>If this is true then I can't see Jon being with Dany. He'd use her for Dragon glass but he'd never side with her or love her.
It's true but they're assassinating Jon anyway.

But having Cersei's team claim victory by having Euron use Morrowind console commands is bad writing.

/got/ is quite unironically the only thing good of this shit tier board, also /got/ is the fastest thread on the whole board, so its not unlikely that you are surprised of its speed. Just don't forget this board is terrible and for people with awful taste. They have been drinking the capeshit meme for over 10 years and they don't plan to stop anytime.

Only avatar 2 can save us

Starks age like milk (except Robb, who is mostly Tully)

>misses second best sand snake

this isn't your website. you are the minority. go back

Reminder /ourguy/ will join his and your Queen soon.


Stop pairing Sansa with Sandor Clegane. It is degenerate.

fa/tg/uys are usually busy being too triggered and baited to post in interesting threads sadly.
Couldn't even say goodbye to Pratchett without getting assmad at an obvious troll.

She's so fucking ugly.I thank God everyday for making me not a gook.

think of what the show as been criticized and you may find your answer.

aka: it needs more colored people

so a khal drogo spin off will happen

I'm really enjoying the light speed shitposting, every time I come to check the thread there is like, two full pages of dumb shit to read/maybe laugh at, but I kinda feel like I'm 60 years old

How is it in other threads here? I'll admit I just come here for /got/.

>Jorah comes back only to leave again to go to the wall with Jon
Doesnt seem like good strategy

it's just one autist spamming this shit, just like other autists who spam Bran, Meera and that Sup Forumsshit

What was the last episode's reception? I haven't been lurking Sup Forums for few days.

not really she is 14, ready to breed

>Long hair

An actual spin-off could be pretty cool. Like some thief in Bravos who travels East for some reason, discovering all these countries that the show ignores

Well yeah you're right. I'm just saying, it's actually good development for his character to finally get outmaneuvered.

because they were all british children lmao

Nah it'll be globe Trotting Euron story

Sup Forums was fapping to little girls not long ago.

Recast her

I like this.

So Summer Isles and Naath... Eh

Uh well maybe when he gets back

Dany would be kneeling as soon as they were alone if Robb showed up on Dragonstone.
It is known.

is it? in what way?

I forgot about based Gumball dude. I imagine if he tried that today he'd get screamed down before even getting 10 seconds in to his speech.

Cat Stark.


How can one man be so beautiful?

Dubs and he's my bf


Still posting great scenes. Don't mind me.

it shows that he's not invincible just because he's a bit more intelligent than other characters

we have been yass queenin since then

lucky BOI

kinda meh.

i wish reddit would leave

I wish they would show us Asshai i thought dany was going to go there.

It's GRRM's Australia.



i always think the line art on jaime's chest plate is arabic and i've seen this pic a billion times

>Robb will never take you in the northen fashion

Orbiting my dick

But he didn't get outmaneuvered, he got out plot-armored. It feels wrong. D&D fucked up. They made Dany's dragons too strong, too early. They're too big and there armor is too thick, and Dany controls them with too much ease. There's no drama in the show anymore. She could take all of Westeros by herself, she doesn't even need the Dothraki army at this point. Her 3 dragons make her literally invincible. So the only way to inject conflict into the Dany vs Lannister game is to have the Lannister side cheat by doing impossible things, otherwise there's no reason why Dany doesn't instantly win.