What's this? A ranger caught off his guard?

>What's this? A ranger caught off his guard?

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based arwen

tfw no elf lover

>being an elf
thats cheating

>implying based Aragorn didnt let himself get caught you could even say it was part of this master plan

>tfw you will never get caught jerking off by arwen
>tfw she will never rape you for being a bad boy

Did she have Boots of Elvenkind? Is that how she snuck up on Aragorn so easily?


This scene never made any sense. How is a blade to the throat a threat when it (looks) to be a single edged weapon, therefore the soft, edgeless spine is touching his throat? I get she could dig upwards with the tip but it just always seems really awkward

>tfw that only gives you +5 to Acrobatics in PF

He's a big guy

Aragorn and Arwen just like a little swordplay.

yeah he's like 6'6

Its probably because she never intended to actually hurt him

She's a big girl

Because she's his gf and didn't actually wanted to kill him, same reason when my gf wants to startle me she hits me with both thumbs in my ribs instead of stabbing me in the throat with her glass nail file

> he doesn't get murdered by his gf

>Arwen with a long and thick femenine penis like Criss Strokes
Fuck you, now I have to fap

>glass nail file

for filing glass nails

How can hobbits even compete?

Awkward = Ugly

nail files made of glass

I thought it was hobbits that were supposed to be super stealthy in LOTR.

did you see the hobbits in the scene?
didnt think so

That looks incredicle dangerous.

Look up play fighting virgin.

Or smothers you with her 200lb arm.

Come on, you must be at least a little annoyed at how Hackson's elves literally stole one of the key characteristic traits of hobbits.


it was always and elf trait too tho

I guess that's why she doesn't stab him with it

>quick, cast a classic beauty for the perfect love interest
>i know, liv tyler!
What asshole thought this was a good idea?

Yeah but hobbits are supposed to be the best at it.

so we need an elfscouter to measure sneak levels

Elves were always more stealthy than Hobbits.
Elves generally were just better than everyone at everything. Oh Dwarves were super good at making weapons and armor? Well guess who's better? Elves. Oh Hobbits are quit? Guess who's quieter? Elves. Humans are good at fighting, well guess.. etc.

She was beautiful in that movie and looked elvish.

>she hits me with both thumbs in my ribs

Like pic related?

Is your fat ugly bitch retarded too?

lol elves are beta bitches
>muh armor muh gil-galad muh giving up
piss off

She's breddy ugly tbqhwu

>Hobbits are quit? Guess who's quiter?

well, the trade off is that they are stuck up cunts so its fair

wow ellen page looks damn good

Gollum was a hobbit and evaded the attention of Mordor for hundreds of years.

Elves aren't as good at mining and architecture as dwarves. They're not as good at dying as Men. They're not as good at thieving and sneaking as Hobbits.

Why deny Hackson's fanwankery user.

She looks like a midget Rachel Ray impersonator.

ur a fagt

>Gil-galad was an Elven-king.
>Of him the harpers sadly sing;
>the last whose realm was fair and free
>between the Mountains and the Sea.

>His sword was long, his lance was keen.
>His shining helm afar was seen;
>the countless stars of heaven's field
>were mirrored in his silver shield.

>By ship came Muslims, blacks as well
>To turn Middle Earth into a hell
>But Gil-galad's sword was firm in hand
>To protect whites in their own land

Consider this, you're alone in the dark and suddenly you feel that unmistakable sensation of cold steel being pressed against your throat

Edge or no edge, you'd freak the fuck out

>Elves aren't as good at mining and architecture as dwarves
Actually...read the Silmarillion. Dwarves were fapping like crazy when they saw Menegroth and Thingol's architecture and jewelry

I think he's saying he knows they were in the books but Jackson didn't translate it properly into the films.

> Sindarin Elves.

Ancient Super-Elves don't count.

>Dwarves were fapping like crazy when they saw Menegroth and Thingol's architecture and jewelry

So, tileguy is a dwarf? Huh, now we're getting somewhere!

Neckbarfs all have a mighty coat of hair and wouldn't feel it. And let's face it, lotr thread, all neckbros ITT.


The west will never be what it once was. give it up, its already over

t. literal homosexual

I always get choked up at the end when she tries to bow because he's the king now but he wont let her bow and kisses her instead. Gets me every time. And I'm a big strong heterosexual man with a beard. The whole coronation scene actually gets me right in the feels every time.


Maybe cause I watched the movies when I was 15, but I thought she was cast perfectly.

I don't get the joke, what did I miss?

>The old wisdom that was borne out of the West was forsaken. Kings made tombs more splendid than houses of the living and counted old names in the rolls of their descent dearer than the names of sons. Childless lords sat in aged halls musing on heraldry, in secret chambers withered men compounded strong elixirs, or in high cold towers asked questions of the stars. . And so the people of Gondor fell into ruin. The line of Kings failed, the White Tree withered, and the rule of Gondor was given over to lesser men.`

Almost as though he saw the future.

Guy samefagging the fact that 2 anons believe that a girlfriend startles him. When it's really grandma or uncle Don.


Why couldn't you just tell us to skip to that part? You know we all have a copy playing 24/7.

I didn't want to presume.