/bb/ Big Brother 19

HOH: josh
Veto: mark
Nominations: elena,raven,jess
Temp Comp:Temptation Competition for a week before nominations. It's optional. The winner gets safety and the loser is a 3rd nominee.
Competition winner: cody
Competition loser: jessica

previously on /bb/

Other urls found in this thread:



im gonna miss jess

jesscourt was a horrible player


what is there to miss. she has the personality of a paper sack

production helping alex scare jason


she was so much fun

I'm gonna miss her too
She was cute, not a complete cunt, and actually had a mind of her own instead of being a follower

she should've stayed there

other than sticking her finger in peoples assholes, name one fun thing she did



thats way more fun than anything alex has done, or any of the girls in the past several seasons

her banter is amazing


except that isnt fun or funny unless you are a 12 year old

yes every "joke" she makes is of sexual nature. solid entertainment

dude wouldn't it be so funny if I left my tinder open? I hope paul let's me suck his dick.


Joking around with friends with physical contact IS fun and funny. Notice how Jess hasn't done anything like that since she stopped talking to people. And now they are talking about how it bothers them so much because, you guessed it, she is their target, and their minds are Big-Brother-warped right now. No one actually gives a fuck.

lmfao, what is her beef with Jessica anyways?

showfags are always the worst

who said anything about what the HGs think? she is boring to watch on the feeds and she has never said a single funny thing and she is a terrible gamer

did he call her a poop rag

just like shelby
really makes you think

not being a drone goes a long way. people like someone you don't, why does it matter?

why is big brother uk such a joke


>Shahbaz Chauhdry

Does anybody else know this man? He may literally be the craziest Big Brother contestant of all time. That was the only UK season I watched, but watching him was seriously an experience like no other

Tonight's HOH: a booth style memory/mental comp.
Next week is a Double Eviction

shelby said all kinds of funny things though

i dont have a problem with someone liking her for not being a drone or for whatever reason they have, you are the one trying to convince me she is entertaining and she just isnt but you are welcome to your opinion. you literally cant even back up the statement. i get it, she is against paul so you are with her

Local channel is showing football instead. How can I watch it live?

>The difference between BBUK and BBUS

on all-access, spoof your browser location

know a location that is showing it?


>Was not around living creatures

what does this mean?


39.36 LAT

74.42 LONG


need the -

the longitude is negative, user

She had tons of cunty behavior. And on top of that she was a terrible player. She sequestered herself with Cody after making in roads the week he was gone. Wasted her HOH getting rid of a potential ally instead of getting rid of the person now responsible for her demise. Letting Josh and the rest of the house guests get the better of her. She chose her showmance instead of being a player. And nothing will come of that relationship.


oh fugg just realized the iggles play tonight

Nice quads, Satan

i know


who fuckin cares


cbs shows football over reality shit you dumb reddit spacing newfag

i know retard they do but this is Sup Forums and i was just reiterating that preseason football is a meaningless cash grab

no you weren't

yea ok bud

Post more mark, please! XD

How low does your IQ need to be to finger unsuspecting people's assholes?


That's not mark, silly!


>Sunita Sharma
>Shabaz Chaudry
>Maysoon Shaladi
>Mutya Buena
>Sukvinder Javeed
the absolute state of the united kingdon

>tfw to smart for big brother




Why won't she finish the bottles?



baiting someone into dumping them, so that she has something to complain about for the next month



Damn Julie looking good tonight

hol dat thoht

oh shit, that'll be in tonight's episode. did we ever hear if cody actually snatched the pots out of his hands or if he just got in his face?



thank fuck


Cody apparently grabbed them out of Josh's hands like Mark did and production told Josh in the DR to stop using pots and pans completely

Will this make tonight's show?

>75 posts
>22 unique IPs

truly the saddest general...

Post yfw Cody wins HoH.

naw, he just got in his face and raven tried to get between then and she got her wrist injured

We keep it the realist of them all. To be fair it was slightly better at the start of the season then people started dropping because of Paul and other reasons.





I thought raven died


that bothered me when she was eating like that. why would you put your fingers so far into your mouth, or in your mouth at all?

yfw it's a crapshoot

its booth questions most likely based on the sounds they have been playing the last couple of days. there werent very many sounds though so its going to be live show hoh


Tonight's HOH: a booth style memory/mental comp.
Next week is a Double Eviction


>CBS not showing NFL in south florida for N-bomb Football League pre-season game.

no shit sherlock

CBS not showing Big Brother*

what exactly was he doing?

getting his nut


cheering for Boogie


is steve gay?