ITT: cast this film

ITT: cast this film

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kek those silly jews

Idris Elba


The Rock as Darren Wilson
Jackie Chan as Michael Brown

>Directed by Quentin Tarantino
>Starring Chris Tucker as Michael Brown
>Jackie Chan as cashier

Tyler Perry will play every role himself.

I wonder if they're going to show the part where he charges at an armed cop swinging his fists

John Boyega after a month long cheeseburger binge

Or the part where he physically attacks a store clerk

But remember, its a dindu nuffin episode

The movie will probably play out something like this.

so which nigger was this one? honestly blm complains about so many of them it's hard to keep up

was this dude doing anything wrong at time of being murdered?

The return of Eddie Murphy. Come see the hit summer comedy of 2019!

They'll get Peele to do it.
And it'll be like a cartoon where the White Cop is Aryan blond and also a Nazi.
It'll constantly wink at the audience so that no one can complain or criticize because
>LOL it's just satire bro, can't you take a joke?


>One Perfect Shot
So they already have the title?

He's the one that assaulted and robbed a store clerk, then charged at a cop and got into a fist fight while trying to take his gun.

Guy robs a corner store.
Cop pulls him over and asks him to step out of the car and submit to arrest
Guy charges cop. Get shot up.

Then the community burns down the corner store that the guy robbed. For reasons

If it's like Crash then they'll show him robbing the store

>no scene of brown smoking weed and brandishing firearms for facebook pics
>no scene of brown beating and robbing a store owner
>no scene of brown disregarding the officer's commands
>no scene of brown charging officer
>no scene of brown punching officer
>no scene of brown grabbinh for officer's firearm
guaranteed at least 5 oscars

Yeah, but then he'll have a baby sister at home that absolute needs her insulin

>When a cop turns killer you have the right to remain silent.... Forever!

Idris Elba

and yet folks are still want """justice""" for this stupid ass waste of life?

Get this.
Hold on.
No listen
Idris Elba as the Cop

Idris Elba as Darren Wilson

Nah, he the cop told Brown, who was jaywalking, to get out of the road; Brown possibly thought the cop knew about the robbery that he had just committed, reached into the cop's vehicle, and hit him a few times and then tried to shoot him with his own gun. He turned to flee, and the cop got out of the car and pointed his weapon at him and ordered him to stop. Brown turned around and charged at him and was gunned down in the process.

This story of the events is corroborated by the Department of Justice after a lengthy investigation; the media just never ran the "oops, we were wrong" story.

Trayvon: Massacre of the Innocent
(inspired by true to life events)
Travyon, played by Jaden Smith, is shown at school, raising his hand in lit class. The wise Hispanic teacher, played by Antonio Banderas, calls on him. Trayvon stand up and recites lines of Shakespeare in a hip, cool, but moving rap. As he sits down Banderas smiles and nods at him with a wise, knowing approval.

Trayvon is seen hanging out after school on the lush greens of the front school yard with his friends, featuring the girl who played Precious, plus a mix of races: a white blonde girl, a Hispanic kid, an Urkel-looking black nerd, a white kid with his hat on backwards. A veritable Burger King Kids Club.

Cut to a dark apartment, where Zimmerman, played by Edward Norton, is doing pull-ups, with the words FEAR and HATE inked on his knuckles. He then practices shooting his empty gun at himself in a mirror. "You talking to me?" Norton says. "You in MY neighborhood?" He then sits down to watch Birth of a Nation.

Cut to Trayvon at home, at the dinner table with his parents, played by Jamie Foxx and Maya Angelou. They discuss Tray's future plans of being an airline pilot. "It's a mighty big responsibility," Jamie Foxx says. "Having all those souls onboard." "I know," Jaden/Tray says. "I want to be like Sully some day though."

After dinner his little brother, wheelchair bound, asks him if he can go get some candy and tea. Even though it's raining out, Tray agrees. In slow-mo he zips up his hoody, pulled from the dryer.

Cut to George Zimmerman, in his truck patrolling the neighborhood while blasting and singing along to a racist song created by head KKK Klansman Ben “Zyklon B” Garrison:
Out of gas, Zimmerman curses the jews for his own folly and continues his patrol on steel-toed boots.

Time-skip: Cut to Zimmerman patrolling the streets, whistling the Confederate Anthem, as rain pours on his golden hair. He does tuck-and-rolls across neighbors' lawns, pulling out his gun and pointing it at dark shadows. A cat crosses his path and he fires at it. He chuckles mercilessly.

"Keep the change," Tray says with a smile to the woman working at the convenience store. With the snacks for his brother he walks out of the store, not before passing by a magazine with Sully on the cover. Tray smiles.

Cut to Trayvon skipping down the sidewalk. A group of multicultural young maled is there smoking pot. "You wanna get high?" one asks. "No," Trayvon answers, "then I'll never be able to be a pilot." He continues to skip down the path and eventually enters the condo complex.

As Trayvon turns a corner, a sweaty and enraged Zimmerman emerges from the shadows. "Where do you think you're going, NIGGER?"

Trayvon stumbles on his words and tries to answer but is silenced when Zim cold cocks himself with the gun and starts beating himself on the back of his own head. "Help! Help! Somebody help me!" Zimmerman screams.

Zimmerman does a nazi salute, and shouts with the malice needed for a 2nd degree murder conviction clearly present in his cold blue eyes, "WHITE PRIDE!"

"Please sir, I just want to return home to my brother and finish my homework," Trayvon pleads.

"That's too bad," Zimmerman says. He then empties his entire magazine into the baby-faced teen. "It looks like your dog ate it."

The rain continues to pour. It’s now in all black and white now, Zimmerman coolly walks over to the incapacitated Trayvon which has fallen Christ-like, who struggles to stand, blood pouring from his mouth. Zimmerman puts one foot on Trayvon chest. Trayvon moans in pain, Zimmerman aims at his head.

"Heil Hitler" Zimmerman says. He fires. At that moment a dozen of white doves fly above the scene.
Zimmerman glances at Trayvon’s skittles laying across the sidewalk, Zimmerman picks up one of the skittles off the ground and taste it. He's grinning like the Cheshire cat, incredibly sweaty, and, it's implied, somewhat sexually aroused. He strikes a match on the ground by Trayvon's corpse and lights a thick Cuban cigar. "Taste the rainbow, motherfucker." While smiling directly into the camera.

The next scene Zimmerman is being led by police, cold and emotionless. Out of the shadows appears a sinister looking man who hands Zimmerman his card. "Don't worry, George", he says. "We always take care of our own." Zimmerman reads the card and then notices a ring on the man's finger, indicating he is a member of the same white supremacist organization he is. Zimmerman gives the man a knowing smile as he offers a firm handshake.
"A pleasure, George. I'm Don West." Revealing Bryan Cranston

[maniacal laughter echoes in the background, malevolent and eternal like racism in Amerikkka]

Oh neat another shitty oscar bait movie that's a shoe-in to win and will make no money.

Haven't seen one of those before!

When it happened there was a false account that Brown was peaceful with the cop, and had his hands up and pleaded for him to not shoot.
None of this was true, but that didn't stop people from chimping out and burning buildings down anyway.

Yes, because he's black. Blacks have sort of funny mentality about themselves. They're fine with killing eachother and shit, but the moment something else happens, they band together as some sort of hivemind. During the OJ simpson trial, against overwhelming evidence, every black person was dancing in the street that he got away with double homicide. They don't give a fuck

John Boyega as the Dindu


Andy Serkis in a suit.

I wonder if Darren Wilson could sue if they blatantly get a lot of facts wrong?

Don't worry, they'll find something minor he did for real in the past and explode it
Like he didn't tip a waitress once
And suddenly there's a huge scene where he laughs a poor waitress

whitewash it with some jew actors as mike brown,
while also putting in some jew meme magic like product placement for israel n shit

possible actors:
john boyega,
samuel jackson somewhere
will smith

>left-wingers and liberals
Pick one.

I read this thread thinking you meant this movie.

I would pay good money to see a Micheal Brown movie that was filmed like Crash.

Why do people think this nog was a victim? The Doj under Eric "Make it right, Kill a white" Holder even said there is not doubt that the officer did the right thing and was justified.

sickle cell check em

He wasn't murdered as were the dozen others the BLM terrorist claim were. These thugs that are killed are always proven to have been deserving.

Fucking give this user an endorsement, the dream team must unite

If we pitch in, do you think we can get North Korea to bomb HollyJewood for us? Maybe ISIS?

Honestly ISIS is months from total defeat. The entire city of Al Raqqa the only city they still control is surrounded.

>nuclear fallout would destroy the west coast of the United States

why do people think this a bad thing?

Eddie Murphy as Michael Brown....and Michael Brown's dad.....and his grandmother....and even the Indian store clerk!



>ISIS is months from total defeat.

Doesn't work that way.

As long as there are ignorant, dirt poor people that can be exploited in the name of "god" and "Islam", then ISIS will always exist in some form or another. Much like crime, you can reduce it in one area, and it'll just keep right on going in another.

>aiming to make your film like Crash

Why would you do that?

ISIS isn't the same thing as Islamic terrorism

ISIS is literally a state. A country. With taxes and infrastructure and shit.
That can fall and go away.

ISIS is indeed Niglamic terrorism that simply secured territory.

They'll be back.

>simply secured territory.
So, yeah, a country
They failed to do it for very long

Planet of The Apes movies are just getting worse and worse

A good joke if they weren't actually getting better

Michael Cera as Michael Brown

Still no where close to the original and 1 decent new movie does not "better" make

Leslie jones as micheal brown

Jonah hill as Darren Wilson

left would still be alive

Really it's more about money. No group can live without paying its soldiers.

>Taste the rainbow, motherfucker