ITT; movies only liked by underaged virgins

ITT; movies only liked by underaged virgins

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But Im not underaged

But it's Adam's favorite movie of all time and Adam is 20something year old sexual deviant.

That cartoon one I can't remember the name of with the stick figure guy that has a brain thing and hates his mother.

All capeshit

are you telling me to fuck kids?!

Can I understand this movie without reading his The Way Of Tarot?

All art movies
All superhero movies
All comedies
Anything made within the past 10 years
Anything that has ever been discussed on Reddit

That and Primer

there is nothing to get it just shits on Jesus the whole way through. probably directed by a kike

I've always been fond of tarot and occultism in general, so I loved that film. I'm sure nu-anons who hate anything provocative or "edgy" will whine about it though.

Sieg heil my based 'pede. I too love to show my Christian love through racial slurs and angry venting on anonymous anime imageboards :^)

Sorry I offended you

Reminder that the whole bible was written by kikes
Not that it matters to you tards

Atleast try to make your bait funny for fucks sake

But that's wrong smartass.

(You) are too obvious. Try a little subtlety next time.

Jodorowsky is an atheist.

That's what a lot of Jews say

Nice projection

>According to tradition and early church fathers, the author is Mark the Evangelist, the companion of the apostle Peter. The gospel, however, appears to rely on several underlying sources, varying in form and in theology, which tells against the tradition that the gospel was based on Peter's preaching. Various elements within the gospel, including the importance of the authority of Peter and the broadness of the basic theology, suggest that the author wrote in Syria or Palestine for a non-Jewish Christian community which had earlier absorbed the influence of pre-Pauline beliefs and then developed them further independent of Paul

>There is general acceptance that the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles originated as a two-volume work by a single author addressed to an otherwise unknown individual named Theophilus. This author was an "amateur Hellenistic historian" versed in Greek rhetoric, that being the standard training for historians in the ancient world.

>tfw not even being an atheist with your own beliefs can free you from Jew accusations

yea cause of stuff like this

different tribe

As embarrassingly bad as that is, half the campus dreams of fucking with the annoying campus preachers every day. They're never friendly evangelists, always fire and brimstone idiots who harass the students. If he's anything like the ones at my old college it seems like he's getting a sample of his own flavor here and decided to stay quiet during it to allow him to shout himself down.

>ITT; movies only liked by underaged virgins
translation: i'm so pleb i couldn't understand the movie

Keep in mind this board loves BvS, now consider the perspective here.

pretty sure liking BvS is a joke on here

It's such a beautiful day by Don Hertzfeldt?


foight crub

but you knew this already

whyo do you make these posts.

why do i repsond?

movies liked only by people with a shit fetish

'In order to insult Duke Leto, David Carradine, Rabban the Beast gets his army, the Algerian army, to pull down their pants in front of the palace and shit. So there's going to be a scene of 2,000 extras defecating at once. So here's Charlotte Rampling, she agrees to meet with Jodo, she gets the script, she reads the script, and she says, "I can't be in a movie where there's 2,000 extras defecating on screen!" '