Who will play him in his biopic?

Who will play him in his biopic?

Danny Devito


Gigga Nigga

Top fucking kek.

Josh Brolin

Idris Elba

Is this shopped or does he actually look like this now?
>that vid in which him and some tranny say you should use roids because it shrinks your balls and therefore makes your flacid penis hang lower than your balls in case it didn't already

i hate what bodybuilding has become. it honestly doesn't look good to be that big. also, what's wrong with his face?

Gigga puddi!

that picture looks a few years old, he's probably bigger now.
his face is puffy from the roids, he's probably on enough tren to kill a gorilla

It's not just puffy, it's grown from the HGH which will cause bone growth in your skull, hands, and feet.

Dude its just test thats what it does. Water retention

Chloƫ Grace Moretz

Jason Genova

I can see it

huh, he just went to the hospital, he's in a coma. Probably heart attack.

whats his name again?

wealthy harpsichord


He'll play himself of course. Whatever it takes! Right babe?

beach ballini

A drum of oil, steroids and amphetamines