Will The Simpsons ever End?


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everything will end eventually

I still don't know what the fuck their hair is.

It still bothers me.

will marvel comics ever end?

They should have aged the kids. They should have applied some kind of sliding timeline. IT would have kept things fresher than the stagnation we see now.

I mean fucking hell. They've already been making '10 year old with 16 year old problems' episodes for years.

blond which matches their asian skin tone
the only asian man in the universe is white

will mcu ever end?

This was supposed to be the series finale. Would have been a good one too. So oukd have Eternal Moonshine.

will Sup Forums ever end?

Hopefully not in 20 years.

We are just getting to the good stuff.

They've had so many "future" episodes that it's too late to form a coherent timeline of them aging up

no it should. that shit has ruined this board. remember storytimes?

>The Simpsons

It'll finally get canceled on a whim when Fox decides it's not making them enough money. Then the writers will try to write up some half-assed ending and rush it out.

The final episode will be an hour long, and it'll be full of outrageous shit. Marge will be cuckolding Homer with every single celebrity guest that's ever been on the show (Even the dead ones), with the entire episode just being Marge getting fucked one by one while Homer just sits in the corner, crying as he jerks off and eats a sandwich.

The B-plot will be Lisa becoming transgender, then kicking Bart in the balls nonstop. No cutaways or anything, it's literally just Lester (FtM Lisa) kicking Bart in the balls while screaming about he needs to check his cis white male privilege. Every single person in Springfield will take her side, especially the celebrity guests who are fucking Marge.

It ends with the Simpsons insulting its viewers for being such fucking idiots for continuing to keep them on the air, then they all have an incestuous orgy right in the middle of the living room before vomitting all over each other and slicing their throats. Dr Nick pokes his head in and says "BYE EVERYBODY!", because "LOL REMEMBER WHEN THAT JOKE WAS RELEVANT? XD". Also, he's getting raped by Moe right outside the Simpsons house.

The next 40 minutes are just the writers giving up: videos of them shitting on each other, having a huge orgy while covered in shit, footage of people getting shot in the head, footage of babies being skinned alive and fucked, etc. You name it, they have it all. The final 10 minutes are just Matt Groening high as balls on every drug imaginable, screaming into the camera about how much he hates his life before pulling out a shotgun and blowing his fucking brains out all over the wall. Then it ends, with no credits, context or anything.

It'll end up being so viewed and talked about, that it renews The Simpsons for another 10 seasons.

I wonder how The Simpsons still manages to pull in millions of viewers.

Seriously, who the fuck is even watching them anymore? the last time I watched a new episode live was in 2013

will Sup Forumsmics ever separate from /ca/rtoons?

The Simpsons will never end; Fox will probably reboot it afterwards and the reboot will be even worse than what we're getting with the current Simpsons.

Yeah, just a blond that's bright enough that in-universe it blends in with their unnatural skin.

I assume the girls' pointy hair is more representing it kind of just sticking out everywhere than being literally spiked.

Maybe it's like crime procedurals where people just watch it because it's on


Lisa a shit, A SHIT!

when one of their vas die

And people will still watch it out of association

But the VA for Edna Krabappel died in 2013 (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcia_Wallace), I think a main characters VA would have to die.

But then again, they can just hire a impersonator


It's one of the main 6 dying or leaving that'd probably make them end it soon (though I think it's gonna stop at season 30, if not even sooner).

The whole Harry Shearer leaving deal from last year sorta caused a freakout.

>stopping at Season 30
Were you born yesterday user? The Simpsons are never gonna end, they're immortal at this point

Just trying to be hopeful here.

As far as I know it hasn't gotten renewed for anything beyond the upcoming season yet.

Wasn't Fox threatening cancellation on them back in 2012?

Don't remember the exact year but yeah, something like that did happen a while back. I wanna say they were asking for more money or something, were close to being canceled, then ended up getting renewed for two more seasons.

I think they've been getting threatened with cancelation on and off since about 2000, for similar reasons.

shutup noticeme

Forgive this faggotry:

I kind of had an idea for a "future simpsons" series once. Rough premise is sort of a role reversal: Bart is studying hard in hopes of trying to break even with most of his life spent slacking off though battles with his poor learning skills and pride, while Lisa, while already college and still intelligent has become a bigger asshole than Homer and lazy, coasting on her past achievements. Maggie is a grumpy bitch, and Homer and Marge are very close to divorce.

Through it all, Bart needs to let go of 'his old rep', Lisa needs to realize she can't ride on her accomplishments from when she was younger forever and needs to show better respect, Maggie has to accept the world is changing from the comfortable one she knew as a baby, and Homer and Marge need to stop fighting to keep themselves together and accept the bonds which originally held them are deteriorating.

Oh, and Milhouse is revealed to be an alien and Grandpa Simpson is now a cyborg. Or whatever.

It's better than whatever the fuck The Simpsons are doing anymore.

The only thing the show still has going for it is the Treehouse of Horror ratings wise.

Will Maggie end up as a Libertarian Billionaire who pisses Lisa off with her complete lack of care towards the environment and veganism?

Why does Simpsons porn exists? it is always so unattractive

>Will The Simpsons ever End?
Of course not.

>Every single person in Springfield will take her side
Don't misgender Lester.

The only good thing about The Simpsons anymore are the couch gags desu

I'd be willing to have it continue forever for just that