So Sup Forums unanimously agrees that this is the best western of all time, correct?

So Sup Forums unanimously agrees that this is the best western of all time, correct?

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no, Yojimbo is

lol no
it's breddy gud tho


Still has one of the greatest film scores ever.


those three guys were suppose to be angeleyes tuco and blondie but they couldn't get the schedule right, feels bad

Nope. Overated, but still a good, even great movie.


henry fonda was great for the role desu, jason robards fine too. but it would have been much better with clint eastwood

not my favourite western but the reveal at the end is such utter kino

tarantino borrowed this shot for inglorious basterds, which is kinda a western disguised as a WW2 film


>henry fonda was great etc.
no, no not the main characters, those are the three guys at the train station at the beginning, if clint etc had been in it they would have died in the first couple minutes that was the idea, but they were all doing other projects at the time

that would have been cool as fuck

yea pottery n shit, would've been cool


No, it's just one of the many movie that have been called "greatest western ever" because it was competently made after mainstream westerns died in the 1970s. Audiences now aren't used to seeing westerns, so any time one comes along that isn't shit, it's automatically the best one ever; Unforgiving, Tombstone, Open Range, the True Grit Remake, etc.

Assassination of Jesse James was legit great

I liked Keoma a lot, but the soundtrack kind of ruins it for me.

Probably not, but maybe the best anti-western.


that was a character piece set in the old west, not exactly a 'western', it is great though

open range and true grit are the only legit westerns to come out in a long time

i've been meaning to rewatch this ever since I heard DFW fucks with it

I see what you mean but Unforgiven is such an exceptional and thought provoking western. Sometimes it feels like a anti-western. A deconstruction of western cliche, its anti violent themes, its take on how western legends are all bullshit and exaggeration. Its like an antidote to all those "cool" westerns from the 60s and 70s, especially the ones with clint. Instead of portraying gunslinging and killing as something adventurous and exciting the movie presents it as abhorrent and traumatizing which is probably what it was really like.

I dunno about the best but it is pretty good. "Best western" is going to just come down to personal taste in the end.

My favorite is the Outlaw Josey Wales.

>deconstruction of western
>best western
Pick one.

Agreed. It's kind of arguable whether it's a Western or not, but it's a great movie. If you do want to consider it a western, I think it would seriously be in consideration for best ever.

And I really like all the movies I listed, too. I wasn't trying to imply that they're bad or that the praise is undeserved. I just think it's funny that literally every time a major Western is released now, it starts getting praised as the best Western ever.

I think unforgiven is what started the 'modern' western, the last old style one was probably quick and the dead and its fun but it kinda sucks, everyone started 'deconstructing' the western after unforgiven

It's one of the best

I really enjoyed Slow West. I can't be the only one on here. I pretty much enjoy the new kind of 'silent approach' in recent attempts at western; like the True Grit remake or Slow West.
I also really enjoyed Sam Harris' Appaloosa.

In terms of fun western I really love Maverick

Yeah, Slow West was great. So was The Salvation as far as things released in the past few years. I keep hearing about Appaloosa and forgetting to watch it.

appaloosa was good
I've considered watching slow west a bunch of times but never did because I honestly thought I'd be bored by it

Give it a try. It's not as slow as There will be Blood or The Assassination of Jesse James, let alone remotely as heavy.

It is Clint's opus. Purposefully abandoning every western trope while simultaneously embracing everything he ever learned from the masters of western film. Almost a retrospective. Some say the last, great American western. Valid argument can be made that is not a western at all but something else; Something that stands alone.

>The Salvation
Huh, I completely forgot about that one. Thanks, gonna watch this some time soon.

>The Salvation
didn't even know that existed, it looks good

Well put

>It is Clint's opus
I know it's a good movie and all but that's giving it a bit too much praise right there friend, don't you think?

That would be young guns 2

>Not Wild Wild West
Stay casual.

I genuinely love young guns

this ain't your gang dave

this is the best western

young guns 1+2 is genuinely great, and a lot more accurate then you might think

I know it's kind of a crossover thing in terms of genre, but I'd like to mention Ravenous here because it's such a great flick. The OST alone is amazing.

>dat chase music

It's no Posse, but not bad.

Damon Albarn did the ost. No surprise there.

here it is,, seeing this for the first time is such a what the fucking fuck is going on? moment, the movie builds to this perfectly

That's the opening music. Got me and fucked me up good from the get go.
Underrated little movie.

This is for me

Unironically yes.

It's a deconstruction of the deconstruction though. A comment on the comment. Meta western. There was nowhere to go after Unforgiven. There's a reason it's taught in university film classes.

>university film classes
Lol. No offense, but they "teach" about all kinds of stuff there. Please don't offer this as an argument.

It's great but can't beat the Sergio Leone movies.

It's not meant to beat them. It's meant to be the denouement.


This is my favorite film

That's literal trash compared to smoe of the stuff that has been mentioned in this thread already

this is the best western


Fuck off weeb

You're all wrong, this is the best. Forget everything you thought you knew about western cliches, and it has Mario Brega in it.


Is Tombstone any good? Been meaning to watch it for a while now


first time I heard the word cunny

Lol. Kill yourself, plebstain

Why do women hate westerns bros?


There's a big article about this on The Ringer right now, if you're into quasi-left-wing awful writing.

>literally exactly what I said

Being right feels so good bros

You should check out the Japanese version of Unforgiven, called Unforgiven (2013). The Japanese name is Yurusarezaru mono. Terrific film with an excellent score, and criminally unrecognized.

>Fistful of Dollars is a western remake of a samurai film that wears the mask of a western

How many levels deep did Kurosawa and Leone go?

Yeah, but not because it's SO GOOD, but because most westerns suck kek

Good, bad and ugly (what a cocksucking film title for fuck's sake) is the one who comes close

John Wayne + John Ford is GOAT, not even just counting westerns.

t.low IQ shitposter

Which sub genre produced better films: Westerns or Vietnam war?

>white people aligning themselves with distant cultures because they've failed to connect with their own

This is how I know you're an utter pleb.
Kurosawa heavily borrowed from western storytellers like Shakespeare. Who again borrowed from the Greek who took some of their myths and rites from India.
You're a dumb shitstain. I'd say don't procreate, but I'm not really worried you could.

>muh identity politics
Go fuck off, you sad fuck

>He doesn't know some westerns were literal remakes of samurai movies

The Good The Bad The Ugly is a god tier Japanese Western by the director of I Saw The Devil.

>distant cultures
>uses the internet

Are weebfags the easiest losers to trigger? This thread says probably.

Lol. Cry harder and stay ignorant. You're probably the loser around here.

>Calling ppl who like Kurosawa weebs
Kindly leave this website, dipshit

This movie gets not enough love

Fucking pleb.

Yes, this is objectively the greatest western of all time.

Didnt we have a remake of Magnificent Seven recently? Was it already released? Havent seen.anyone talk about it.

It's not better, the story and character arcs are inferior

I agree, maverick is an incredibly fun, original movie. Gibson is fantastic.

It wasn't really good. Memelord had a few nice charismatic seconds in it and there was this heroic indian dude but that was it.

Its awful

>original movie
>based on a tv series of the same name
what do you mean by this?


True but Mel and based Jodie made it feel unique


unforgiven might be the greatest film ever about relapse, though

yea its great, everyone is great in it
>tfw i actually did think those were the words to amazing grace until I saw this