Babylon 5

>the ancient, hyper advanced, lovecraftian precursor race is defeated by a stern talking-to

The whole show has been building up to the Shadow War, and not only does the actual war end after 6 episodes but we get that as the resolution to it all? That's fucking bullshit. I don't think a show has ever left me feeling this blue-balled.

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What did you expect? The shadow ships were way more advanced than the heroes ships and the Vorlons wreck everywhere they fight them?

That's what you get when you have an atheist write a story where his Marty Sue tells the Gods to bugger off because we don't need them any more. I seriously burst out laughing the first time I saw that episode. It was built up so much and then they just leave after a stern talking to by a human. It was the height of authorial hubris.

I didn't expect a military victory, but I certainly didn't expect what we got. The show has been building up the Shadows and Vorlons as parental figures and the other races as still very young compared to them. I even get that the point was that the younger races had grown up enough to be independent, but this point was not shown. At the end of the Shadow War I still saw humans as three year olds, and three year old telling their parents to go away and leave them alone.

And then they actually did.

The writers were told in season 3 that the series would be canceled after season 4.

They took the planned storyline for season 4, shortened it to only 6 episodes, and then used the rest of the season to tell season 5's planned story.

Then the series was renewed after all, but that's a tale for another day.

What? The Shadows and Vorlons weren't parents to the lesser races. They were compeating btween themselves who had the better philosophy: Conflict makes you stronger (Shadows) vs play nice and we're going to breed psychics into your species (vorlons). And the whole 'psychic' thing was to spite the Shadows

I was more into the civil war aspect of the show, an interesting plot that was building for 3 season but then quickly side-stepped until they decided to go back and rush through it for a few episodes

>where his Marty Sue tells the Gods to bugger off

This guy, in a dress.

despite all of its flaws im still willing to claim that babylon 5 is the absolute greatest western television program

loved those earthforce destroyers

the only thing better were the advanced omega destroyers

western as in jewish?

o rly?

guess who just got owned.

what jewish influence in it is there?

i dont understand

Bab 5 was pretty spiritual for a scifi show.

western as in "how about you fuck off back to Sup Forums with your anti-semitism"?

I was more let down by the biotech planet thing.
They built it up as that huge thing that will change everything, then they forget about it, then it comes back as a fancy telescope.

At least "Crusade" was a worthy successor...

>>It's a Bester episode

What a great villain he was.



Fucking newage shit. The show is a gnostic shitfest. "Who are you?" "What do you want?"
If anything the religious part of it was pure heresy and not atheism.

Yeah it's a pity they had to rush through that because they didn't think they'd get a season 5.

Also fuck Byron.

The worst part of that isn't that the story ended up being rushed, it's that we ended up with the Byron storyline.

Robert Atkin Downes is great tho

as a voice actor only

B5 threads make me warm inside, but also depressed since I saw The Gathering pilot the night it first aired on UPN/PTEN television and everyone else on Sup Forums was born after the show was cancelled.

All religions teach that humans are baby gods. Every single one of them teach this. Babylon 5 included a scene where the schizo shakes hands with a rep from every human religion. You didn't understand the show. You saw angels and devils but you didn't grok. JMS is a highly religious man. You may even think of him as a prophet.

This. Probably the worst a serie has ever suffered from cancel threat. Slowely telling the build up part then rushing through the "epic" ending and after that having to fill a whole season with filler stories.
I feel sad for the guy that got so fucked over.

I've always told people that if they enjoy Star Trek and Lord of the Rings then they'll love Babylon 5.

Also, agreed. I loved how the shows creator and producers put some thought into the tech aspect of everything. From following neutonian physics with the animation to allowing for tech disparity between the races given their respective ages. I watched this show in the 90's and even today I look at Earthforce ships and can almost see them working.

>the schizo


Exactly the same thing happened in DS9.

No, it didn't.

The shows are so strangely similar.
Back then I preferred B5, but DS9 have stood the test of time a lot better.

The Byron story was always going to happen though.

Also, all the behind the scenes stuff (like the loss of Ivonnova) actually ended up making it better in retrospect since Lyta got to do more than pine in the background for Byron and actually got with him, which made her forging the anti-Psi corps rebellion all the more powerful than having her be a pathetic beta girl who was pissy Byron fucked Susan instead of her

>the whole alpha quadrant about the get blown the fuck out


It wasn't the same thing as what the OP described, and it didn't even end the war.

You are wrong in every way.

>it's not an apple, it's a pear-shaped apple

>X and Y are fighting
>give a speech to X and Y
>X and Y stop fighting and leave
>X and Y are fighting
>give a speech to Z
>X and Y continue fighting
Looks pretty different to me.

There's nothing strange about it. Babylon 5 was pitched to paramount, paramount passed and used the babylon 5 pitch to make a new star trek series.