Are they european?

Are they european?

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They're European but not Western.

Americans are Western but not European.

Danes are both European and Western.

They are eurasians

Are you human?

but are you scandinavian though

Is Siberia european, dumb ass?

only when they do cool stuff
when they do bad stuff they aren't europeen

100% pure european nordick genes

they used to be until they used the renegades to conquer the far east

slavs yes
non slavs are eurasian, which is good, because nobody wants to be associated with slavs

kek Japan bringing on the bantz

Are you a mutant?

what "cool" stuff do they ever do?

your mom

No but they could be if they wanted to.

No. Russia is a multiethnic nation, they have very few whites actually, less than Brazil, all the """"white"""" Russian women that Sup Forums obsesses over are obviously 1/8 or 1/16 Asian and clearly have Asiatic component from Turkic or Armenoid tribes.

Don't reply to tampon flag

That's a good start.

your mom

why is the country so shit then? full of bydlo.

i'd rather her be 1/16 asian than 1/4 nigger


Say thanks to g*mmunism

Moscow and St Petersburg are not shit.
The rest of the country, I don't know.

like most countries, its government.

And what was before communism? The Russian Empire wasn't exactly the center of civilization either. As I read some Russians say, Peter the Great tried to "europeanize" Asian people and that's the result.

but people elect their government. what kind of idiots would elect putin??

same ones that would vote for trump
fight me bitches im ready

People only elect the governments they can elect. The choice is Russia hasn't been stellar.
There is an immense level of cultural corruption from the era of the Soviet Union. The same people from that era are still in power now.

we are the scrape goat

white enough to be blamed for stuff. nowadays you can not blame colored people.
but not white enough to be considered /ourguys/

I'm not saying we dindunuffin, but sometimes it feels like a bit too much

I would fuck you and I wouldn't even blink


b/c commies

>The Russian Empire wasn't exactly the center of civilization either
You're wrong, it was

Explore the space or build cool skyscrapers

How does it feel that even Hollywood celebrities blame Russia for their personal problems now



Sage and age haven't worked on Sup Forums for like a decade, man.

What's age?

t. newfag

They built the most powerful bomb ever and tried it. Shock wave circled the Earth 3 times.

Is your mother a dumb cumslut?

2/3 of their land isn't.
23% of their people aren't.

>Russia is syberia

saying this with american flag m8 you know about glasshouses and rocks

KYS autistic baka gaijin

This desu.

When someone calls me white, I say "no I'm asian. Look at Russia, it's in Asia!"

It's larger than the rest of Russia.

If there were enough people there to secede, Russia would go from 17 million km^2 to about 4.

> Cunt is defined by its land, not by its people

Considering the variety of ethnic groups that make up our countries, I'd say we're much more clearly defined by our borders than our people.

>People are defined by race, not by culture
Delete yourself, nazi scum

Well, Vladivostok is more Western than Istanbul, Baku and other "european" cities

Aside from an official language and a few statues of dead tyrants, what do the people in Kamchatka really have in common with the people of St. Petersburg? Probably about the same level of commonality Newfies have with inmates of Vancouver's DTES.

Of course, they are what I call "white boys who can fight" or just alpha Europeans.


No, we're a separate continent.

Russia is surprisingly homogeneous in the cultural sense. We don't even have accents (except for the Islam republics from the south, who speak as if they learn Russian as their second language). Cuisine, traditions, holidays are all the same.

Muscovites, Tatars, Karelian Finns, Yakuts etc has their specific accent

1. Learn the basic grammar
2. I have been to Moscow, Sochi, Vladivostok, Krasnoyarsk and lived in Saint-Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Abakan. Every fucking body speaks the same except for those who have clearly learned Russian as the second language. There is no such thing as famous moscovite A-ish accent. The only difference I have ever noticed is that kids from some regions call their chemistry teachers "himinya" vs "himichka" and the meme Saint-Petersburg words like "porebrik". These differences are so minuscule and are not even an accent.

Holy fuck italy lmao

Your English is good



he's right

>There is no such thing as famous moscovite A-ish accent.
I suppose he meant the accent of the western part of Russia. I don't know about Siberia and the Far East, but Uralian bydlos do sound different from us.

Now give me the """"western""" accent, cuz even Putin speaks indistinguishable from that.

Are you deaf or something?

Yes, we are europeans


I don't hear the difference. Maybe I am legitimately retarded, or maybe you are pretentious cuck.

Where are you from exactly?


I dunno. Maybe you're so used to hearing the standard accent on the Internet and TV that you don't even notice the difference anymore.
