Why is Russia so fucked and poor outside of Moscow and St Petersburg. Serious question. Give me an explanation...

Why is Russia so fucked and poor outside of Moscow and St Petersburg. Serious question. Give me an explanation, links to articles, names for books on the subject, etc.

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dont know but republic komi looks good
also volga german assr looked good until stalin had a brain fart, when most volga germans settled in kazakhstan, kazakhstan was a better place than russian sfsr lmao

After effects of communism. A lot of Eastern Europe is the same way. Imagine having three generations of people who were taught in schools, and brainwashed that everyone should be equal, and no matter what you do (genius doctor vs shitty doctor) you get paid absolutely the same. Of course, some (a good 20%) knew it was bullshit but had to suck it up with guns to their heads. Now imagine the old order collapsing and new one coming, a market economy, but none of these people even knew how prices are set in a market economy/etc... This led to a culture of disliking entrepreneurs, which itself led to a braindrain from 90s to 2005 or so. Russia will take two generations to fix.

same problem as niggers, they'll never amount to anything except being used as slaves by germans (tzars), jews (lenin) or georgians (stalin)

That's rude.

we deserve it

These are the regions with the most impact when they were under german rule

Just let germany annex all of it and they will prosper

a very accurate explanation. hopeless nation /thread

desu I feel like you shouldn't be talking since you were sucking Swedish cock for 200 years, and then Russian cock for 200 more years.

just look at tatarstan, they look much better than slavshit part, ven though they are muslims

Russia and eastern Europe were poor shitholes before Communism.

Too big to develop

self-deprecation can be useful when you try to improve things afterwards, but apathetic cucks like you can only whine and then do nothing.
god, i hate russian posters so much

it's big, cold, and corrupt

They weren't that far behind in some cases.
The problem is that their ruling elite held the population back for ideological reasons. They kept them as serfs instead of industrialising much sooner. Reforms were not put through because the ruling elite were fearful of losing power or too many changes.

I hate you too.

feudalism, familiarism, communism

People are fucking sheep. Well worse than in the west.
Don't ask me why.

>mother of gf lives in Russia
>lives a fucking miserable life even so she had a good education
>sees how good her daughter lives in the west while she literally eats shit, nearly loses her foot because she was kicked out of hospital because no quota etc. etc.
>she still fucking shills for Putin because he "makes Russia great again"

Russia is #1 developer of gigantic appartment blocks. These are not simple commie blocks anymore, these are whole towns. Chrushchev would be proud

it looks cool in a bizarre way

Jewish oligarchs

Slavic genes fuck everything up

Very accurate depiction.
How did you meet?
>largest territory in the world
>build gigantic monstrosities à la Hong Kong with no infrastructure because it's cheaper for construction companies
>sell flats there for exorbitant sums anyway
Everything what's wrong with us in one picture.

the Russian state was already so poor before the revolution that a quarter of their official soldiers in World War 1 were sent in battle without arms. That's pretty far behind compared to a country like the UK which had half of the world under its control

>without arms

I can tell you're some shill, probably a Pole or some such other butthurt person.

It isnt, you're just terminally retarded

Compared to the West, then.

I like Russia. I want to visit soon.

>Compared to the West
Also what are you comparing?
Ufa looks like Las Vegas compared to Hull

Not him but I was taught in school that Russian soldiers were sent in without weapons and were told to go find and pick one up. In both ww1 and ww2. This wasn't in cold war either, back in 2012/2013

why the fuck american schools even talk about russia?
like we never have american history course.

Are you a Russian diaspora fag?

It was part of world history course. WW1 and WW2 are included so Russia is obviously a necessity. Russian revolution is included too, because of the effect it had on 20th century history.

not really
but yes i am Russian

Because the land is infertility and they didn't explore other countries. All Europe would be like Russia if you didn't explore countries

>dissing Hull

why did he delte?

>the Russian state was already so poor before the revolution that a quarter of their official soldiers in World War 1 were sent in battle without arms. That's pretty far behind compared to a country like the UK which had half of the world under its control
use 4chanx so that you can read deleted posts

No idea why you're getting so butthurt because I'm not shitting on Russia with this thread.

i know what he said, i remember
but why did he deleted his post

polonium kicks in

im not mate
just trying to say that it's kind of relative and Russia has a lot of underappreciated cities

not funny ...

excuse me

This isn't Russia.

>Grozny (Russian: Гpoзный, IPA: [ˈgroznɨj]; Chechen: Гpoзный) is the capital city of the Chechen Republic, Russia.
Sorry but it is

and it has great square and four whole CGI high-risers!

they look cool

>thread is full of depressing and self-hating Russians
>the German comes here and tries to refute every assertion of the Russian self-haters

What for? Why is he doing this?

They do
I've just never seen pictures of Grozny outside of that area


I like Russia since I was there last autumn and it was great. Also learning Russian now, because I want to visit it again.

Nothing's changed since then

jews are associated more with the 1st world than russia

How about exporting potassium? Are they #2?

>jews are associated more with the 1st world than russia

Hmm. It seems someone has a low IQ here...

>russians itt agreeing with the op
>some immigrant on gibs gets butthurt
every time

you literally keep telling us the opposite. that we don't learn shit but everyone in europe and in russia knows everything

that volga "german" maybe

look at the america or israel, retard. jews are based.

>human sheep displeased at actual human going against the overwhelming reddit opinion
>it's an american flag
color me surprised
no but nice move with gibs there
real original
dumbass mutt mutant

>butthurt russian diaspora praises putin but won't go back because he likes his gibs
this user described your kind really well:

Communism gave the majority of Russians literacy, mass electrification, better living conditions and more.
Blaming communism for everything while in erality the only good things about modern Russia were made in USSR is fucking stupid. But what should I expect from ignorant westerners who were fed the "Soviet Union is bad because no private property" shit for decades.

First of all there are no gibs here. learn a thing or two about countries before you open your mouth nigger
Second of all none of what you're giving me is remotely related to me (or to you). You're literally resorting to second hand insults by some larper. Well done. Can you even form your own thoughts? Are you really this subhuman? I refuse to believe that one can be such a dumb cunt. Next time you reply to me at least put some effort into it. You pathetic runt of a man.

There used to be a bavarian dude who would post in /sg/ that was always claiming russia was superior and that he was russian and shit. It's probably him

you guys have had everything going for you, resources, ports, an educated population.. there is no reason why you shouldn't have a standard of living on par with us.