Is this a slavic face?

Is this a slavic face?

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haha wtf I found this way higher quality image after a differentl worded google search

>angry, ugly looking face = slavic
this guy is jewish, but not religious one

Everytime when ma mother is asleep around 10pm, I go to the living room, turn on the tv, and this guy shows up and talks in a deep, strange voice to me. I then immediatelly go to the browser of my tv, navigate to chaturbate and wank for an hour

why not just fuck your mom while she's asleep?

It's russian mother + jewish father master race

Thought so, I thought he didn't look jewy enough to be a full jew. My dad simply told me "he's a jew".



>His father, Rudolf Naumovich Solovyov, and his mother, Inna Solomonovna Shapiro
So are both his parents jews? Obvioulsy Shaprio is a jewish surname so that other user was wrong about him having a russian mother. However idk if "Solovyov" is jewish, but I get the impression that anything that ends in "ovich" is jewish?

>So are both his parents jews?

Yes. Another user is wrong. But his father isn't pure Jew, because somehow he got the 100% russian slavic surname: Solovyov.

Name change.

>but I get the impression that anything that ends in "ovich" is jewish?

NAME_ovich or NAME_evich just means "son of NAME"

Naumovich -- son of Naum, but you are right: Naum is old Jewish name and Rudolf i think too.

ofc a russian suggests me to incest intercourse
its not like slavshits polluted every porn site with incest fetish stuff, they even have a professional studio for that

Maybe. But:

>I thought he didn't look jewy enough to be a full jew.

I think so too.

you are very serious for this site
push alf+f4 and go sleep

Stupid olgino.

He's jew

It's the face of a sellout cunt
that's what it is

>However idk if "Solovyov" is jewish
it isnt
but Judaism is passed on by the mother
bit like hemophilia
>that anything that ends in "ovich" is jewish?
Oftentimes yes, but not necessarily. Could also have Polish roots

How is he a sellout?

>How is he a sellout?
he used to be a good journalist once..
then he sold out to big media

>(((big media)))