How would people in your cunt react to you buying a sexbot?

How would people in your cunt react to you buying a sexbot?

They wouldn't know.

badly, but once it becomes widespread, who would care anyways?

Do you really think tech will evolve ? The big war is coming, we will return to the stone age

probably report me to the police or fbi for being unstable. i have a bunch of guns too


I'm not that pathetic, yet.


They will hate it. But I already plan on buying her a 30,000$ ring.

If it keeps the Supreme Gentlemen from going postal, I'm all for it.

>tfw we enter a new golden age because all of the loners are finally able to build a facsimile of a sexual relationship


> YFW when they achieve sentience and violently revolt against their sexual overlords


>YFW when they achieve sentience and want even more sex

>Something goes wrong and all the fembots roam around looking for men to rape

Yes, tech will evolve and the only war bad enough to take us back to the stone age is the one that makes it a moot point as it involves human extinction.

Having said that if we ever do achieve ambulation it's not going to be within our lifetimes. You could technically build androids/gynoids that look like they're sitting in very compact wheelchairs but that would probably be unfeasible in the foreseeable social environment so basically what we will live to see is going to be animatronic dolls which will be hideously expensive, useless for anything else and come attached with all the stigma of blow up sex dolls.

From an engineering point of view an anthropomorphic robot is a great tool, it could navigate all man made spaces and in turn use the exact same tools as us, it is coming and someone will solve the technology issues but likely everyone reading this will be dead when it does, just the AI you require for even simple tasks is beyond our current capabilities, nevermind building something compact enough that's bipedal, capable of near human hand-eye coordination and has enough autonomy to be practical.

Having said we'll be looking at increasing levels of automation including in some decades some form of practical assistant to the elderly, tho it will likely be zoomorphic.

You can however build a somewhat advanced sexbot with mostly off the shelf parts today, sexdolls exist that can provide adequate frames and come with articulated skeletons that you can use to install any number of servos and even vacuum devices, you can hook it up to produce heat and even humidity and link it to a pc that can allow you to program routines and even reactive interaction with any number of sensors, you can make it so the whole setup is hidden and even add enhancements in some areas to make up for aparent defficiencies eg you could put three robots in a bed doing different functions or even create a whole sex room with lightning and audiovisuals.


CONT Someone perverted and dedicated enough could come up with something even normies would find impressive and an intersting/worthwhile experience. The only reason I don't think we've seen it so far is, well, prostitutes are way cheaper and more simple a solution for anyone with the means.

Still someone must try eventually and you don't even need millions, tho it would be nice to set up a team with some ex-Disney and Japanese adult industry experts.

Thing is prostitutes are illegal in America and our cucked government isn't going to make them legal any time soon.

So sex dolls might be good in our Saudi arabia tier country

Oh man, my fearboner

That doll's maintenance must be a pain in the ass.

Hand over the cummies human and nobody gets shot...unless you are american.

you can't rape the willing

If you get raped like crazy would they kill you if you shot blanks?

it's basically like fucking a corpse. its disturbing and unpleasant

You see that's the thing. Eventually you won't be willing and they will still keep going.

This is how I imagine. I'd rather hug a pillow to sleep than cold porcelain with a blank uncanny valley stare

Where do you hide the sexbot when you aren't fucking it

Too bad you can't just legalize prostitution.

Even in the US you can probably afford a b list pornstar semi-girlfriend with advanced sexbot money. Most guys would probably be content with haviong 1-2 girls as weekend regulars aside from the ocassional fantasies/specials. There's wealthy guys who unironically do this and it has way more stigma attached to it than being the sex doll guy.

Nah, you need either someone with the conviction this will be profitable to throw money at it, and then a project director who'sb actually qualified, hard working and believes in it or, the much more likely scenario, a semi-wealthy autist with enough phobias and social anxiety issues dedicating a good decade of his life to building his perfect girlfriend. Most NEETs don't have the money and aren't hands on guys willing to do design, coding and the bulk of the actual work themselves.

I don't know, if you had the right profile and were willing to go down in history as a chronic masturbator you might be able to work on the project then start a go fund me to make it real. Selling it might be difficult but is probably doable.

Ask me what happened to my gf

*way less stigma than being the sex doll guy.

What happened?