China will overtake weeb industry 2020

>China will overtake weeb industry 2020
>Still hasn't learned Chinese
My goal is to achieve HSK 6 by next year, What do you think?

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Chinese hentai overcapacity flooding the market and driving down prices cannot come soon enough

Will you learn traditional also?

Literally everything that Chinese people do is plagiarized and of lower quality.

*by 2020

Why not, I already learnt Japanese

Superior Chinese character design.

Did they manage to animate anything with more than 10minutes per episode yet?

They are already producing quite many anime, It's just Chinese is so terrible to listen to that no company would dare to import it

many stuff

>china finally begins producing games
>just in time to skip console and pc gaming straight into mobile shit
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why did this have to happen

you mad slanteye

the chink language sounds so atrocious though. i'll pass.

Somebody just has to make China cool again. People though Japanese was a weird ass language until they normalized it and made it "cool". Same thing with Korean. It's all just memes, bro.

nah, Chinese objectively sounds like shit, just like almost all SEA language

At least is sounds better than English or French.

I don't mind cantonese. It's not quite as acoustically pleasing as japanese, but I'd still watch subs
>Luk foo dim duk ho chi pop

Whereas mandarin is truly horrific
>whhrnah raa shhhrrr buuu daaao ren zzeeee arrr negga negga shrr

>China will overtake weeb industry 2020
>Still hasn't learned Chinese
fuck that shit, im sticking with Japan's weeb industry. dont want some bootleg chinese anime

I love the constant "Nigga nigga nigga nigga"

China is gonna crack down on anime within 3 years. Mark my words.

Cantonese sounds more like Vietnamese while Mandarin is

>this butthurt

Trudeau would be proud

This ones pretty good.

theyve said it since early 00s

if anything why would you side with china?

Its all the sounds involving the tongue rolling and the roof of the mouth.

Prefer speaking Shanghainese dialect because it sounds better and is easier to roll off the tongue, but that has its own problems.

I always wonder why Korea can not make a unique culture like Japan


They already did years ago. Most censors simply do not care if it is not political.

When China acquires Japanese anime studios and starts making quality anime, weaboos will be turned into sinoboos. Feels good desu.

This is pretty gud.

Chinese language sounds like shit. They should hire Japanese voice actors.


Not really.

Have you not been paying attention during the last month? Foreign acquisitions now put you on the radar to get Xi'd, so no Chinese firm is going to even entertain the thought of acquiring something as hopelessly unprofitable as an anime studio.

China is incapable of obtaining any cultural acclaim as long as the CCP rules over china.

Their music, films, and any form of expression will always be constrained to the boundaries that the CCP sets.

China can make as many ballads, or pottery, or whatever. But when it comes to culture that really makes money like films, music, etc. They'll fail.


No matter how good stuff they make I don't want to hear ching chong in anime or video games.

It's true.
Everytime China starts doing well in something they have to crack down on it, to keep it within the control of the CCP.


>tfw I will have to watch anime with subs

Explain to me, how a little nation like korea is kicking the shit out of china in anything pop culture?
From movies to music, to art.
Japan is also doing a much better job.

China, for its size, its pretty irrelevant.

hes right
its about time for you to accept this reality

Japan did the same until the 80s and that plagiarizing actually taught them the basics on a lot of shit and nowadays you have shit like Mitsubishi, Toyota, Sony and a bunch of other companies that manufacture everything from pens, to combustion engines, to CPUs, to rockets. Sometimes a bunch of those all on the same company.

not really. i wont defend japan but japan wasnt such a new country back then

japan fought in ww1 on their own for instance


Yeah, Japan did have a lot of the industrial capabilities there, and the companies I mentioned are actually from WW2 era, but during the 70s and 80s Japan had a reputation in western countries for cheap knock offs that slowly changed to high quality equipment.


glad i'm moving to China soon. China the next world power

zaibatsu companies rose in late 1800s or so
your argument is literally some stupid bullshit chink and korean americans have been trying to spread

also are all western countries really so fucking unique? theyve also stolen and shared technologies other countries invented. is it ok when a western country steals shit another western country invented?

u already learnt Japanese ?
what level of your language skill and how much Kanji you know?

China's cultural production and media is paltry for their size.
>Japanese media giant
100 points
>Chinese media
2 points
>Chinese media triples in 5 years
Still not making a dent in comparison to Japan or the west.

or korea for that matter.
China is just a failure with regards to pop-culture.

They can talk about their "5K year-old culture" but it's totally a bogus statement that mean nothing in today's world.

Woah rude. Even I dislike mand*rin sounding.

plots in Chinese anime are still shit. Even my 7yo brother can make better stories.
So it`s gonna be the offisial death of anime.

t. David Chang

chinese are not as degenerate as japs afaik
if they take over the industry where will I get my lesbian lolicon rape doujins?

>learning chinese and have a chinese gf
Even their women are better than ours