Tfw dropped out of Uni

>tfw dropped out of Uni

What am I supposed to do now Sup Forums? I'm 20 years old and I don't want to end up as a complete NEET. Please help me.

become a criminal

germany don't got no neetbux?

Dropped out of Uni and i'm 26

he said he doesn't want to be a NEET retard

you were supposed to figure that out before you drop out wtf

enroll in another degree program, preferably an easier one in case it was too hard for you

why have you been dropped out of uni?

dunno but posting about it on Sup Forums should help

I don't really want to study. This year was my first semester and I didn't like it. It felt like I was forcing myself to do everything really.

i been like that for the last 5 years of uni, and it's fucking hell.

maybe you done right

join the military.

>It felt like I was forcing myself to do everything really.
This is what life is.

Get a job. Most likely a shitty job. It will give you good perspective on what you want to do in life.

>Drop out once, first major
>Drop out twice, second major
>Try again second major
>Royally fuck up again
>Now pretending to study, Parents know nothing and expect me to finish this year

I am fucked, don't know what to do
Didn't fuck up because I was stupid, I didn't even try. I was too lazy, mentally unstable because I was too scared to fail, thats why I didn't invest time to study for exams. I should seek a psychiatrist

I thought you could get by somewhat comfortably in Europe living the NEET lifestyle.
Don't want to end up as a complete NEET? What's that supposed to mean exactly? You want to work a part-time gig?
Either go back to school or get a laid-back job in retail or customer service or some cushy bureaucratic gig.
And stop posting on Sup Forums in the meantime. This place only warps your perspective.

Are you me wtf

I want to work in a comfy office job. I don't care about the money, i just dont want to end up as a complete failure in life

>comfy office job
I have never herd anyone describe office jobs like that. But you are german, so there is the fact that you guys are robots.

most people see them that way. I work in a pretty great office now but during school I worked at a restaurant and that was honestly hell

literally, figuratively, metaphorically me

Lol, literally me. How old are you?

I don't know what to tell you, your parents will have a breakdown (well my mother, my father took it more lightly). Lying always gets you in the end, especially a lie like this (over multiple years).

And yes, look for someone to talk to. I avoided my problems for 8 years and now I'm finally able to take real action in my life.

Shit man, are you me? It's a fucking struggle to even open my books these days.

I have the perfect job for you, Hans.
What do you think about libraries? Look into circulation work. It's fucking easy, you get to interact with your community and the pay is often decent. Only downside is that here in the States, the work is part time. But you can double up or request more hours if you're really yearning to work.
Something to look into, of course.

>tfw dropped out of Uni
>with literally one semester left

All i have left in order to complete my BS in Electrical Engineering are 3 courses. I've already taken all the required internships too. And the best part;

>its been 4 years

anyone else as much of a retarded cuckshit as I am?

>studied tax law
>half my class was like 50 years old

wtf how's that even possible
I am technically approaching sixth semester, 21yo
>your parents will have a breakdown
I would rather die than telling them tbqh

Be thankful you're not American, because here if you did that you would have basically no choice but to join the military. Its super hard to figure out what you want to do and just go back to school for it, school is expensive, rent is expensive, jobs don't pay shit...

why'd you do it user?

Well, I spend 5 years on my thesis after I already finished all subjects.

Holy shit this is pretty much what I've done. I failed my final year of uni last year because I just lost the will to do anything. Breaking the news to my parents was probably the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. I was fortunate enough to convince my uni that I only failed because of social anxiety and I was given a chance to repeat the year but I've pretty much done the exact same thing again this year.

How the fuck do you lie about going to uni? Do you not live with your parents?

But I already had a bachelor degree.

I was in exactly the same place. Is there anyone you trust that you can talk about this before you build up the courage to tell your parents? It really helps a lot getting it out.

Habe mein Abitur nachgeholt und bin einmal sitzen geblieben, und bin gerade erst 20 geworden

The thought of this happening is absolutely mind blowing. My mother would start having to pay back my student loans if I drop out. I wouldn't be able to live in this city anymore as my housing is on-campus. There's so many ways for them to find out, I know a lot of them don't apply in Europe but damn.

Do American students not live away from their parents when they go to university? Usually people here study at a university that is completely different from their hometown, one of the best parts of uni life is living with complete freedom.

>implying that a complete NEET is something bad

sag doch einfach, dass du endgültig nicht bestanden hast und deswegen exmatrikuliert wirst...

In all seriousness, can't you just pick your study up again?

I'm pretty sure there are lots of students who have a study delay. In the Netherlands a quarter of the students even switches studies.

go back to uni. why'd you drop out?

>I would rather die than telling them tbqh
I'm sure given the option, your parents would say having abdul al hans commit suicide was a much easier on them than you telling them you failed college.

Stop bitching like a tard. You are young, plenty of time to even decide your life, you sound like a teenage girl. You fall, get up and move on, or is this something unheard off in germnay?


What were your majors?

Uni isn't free in America and most Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck so in most cases living totally free of your parents just isn't a financial possibility

You should meditate before studying desu. It helps to calm down and clear your mind a bit.

most American students go away from home, even to another state as it's sorted looked down upon in some schools to go to your own state university

I think he's expecting Germans to live at home for school as that's the impression most of us have of them

What the fuck why are people from developed countries so fucking spoiled
Good things in life have a price, if you're not willing to pay the price then give up and become a loser

21 year old is nothing, you shouldn't be having this level of anxiety. Actually you should, but it is a good sign as at your age you have not committed any serious mistakes you can't fix.

I am 27 years old. I literally lied to my parents twice about studying, barely passing enough credits to stay on paper at the university. I dropped out twice in the third year. First time was crazy, but you wouldn't believe the amount of pain I inflicted the second time it happened.

I am a bit better now, I can deal with this, but hopefully my story will show you that there are people with far worse life choices if only to make you feel better about your own. I guess at least I can be useful in that way :(

Not really, standard NEET package in Norway will net you around 1400 US Dollars a month. You can live on this but it won't be comfortable.
Comparatively I work at a electronics store at the moment and make around 3000 US Dollars.

>I think he's expecting Germans to live at home for school as that's the impression most of us have of them
you couldn't be more wrong
approx. 100% of all students in Germany don't live with their parents

I dropped out after 9 years of schooling to become a suicidal schizoid that lives on welfare.

>as it's sorted looked down upon in some schools to go to your own state university
Are you out of your god dam mind, you know how expensive it is to go to college in another state?

Third worlders here give up before they even begin.

Talk to us, we all know what you must feel like.

Other than that, our Uni offered a psychologist of some sort who you could just vent out on

Und dann? Mein Abi schnitt is 3,2 wer würde so jemanden einstellen?

The past 3 months I've been forcing myself to do everything. I'm tired of montone learning bullshit. I want to work and earn money

3k a month?

Living the yes sweden dream.

mir doch egal kümmer dich selbst drum wenn du mir so dumm kommst

Then you should do so.

I thought in Germany you had free universities right?
So you could just study part time as well.

Yes, the numbers I listed are after taxes.

Become one of those dudes that climbs TV towers
Start by becoming a crane operator

lol you're living better than most people I know your age even with degrees. Your job here would pay about $1000 a month if that. Very lucky.

Tut mir leid, es ist halt nur dass ich diese Panick attacken bekomme wenn ich über meine Zukunft nachdenke.

Not free, annual semester fees of around 300 euros

In the Netherlands you can't even get welfare before the age of 27. Unless your disabled.

The sad thing is your parents probably worked pretty hard to give you a decent chance in life and now not only is your life a complete wash, so are the fruits of your parents' labor.
Yes, seek a psychiatrist

I burnt out, and assumed that a semester off would be all that I needed to get my mind right. That semester became a year spent in Australia, another two years spent procrastinating and idly travelling around the world to stave off the anxiety of realizing that I'm wasting time doing nothing productive. This may will mark four years since i put my college career on pause.

Oh.... wow.

University isn't free here either, students here usually get loans from the government to cover their tuition fees and living costs. Although you don't have to pay these loans back until you're earning a certain amount and the debt gets cleared if you don't pay it off within 30 years of graduating. Most students end up living in university accomodation for the first year (assuming the university has that), then renting a nearby house with some friends for the next two or three years. There are a few students that may be local and still live with their parents, but it's very rare considering university years are when most people try to fuck as many people as they can and trying to do that while living in your parents' house would be awkward.

>annual semester fees of around 300 euros
Doesn't seem that much.

>I failed my final year of uni last year because I just lost the will to do anything

This. I felt indescribably fatigued by it all.

>tfw drop out 2x from same program

t-third time's the charm, r-right Sup Forums?

Just pretending to leave the house, and wasting time in the mall or train, I literally feel like a refugee, they do the same shit.
Nah no chance, I will just tell them it takes longer than expected. Probably suffer under trust issues on top, can't even trust my parents anymore, because I deluded myself into thinking they want to harm me and destroy all my stuff, when I fuck up
Bekomme nächstes Jahr kein Bafög mehr, muss also schauen wie ich um die Runden komme, meine Eltern sind auch nicht wirklich wohlhabend
I live with my parents, so its easier to cover it up
I dont know what to say to this 2bh, but you are completely right
mech eng and then maths
> but it is a good sign as at your age you have not committed any serious mistakes you can't fix.
Won get student bux, accumulated 10k debt, that I will have to pay back as soon as I enter decent paying job
I will try to get back on track in Oktober though
Yea I know, its fucked up situation

Why is life so hard for us in the 1st world?

Its much when you have to work to pay for rent, car fees, food, free time activites and the state gives me a bullshit amount of 400 euros only to help me. I feel burned out. I could just work right now and actually live a decent life.

ah yes, good old working class virtue signalling

In an upper middle class school districts, people look down on people remaining in their own state and their own state schools in particular. It's even more brutal at prep schools

That's so much cheaper than here.

In the Netherlands it's about 2000 euros a year + books. Which is manageable.

But if you already finished a study then it becomes 9000 euros a year. So if you ever want to switch careers your in trouble.

People have comfortable upbringings and can coast through most of early life, the moment they actually have to something relatively difficult they struggle.

desu I'm 21 and in school right now except my parents are paying $15k a year so I can be on Sup Forums all day
I'm doing pretty well overall but honestly I'm not developing any good study habits which is why I'm terrified I'll end up in your boat
Good luck user, I hope your situation improves. Maybe a trade degree?
Either way, this thread has unironically made me re-evaluate what I'm spending my free time on. I'm going to stay off Sup Forums until April.

Well, I don't complaint. But practically every job that requires a degree will pay a lot more here, doesn't really matter what people in the US make to me.

But this isn't the problem for me, it is the acceptance that my life will be hard and I most likely won't experience things like family and children. Maybe things will change, but statistically I am in the danger zone.

I decided a while back not to kill myself out of respect for my parents (this came after a semi-religious experience I had at a funeral), but it's hard to live with regrets about the past and anxiety about the future.

Germany is pretty cheap when it comes to living

OP You need that degree. or you'll be 30 like me and still living with parents


>tfw know a 32 y/o grad school dropout who is literally making $3600 a month because of depression
>depression literally wins you NEETbux with the US government

I'm not even mad. I'm just trying to figure out how he was able to convince Uncle Sam to payout almost $4000 a month in disability payments because of MUH DEPRESSION

I have a friend who doesn't work or study at all. He used to live on neetbux (when that was still possible). But now he lives off his girlfriend.

There is literally no way he gets anywhere near $1000+ in disability.

>Maybe a trade degree?
Too late to apply this year
>Either way, this thread has unironically made me re-evaluate what I'm spending my free time on. I'm going to stay off Sup Forums until April.
Yeah Sup Forums is time consuming, but even without this shitty site, I would have found another way to waste time and procrastinate
Anyway good luck to you, dont fuck up like I did

>still got 1.5 years of uni minimum
end me

>In an upper middle class school districts
Ah, so that is what you mean. That is something the majority of people don't give a fuck about, thought you meant a common belief among the rest of the people.

Sorry to hear you are stuck with wanna be rich town.

This. Maybe that poster comes from some rust belt shithole in the Midwest, but the place im from (admittedly snooty and vain Connecticut town full of well-to-do east coasters), staying in state is quietly looked down upon unless it's Yale.

I will consider it, never tried it actually

>staying in state is quietly looked down upon
Yeah if you live in a shitty state.


Get a part time job?

The way I paid for college was through my shit end job in a warehouse. They had a program that the company pays for your classes/books at the end of every year if you got good grades, if you didn't they didnt pay you. You didn't had to be a full time student and can get your degree on anything.

Milked it for all its worth because very, very few people would take advantage of it due to being a shit end job where people lose hope.

>only 9k euros a year
Lucky you.

Not me.

t. finishing up a second degree with plans to do a masters

>this fucking thread
oh my god wh*Toids are such a bunch of sissy losers

He's talking out of his ass or he's scamming the government and will get arrested for fraud within the next 10 years.

>tfw working full time and going to two different schools(taking 6 classes)
Wanna know a trick kid. Cheat.

Im friends with his younger brother and showed me a pic his statements, and at the first of every month is a federal deposit in his bank to the tune of a hair above $3600. I didn't pry but was puzzled since his brother looks very healthy physically, and other than being a bit shy and reclusive, doesn't look like the sort of case that would justify that kind of disability check

How generous are NEETbux in the Netherlands?

>I decided a while back not to kill myself
Just yesterday I planned my suicide to the very last detail
Scary shit, went to the gym to clear my head, now I am fine

70% of the minimum wage.

The minimum wage is 1550 euro a month + a summer bonus of 1 months salary.

Don't bother with uni. If you want to get a shitty job that will be infested with feminists and nerds in a decade or so, then go ahead. But you should honestly go for a trade. That's what a real man does. I do bricklaying. Good money, good activity, horrible people though.

Connecticut. An absolute statelet, but I wouldn't call it shitty.

Not in a world where the entire South exists.

state schools are like 8000$/year. I get paid 2000$/year to attend school here because of a simple scholarship.