Why are East Asians so brachycephalic?

Why are East Asians so brachycephalic?

damn ivanka is pretty

i dunno senpai, i had to look up the meaning of your very specific wording found gook tho; plz halp.
hah, mah nigger, i luv ivanka lonk tyme

she looks like a lizard

I wonder if Melania is jealous of Ivanka-kun

middle aged or old chubby people all look like that
e.g drumpof

what is that?

righto boy.
well, we all know hillary is jealous. what with billy and his ten mile gaze at the presidential inauguration.


Broad short skull

Ivanka, by contrast, has a long thin skull

I unironically think Hillary-sama has the cute, kind grandmother look

1. short heda

2. culture of kill

3. they savage

>culture of kill

Thanx I learned a new word.

goddamn ivanka is 5'11 without heels. she's only like a couple inches shorter than the donald

Because they do not have extreme diversity of blood, there are few patterns of face.

To accommodate a large brain.

So they're pure.

Plastic surgery did her wonders. She looked so fucking weird before.

purely inbred

So diversity is good.