America will be a supershooter by 2030

America will be a supershooter by 2030

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Will the Lolis be safe?

I hope so. Post lolis.


perfect situation according to gun advocates

a great thread by the greatest country

Glocks are for faggots.

Eventually there'll be multiple unrelated shootings happening at the same school and the shooters will take each other out. Problem solves.

God i wish that were me


>girls in uniform getting brained
not a fan

has brazil had any school massages?

inb4 anime where the school kids a shoot each other
Oh wait-

I wish real life was 2D

fuck these are cringy

Why is a Nipponese qt in the based black uniform flipping her shit?

that's the point

i can only recall this one



>...Islam, which he had converted to two years beforehand, after having been a Jehovah's Witness for the rest of his life.

Japs make anything cringy.

I found the twitchy hands up rather theatrical.