And I'm supposed to walk 6 km's to work now. Fuck this shithole

And I'm supposed to walk 6 km's to work now. Fuck this shithole

There's raging winds out here and I can't see anything through all the snow fog, I think I'd take the cold over it.

My hands and feet go numb in a matter of minutes at temperatures like this despite the thick clothing, especially at the morning when my circulation is still bad. I'd take raging wind over amputated fingers

>whiny faggots and immigrants from h*lsinki are freezing to death


Someone post the picture where Canadian, Brit and Australian react to different temperatures

The faster you move the warmer you'll be. Nothing like a healthy 5km jog to start a day.

I'm going for shopping now to get grocery and stuff. I wish it was warmer outside.

>Have to walk about 15m to my car

>The faster you move the warmer you'll be. Nothing like a healthy 5km jog to start a day.
You'll be sweaty as hell and have to have a shower. Not every office have showers available.


How do prevent death in that temperature (in case it's not imminent)?


Works at slightly below 0 temperatures, but not -20

Thanks user


using a 50cc scooter is the best choice to get to work
tho its too cold to do it

>Go to bathroom
>Take shirt off
>Apply water from sink to self
>Apply soap
>Apply more water
>Apply paper towels
>Repeat with pants if necessary
>Hope nobody walks in
Did this at my gym all the time. At worst I'd just joke about it if someone walked in anyway

But you have metro all around


Just put on some clothes (long underwear and scarf are a must) and don't be a pussy

Nigga, why don't just take the bus or something

>almost march
>being supposed to be warm as comfy

Oh boy I would take one if there were bus stops anywhere near I'm going

Nigga it's not like you live in Lapland. Even if you did, ride a reindeer.

>97% humidity
I wish the freezing temperatures would come back. This is the worst sort of weather, when it's dreadfully cold but also damp as fuck.

Yeah it's all good, I'm buying a car anyway. The shitty winter wont last long

Yeah but the RH inside is like 15-20% which makes my lips crack and throat sore

And this is the warmest winter for the last 10 years in Russia

Why not spend some money on a humidifier?

What was snowfall like? We've had some more mild winters recently, snow would fall and then melt so it may as well have still been Autumn with all the visible greenery.


Not every office has a gym / shower.

>And this is the warmest winter for the last 10 years in Russia
Really? It was about +6°c last year on new-year holidays here. This winter is much colder. Fucking hate it.

it's too hot here
sweating like a mf

It gets upto 40 in March/April

I will concede that it did get a bit chilly this morning. Might need to look for my winter boots and start wearing gloves.
Nigger just eat something if your tgat cold, I don't know, put on some fat maybe? Are you some kind of an immigrant, that -19 is so bad for you?

Enjoy your frost bites, I'm going for a jog at the park


Winter is always better than summer.

>jog in a park
>RealFeel™ at 40c
>it's actually higher than normal body temperature
Yeah nah suck dick

this is nothing

No, this can be done at basically any public bathroom was my point

>state of the hellsink sissies

Winter comes and eradicates the weak, sadly nowadays even the weakest are allowed to survive and whine on the internet.

dumb bönde
-20 on the coast is equivalent to -30 inland

>especially at the morning when my circulation is still bad
Drink one or two glass of water in the morning. It really help to wake up too



Yah not

t.originally Helsinki, studying in Oulu

Oulu is coastal you dingus

This:D suzuki PV is the bestest :D

31 degrees is too hot desu, i prefer it to be cold, at least you can actually do something about that here.

Yeah if you live on the coast. Not everyone does.

>tfw it's currently minus 4 degrees
>tfw I have to go to college in an hour

>mfw i realize i dont own a moped anymore...

skin on my palms is cracking

That's the back of your hand m8. Get some hand creme.

atleast it's sunny outside


>scooeter when it's freezing outside
do you want to kill him?

fucking every single winter all these nerds has to come here and have some kind of dick measuring contest of who likes to freeze their ass of the most
well done guys we are all proud of you

Shoutenings to weak helsinki tap water goblin soy boys:D