
Last /éire/ishman alive edition
Official "press F to pay respect" sub-edition

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"Oh hi there wagie! Desperate snowy weather we are having! What? You have to go into work today?! Ha! That's too bad! Il do what I always do. Play my comfy vidya and read some top tier history to increase my mind. Too bad Mr Shekelburg didn't give you the day off. Il happily stay at home and have warm tendies by the fire all curled up in my comfy blanky. Stacy is coming around later and we will cuddle together by the fire eating smores. Go on now wagecuck. It's time to go work. But us neets get to stay at home. Another day another dollar wagie!"

But I'm working from home today NEET

What are you working on?

Doing tax reports and whatnot

>top tier history
Which book(s)?

Do you wear a muumuu?

Please puta i work in Irish boat with mostly Irish crew and complain more about the cold then me a Português.

No but I could do with a lemonade and a beer

No snow here overnight but got a nice shower there a while ago. It's been a good day so far, how's everyone else surviving?





With hot tea and lots of cloths , I found the Irish weather very decent desu.

>he doesn't have microwaveable socks

>microwaveable socks
Is this some "Americans keep their shoes in the fridge" level memery?

>get out of bed
>look out the curtains
>snow everywhere, road and roofs are completely white
It's beautiful, lads. I haven't seen anything like it in about 6 years. I wasn't expecting it to actually stick. And now if the family starts nagging me about applying to jobs I can tell them I'm not going out in that snow.

It's really nice looking out lads.

Keep warm, unless you're a knacker and overall horrible human being who uses drugs and treats people badly then you can fuck off and freeze.

want to play in the snow but there are children outside

Afraid they'll beat you up?

yeah of course

Sneak out and steal the bread from their undefended houses, they'll be dead by morning.

Who /statusredweatherwarning/ here? It'll be alright as long as I've got me bread.

>Next 3 days off work
>Snuggling up under my bedsheets
>Playing Demon's Souls before the severs shut down
Who /comfy/ here

laighin must suffer

This is quality satire.

Excellent post.

>country going into lockdown because of a few cm of snow


As is tradition

You'd know it's mainly the east coast that has been hit too because the media just won't shut the fuck up about "atrocious" the conditions in Dublin are.

I hate you.


>very busy place
>hundreds of thousands of people commuting to it for their jobs
>more than anywhere else in the country
>the media just won't shut the fuck up about "atrocious" the conditions in Dublin are.
>not trying to get the word out to as many as possible so they don't have incidents on the roads
>not informing them of more snow fall
>still have to shit post about Dublin
You don't miss a chance at it

>still have to shit post about Dublin
You got me there. Still, it's a bit much to hate me for something so trivial.

Not really when it's constant.
You wouldn't mind being pricked in the side once but if someone did it every time they could, then that's another story.

never too much hate for an anime poster

I'll try to tone it down in that case. You can't make me like Dublin though.

Hating somebody for being repetitive is somewhat reasonable. Hating somebody for posting images on an imageboard is retarded.

20c here benders

Who else /dead/ here?

No, I'm still quite alive.

Went out for a walk in the snow. Nice and mushy, and it makes everything look nice. The one problem is it's so bright because of the white colour, it's hard to get used to being indoors again afterwards.

Do you hear the people sing?!

Singing is forbidden.

Only on the inside, my friend

>Make lunch
>Semi-special occasion
>Eat a bit
>Throw up immediately afterwards
Do you live in a more rural area where you night see white fields?

Done doing your taxes I suppose?

>Do you live in a more rural area where you night see white fields?
Sadly, no. But there are some trees on the route that looked nice coated in snow.

Is something upsetting you?

>Done doing your taxes I suppose?
That wasn't me.


>The one problem is it's so bright because of the white colour
Was out in it at 4am last night when I randomly woke up and I was surprised how bright it was for that time of night due to the white snow & street light combination, pretty nice experience

Wear sunglasses

>The Dáil was suspended this afternoon after a row erupted over Fianna Fáil TD Marc MacSharry making an "anti-Semitic" remark about the Government.
>The Sligo TD made the charge that the Government was like Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.

What's wrong with Dublin? Convince me to move to where you are

>Convince me to move to where you are
Not him but urban for work and rural for living. Best combo desu.

>What's wrong with Dublin?
Ugly, dirty city full of self-righteous leftists, West Brits, and junkies. Even Dublin knackers/scumbags seem to be considerably worse than those you find elsewhere in Ireland. I also dislike the arrogant, couldn't-care-less attitude that most Dubs have with regard to the rest of the country.

Maybe it's you that should be trying to sell my on Dublin.


Move here and be the change you want to see :)

why is it controversial to say people who speak Irish are more Irish than people who don't

Rate my OC

You couldn't pay me enough to live there.

Some people are very insecure about what it means to be Irish.

What is the ideal number of cows to have?

it's more important somebody else doesn't have them, cf. the táin

Also what show is this?


Amazingly good post.

Fairly decent/10
Did you make the glowing eyes Adams yourself?


Yes. It had always been my intention but I wasn't sure how to do it, but I messed with a few options in GNU image manipulation program and found that I could put a lens flare over each eye.

It is the year 2019 AD. One year after the icy land of Ireland was dominated by lords of the ovens.

What's up with West Munster?

I like Brennans for sandwiches, but does anybody else find that it makes a weird smell when toasted?

Canon reason: Kerrygold funds local baker warlords to fend off Pat and Brennans incursions.
Aesthetic reason: Didn't look good dividing them between the two superpowers. I was going to include other brands but McCambridges clashes with Brennans as both are made in Dublin, Irish Pride is from Wexford I think but I didn't learn that until after I was mostly done.
Actual reason: I never again want to edit the Cork and Kerry coastline.

I haven't noticed I'm afraid. But I swear if I do notice in the future and can't unsmell then I'll be very upset with you.


What do you make of Dermot's hurling skills?

already sick of the snow meme now

The swing was poor, but the tactics were solid. Quality political commentary too.

Spicy,great work
Good job


Would it be dodgy to walk home from the Olympia after the Everything Everything gig tonight? It's about an hour long walk back. I reckon if I wrap up warm it'll be grand but I've already got a bit of a cold as it is

Fuck lads.
Pubs is closed and I've used the last of the drink in the press

Explain yourself outsider.
What is this sorcery you do bring before us?

A bit of the drink every now and then is good but you shouldn't let yourself become an alcoholic.

Holidays or exapt? Either way how comfy is Hong Kong, I've always wanted to go

Too late, I'm usually borderline blackout by this point in the day3 pints most days at lunch and then I try to stay somewhat aware for the last few hours of work
Once I get home I drop off my bag and things and walk down to the pub

Flights getting cancelled

City is gonna be closed until Friday

Fucks sake

It's starting to snow again.

>tfw no qt gf to play in the snow with, then come home, drink hot chocolate and cuddle as you watch the snow fall.

It fucking hurts lad. I walked by a load of lads with girlfriends taking photos in the snow
I just want a fucking blond gf with snowflakes in her hair ffs

>City is gonna be closed until Friday
That's no bad thing.

There was a lovely looking blizzard there a while ago. I'm surprised how much snow is still outside considering how little it's snowed here.

>the Defence Forces were called in the south-east
This has gone too far.

>Northern Ireland not Ormo or Hovis

ye might die lad

The snow does a really good job of hiding all the scum and dirt.

Do all french people smell really bad?

What about that dark grey snow you see build up on streets and under cars?

Shut the window



Jesus Christ, don't look THAT closely.


>Cork Winter Olympian
>looks like stereotypical stoner
>speaks in thick American accent
Explain yourselves.