
homo edition


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I read that as "olive olive vine grape olive salt mediterranean fish sparta mousaka basilicum and massive debt"

>fingol trying to be funny

Yeah you're right, sorry about that

Sorry about your muslims, too

here's ur (You) my fren :)

Băligaria, un ținut locuit de turci şi miniturci

Bulgarians fear the Romanian warrior

More like burglars

at least you can write



i want to be impregnated by a turkish warrior

>Our hearts are with My 600-lb Life star James K and his family on Jan. 3, after fans learned that he's in the midst of a health crisis. A reddit user revealed that James is not in good shape, writing, "I just found out from the My 600-lb Life discussion group on Facebook that I'm a part of that [James' girfriend] Lisa posted on Facebook that James is in the ICU in Houston with kidney failure, sepsis, and fatty cirrhosis of the liver. I checked it out myself and it's true. I don't think he's going to make it, guys."


Oh, and by the way, he has a girlfriend and kids. You don't. Ha ha.



"Eating to live or living to eat?"

do romanians really sniff on glue?

When I was in Bucharest and was getting the free walking tour of the city, some gypsy kid came into the middle of our group and started asking for money. When the tour guide told it to fuck off (gently, under the gasping Australian tourist eyes), the kid came back, took out a plastic bad and started breathing from it, no emotion on its face, looking the guide guy in his eyes.

gypsies here used to sniff glue, too, 20 years ago

make this with greek teacher and little balcan turklers

hobos but not that much nowadays

seen some poor fella some weeks ago, he just lost it, he was screaming like he was about to die while looking up into the sky

what did you wear in Byzantine times?

kaftans and leather hats

glue smells weird, I prefer gasoline

lel that'd be actually accurate

this was bulgar peasant clothing?

Bulgars were not peasants, slavs were the peasants. But yeah, it's not gonna work.

to which creatures did Greeks introduce their alphabet?

we wore kalpaks and fez

no one lol, they invented Glagolithic and tried to push it to the Moravians

that retarded frog will be albanian
because they use latin alphabet

and here is the same guy, profile


iki that you? you can't draw that good.


makes something like fez colour it - bulgar - shqiptar - turkler
on the board - a greak word or the alphabet

i just have to change details

what about nameshields on the desks?
i think albanian - turk - bulgar would be better

add albo ears to the alboapu kek

Why is hiroshimoot racist towards Greeks lads?
Chinky cunt forced me to renew my pass again after range banning.

jealousy, greek civilization was more profilic and important

Thank you Bulgarian Gorillaa, please fuck my ass

Add this
Εν τουτω νιkα

what rangeban?

true, even though chinks had the best second civilization and the best asian civilization


Εν τούτω νίkα or ΕΝ ΤΟΥΤΩ ΝΙΚΑ
giou sabhiuman

what is the meaning?

Some greek ISPs were rangebanned, same thing as around a year ago.

work of art

post Byzantine empire map

wtf, don't you speak greek?



it must be one where bulgars became more human

In my name you shall conquer
With this you will conquer


it's "In hoc signo vinces" in latin
"In this sign you will conquer"
"In this, conquer"

now text change

plis doesn't look like that you dumb armenoid roach

i am not armenoid (thank god)

we don't deserve iki
but we need him

So you are still a roach.
Iki is that you posting a new IP?

>but we need him
I personally don't need him. Cancer is to be removed. It has no positive value.


does it look like written Greek?

I am a pure Caucasian
thus more human than you

nobody in my family died from cancer


with this symbol?

which text looks better
thick one or normal?

yeah christ's monogram is alright
normal one looks better
you don't write in bold


Make the hagia sofia church there not this catholic abomination

now start editing the other apus
made the beat up one a turk, make him super hairy
other one can be bulgarian, just give him chinky eyes

>,,Pycијa нeмa ништo пpoтив нaшaтa интeгpaцијa вo EУ, нo нe paзмиcлyвa пoзитивнo нa нaшaтa интeгpaцијa вo HATO. Hиe имaмe дoбap oднoc co Pycијa. Ho тиe тpeбa дa ce cвecни дeкa нeмa дpyгa aлтepнaтивa зa нaшaтa дpжaвa ocвeн EУ и HATO интeгpaцијaтa.’’ - Зopaн Зaeв

Kazanboy BTFO

now architecture

this is the most difficult part
giving all the savages their own characteristics
will make it in last part

also this

we had it in school
architecture was very advanced for its time
earth quake proof

Bcички интepвютa c кaндидaти, пoдaли мoлбa зa пpoмянa нa гpaждaнcтвoтo cи, нacpoчeни зa 07 мaй 2018 г. ce пpeнacoчвaт зa 11 мaй 2018 г., пopaди oбявявaнeтo нa 07 мaй 2018 г. зa нepaбoтeн дeн в Peпyбликa Бългapия. Чacoвeтe зa пpoвeждaнe нa интepвю нa 11 мaй 2018 г. щe ce cпaзвaт в peдa, в кoйтo ca били oпpeдeлeни зa 07 мaй 2018 г.

i didnt know they built it so fast
6 years

we would live in a better future
if Alexander the Great would have exterminated the European savages instead of conquering the sand people

you work too slowly, Iki
I go out to buy martenitsi, you should have it finished by the time I'm back.

Start drawing faggot I'm waiting for your art skills

use the Greek name for your food



This pic reminded me this


that'd make a dope chest or back tattoo
but i think thieves in law prefer russian (slavshit) church architecture

did it have a cross on top?

I think so yeah
better add one just in case


looks good
are you gonna color it?

>giving the retard attention to spam the same shit 100 times

t. triggered whitecap

I am Greek.

Iki never uses a period larper

fyromian subhuman

keep giving replies to every post where he adds a line then

I will give him suggestions too. ikibey is making the Mona Lisa of balk now

You're witnessing a moment in history


>t. I suck retard Turkish cock

Ikibey is a Greek artist

iki needs medical help not (You)s