Small reminder

Just a small reminder that we belong to no continent. If you think otherwise, you deserve a bomb under your car seat.

Okay but Malta is European

>that flag

What defines your country then?

One bomb for you.

I predicted this message, by that flag.

The Mediterranean.

>daddy's special little boy: the flag

Fuck off Malta is an italian colony and we need you to be the barrier for all the african refugees

Fucking hell, it looks exactly like that. DELET


FUCK YOU! If we were a part of Italy, Malta would've already been long lost to them.

Many nations fit that description unless you refer to being surrounded by the mediterranean. Honestly I don't think Malta is that special. What percentage of people actually speak Maltese as first language? I'd think it is similar to the situation with Irish speakers in Ireland and Scottish in Scotland and so forth.

Whatever you say vertical poland

Every Maltese person speaks Maltese actually.

Please unite with Italy

One bomb for you.

i unironically really really love malta
have fond memories of visiting valetta


It's ok if you don't want to, but what is reason for that?

Hello your majesty.

They'd turn us in to an Alcatraz for immigrants.

Oh shit that would be terrible, I hope you will stay independant than.

Malta is African.

We will.

One bomb for you.

Why are there so many of you here?

I like Malta flag, I think it's cute :3

In this thread? It's all me. I have a lot of time on my hands.

Not a fan of the cross desu.

in melbourne where I live, should have been more specific

Ahh. Emigration that peaked in the 60's. I believe there's around 100k Maltese/of Maltese descent in Australia. Largest Maltese
community out of Malta. Here, almost everyone has relatives in Australian, including myself. How are they?
Also who actually believed my continent bullshit truly deserves a bomb. We're European and a bomb for anyone who says otherwise.

>We're European and a bomb for anyone who says otherwise.

The dane said you were european and you assigned a bomb to him. I'm scared, i don't know what to say.

They're alright, they really like fishing and guns and shit. Explains your bomb fetish maybe

Don't be.

My bomb thing is a reference to the bombed journalist.